Meta-reinforcement learning algorithms can enable robots to acquire new skills much more quickly, by leveraging prior experience to learn how to learn. However, much of the current research on meta-reinforcement learning focuses on task distributions that are very narrow. For example, a commonly used meta-reinforcement learning benchmark uses different running velocities for a simulated robot as different tasks. When policies are meta-trained on such narrow task distributions, they cannot possibly generalize to more quickly acquire entirely new tasks. Therefore, if the aim of these methods is enable faster acquisition of entirely new behaviors, we must evaluate them on task distributions that are sufficiently broad to enable generalization to new behaviors. In this paper, we propose an open-source simulated benchmark for meta-reinforcement learning and multitask learning consisting of 50 distinct robotic manipulation tasks. Our aim is to make it possible to develop algorithms that generalize to accelerate the acquisition of entirely new, held-out tasks. We evaluate 7 state-of-the-art meta-reinforcement learning and multi-task learning algorithms on these tasks. Surprisingly, while each task and its variations (e.g., with different object positions) can be learned with reasonable success, these algorithms struggle to learn with multiple tasks at the same time, even with as few as ten distinct training tasks. Our analysis and open-source environments pave the way for future research in multi-task learning and meta-learning that can enable meaningful generalization, thereby unlocking the full potential of these methods. 1
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We apply reinforcement learning (RL) to robotics. One of the drawbacks of traditional RL algorithms has been their poor sample efficiency. One approach to improve it is model-based RL. We learn a model of the environment, essentially its dynamics and reward function, use it to generate imaginary trajectories and backpropagate through them to update the policy, exploiting the differentiability of the model. Intuitively, learning more accurate models should lead to better performance. Recently, there has been growing interest in developing better deep neural network based dynamics models for physical systems, through better inductive biases. We focus on robotic systems undergoing rigid body motion. We compare two versions of our model-based RL algorithm, one which uses a standard deep neural network based dynamics model and the other which uses a much more accurate, physics-informed neural network based dynamics model. We show that, in environments that are not sensitive to initial conditions, model accuracy matters only to some extent, as numerical errors accumulate slowly. In these environments, both versions achieve similar average-return, while the physics-informed version achieves better sample efficiency. We show that, in environments that are sensitive to initial conditions, model accuracy matters a lot, as numerical errors accumulate fast. In these environments, the physics-informed version achieves significantly better average-return and sample efficiency. We show that, in challenging environments, where we need a lot of samples to learn, physics-informed model-based RL can achieve better asymptotic performance than model-free RL, by generating accurate imaginary data, which allows it to perform many more policy updates. In these environments, our physics-informed model-based RL approach achieves better average-return than Soft Actor-Critic, a SOTA model-free RL algorithm.
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Very large language models such as GPT-3 have shown impressive performance across a wide variety of tasks, including text summarization. In this paper, we show that this strong performance extends to opinion summarization. We explore several pipeline methods for applying GPT-3 to summarize a large collection of user reviews in a zero-shot fashion, notably approaches based on recursive summarization and selecting salient content to summarize through supervised clustering or extraction. On two datasets, an aspect-oriented summarization dataset of hotel reviews and a generic summarization dataset of Amazon and Yelp reviews, we show that the GPT-3 models achieve very strong performance in human evaluation. We argue that standard evaluation metrics do not reflect this, and evaluate against several new measures targeting faithfulness, factuality, and genericity to contrast these different methods.
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A central problem in computational biophysics is protein structure prediction, i.e., finding the optimal folding of a given amino acid sequence. This problem has been studied in a classical abstract model, the HP model, where the protein is modeled as a sequence of H (hydrophobic) and P (polar) amino acids on a lattice. The objective is to find conformations maximizing H-H contacts. It is known that even in this reduced setting, the problem is intractable (NP-hard). In this work, we apply deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to the two-dimensional HP model. We can obtain the conformations of best known energies for benchmark HP sequences with lengths from 20 to 50. Our DRL is based on a deep Q-network (DQN). We find that a DQN based on long short-term memory (LSTM) architecture greatly enhances the RL learning ability and significantly improves the search process. DRL can sample the state space efficiently, without the need of manual heuristics. Experimentally we show that it can find multiple distinct best-known solutions per trial. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of deep reinforcement learning in the HP model for protein folding.
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Machine learning and deep learning-based decision making has become part of today's software. The goal of this work is to ensure that machine learning and deep learning-based systems are as trusted as traditional software. Traditional software is made dependable by following rigorous practice like static analysis, testing, debugging, verifying, and repairing throughout the development and maintenance life-cycle. Similarly for machine learning systems, we need to keep these models up to date so that their performance is not compromised. For this, current systems rely on scheduled re-training of these models as new data kicks in. In this work, we propose to measure the data drift that takes place when new data kicks in so that one can adaptively re-train the models whenever re-training is actually required irrespective of schedules. In addition to that, we generate various explanations at sentence level and dataset level to capture why a given payload text has drifted.
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基于中心的聚类算法的最新进展通过隐式退火来打击贫穷的本地最小值,并使用一系列普遍的手段来打击。这些方法是劳埃德(Lloyd)著名的$ k $ -MEANS算法的变体,最适合于球形簇,例如由高斯数据引起的簇。在本文中,我们将这些算法的进步桥接为布雷格曼(Bregman)差异下的硬聚类的经典工作,这些工作享有指数级家庭分布的培养,因此非常适合由数据生成机制的广度引起的聚类对象。布雷格曼分歧的优雅特性使我们能够以简单透明的算法维护封闭的表单更新,此外,还引发了新的理论论点,以建立有限的样本范围,以放松在现有的艺术状态下做出的有限支持假设。此外,我们考虑对模拟实验进行彻底的经验分析和降雨数据的案例研究,发现所提出的方法在各种非高斯数据设置中都优于现有的同行方法。
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使用敏感用户数据调用隐私保护方法,执行低排名矩阵完成。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新型的噪声添加机制,用于保留差异隐私,其中噪声分布受Huber损失的启发,Huber损失是众所周知的稳定统计数据中众所周知的损失功能。在使用交替的最小二乘方法来解决矩阵完成问题的同时,对现有的差异隐私机制进行了评估。我们还建议使用迭代重新加权的最小二乘算法来完成低级矩阵,并研究合成和真实数据集中不同噪声机制的性能。我们证明所提出的机制实现了{\ epsilon} - 差异性隐私,类似于拉普拉斯机制。此外,经验结果表明,在某些情况下,Huber机制优于Laplacian和Gaussian,否则是可比的。
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