The BERT family of neural language models have become highly popular due to their ability to provide sequences of text with rich context-sensitive token encodings which are able to generalise well to many NLP tasks. We introduce gaBERT, a monolingual BERT model for the Irish language. We compare our gaBERT model to multilingual BERT and the monolingual Irish WikiBERT, and we show that gaBERT provides better representations for a downstream parsing task. We also show how different filtering criteria, vocabulary size and the choice of subword tokenisation model affect downstream performance. We compare the results of fine-tuning a gaBERT model with an mBERT model for the task of identifying verbal multiword expressions, and show that the fine-tuned gaBERT model also performs better at this task. We release gaBERT and related code to the community.
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We present temporally layered architecture (TLA), a biologically inspired system for temporally adaptive distributed control. TLA layers a fast and a slow controller together to achieve temporal abstraction that allows each layer to focus on a different time-scale. Our design is biologically inspired and draws on the architecture of the human brain which executes actions at different timescales depending on the environment's demands. Such distributed control design is widespread across biological systems because it increases survivability and accuracy in certain and uncertain environments. We demonstrate that TLA can provide many advantages over existing approaches, including persistent exploration, adaptive control, explainable temporal behavior, compute efficiency and distributed control. We present two different algorithms for training TLA: (a) Closed-loop control, where the fast controller is trained over a pre-trained slow controller, allowing better exploration for the fast controller and closed-loop control where the fast controller decides whether to "act-or-not" at each timestep; and (b) Partially open loop control, where the slow controller is trained over a pre-trained fast controller, allowing for open loop-control where the slow controller picks a temporally extended action or defers the next n-actions to the fast controller. We evaluated our method on a suite of continuous control tasks and demonstrate the advantages of TLA over several strong baselines.
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Social insects such as ants communicate via pheromones which allows them to coordinate their activity and solve complex tasks as a swarm, e.g. foraging for food. This behaviour was shaped through evolutionary processes. In computational models, self-coordination in swarms has been implemented using probabilistic or action rules to shape the decision of each agent and the collective behaviour. However, manual tuned decision rules may limit the behaviour of the swarm. In this work we investigate the emergence of self-coordination and communication in evolved swarms without defining any rule. We evolve a swarm of agents representing an ant colony. We use a genetic algorithm to optimize a spiking neural network (SNN) which serves as an artificial brain to control the behaviour of each agent. The goal of the colony is to find optimal ways to forage for food in the shortest amount of time. In the evolutionary phase, the ants are able to learn to collaborate by depositing pheromone near food piles and near the nest to guide its cohorts. The pheromone usage is not encoded into the network; instead, this behaviour is established through the optimization procedure. We observe that pheromone-based communication enables the ants to perform better in comparison to colonies where communication did not emerge. We assess the foraging performance by comparing the SNN based model to a rule based system. Our results show that the SNN based model can complete the foraging task more efficiently in a shorter time. Our approach illustrates that even in the absence of pre-defined rules, self coordination via pheromone emerges as a result of the network optimization. This work serves as a proof of concept for the possibility of creating complex applications utilizing SNNs as underlying architectures for multi-agent interactions where communication and self-coordination is desired.
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This chapter sheds light on the synaptic organization of the brain from the perspective of computational neuroscience. It provides an introductory overview on how to account for empirical data in mathematical models, implement them in software, and perform simulations reflecting experiments. This path is demonstrated with respect to four key aspects of synaptic signaling: the connectivity of brain networks, synaptic transmission, synaptic plasticity, and the heterogeneity across synapses. Each step and aspect of the modeling and simulation workflow comes with its own challenges and pitfalls, which are highlighted and addressed in detail.
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In recent years, multilingual pre-trained language models have gained prominence due to their remarkable performance on numerous downstream Natural Language Processing tasks (NLP). However, pre-training these large multilingual language models requires a lot of training data, which is not available for African Languages. Active learning is a semi-supervised learning algorithm, in which a model consistently and dynamically learns to identify the most beneficial samples to train itself on, in order to achieve better optimization and performance on downstream tasks. Furthermore, active learning effectively and practically addresses real-world data scarcity. Despite all its benefits, active learning, in the context of NLP and especially multilingual language models pretraining, has received little consideration. In this paper, we present AfroLM, a multilingual language model pretrained from scratch on 23 African languages (the largest effort to date) using our novel self-active learning framework. Pretrained on a dataset significantly (14x) smaller than existing baselines, AfroLM outperforms many multilingual pretrained language models (AfriBERTa, XLMR-base, mBERT) on various NLP downstream tasks (NER, text classification, and sentiment analysis). Additional out-of-domain sentiment analysis experiments show that \textbf{AfroLM} is able to generalize well across various domains. We release the code source, and our datasets used in our framework at
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数据质量是发展医疗保健中值得信赖的AI的关键因素。大量具有控制混杂因素的策划数据集可以帮助提高下游AI算法的准确性,鲁棒性和隐私性。但是,访问高质量的数据集受数据获取的技术难度的限制,并且严格的道德限制阻碍了医疗保健数据的大规模共享。数据合成算法生成具有与真实临床数据相似的分布的数据,可以作为解决可信度AI的发展过程中缺乏优质数据的潜在解决方案。然而,最新的数据合成算法,尤其是深度学习算法,更多地集中于成像数据,同时忽略了非成像医疗保健数据的综合,包括临床测量,医疗信号和波形以及电子保健记录(EHRS)(EHRS) 。因此,在本文中,我们将回顾合成算法,尤其是对于非成像医学数据,目的是在该领域提供可信赖的AI。本教程风格的审查论文将对包括算法,评估,局限性和未来研究方向在内的各个方面进行全面描述。
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