Riemannian geometry provides powerful tools to explore the latent space of generative models while preserving the inherent structure of the data manifold. Lengths, energies and volume measures can be derived from a pullback metric, defined through the immersion that maps the latent space to the data space. With this in mind, most generative models are stochastic, and so is the pullback metric. Manipulating stochastic objects is strenuous in practice. In order to perform operations such as interpolations, or measuring the distance between data points, we need a deterministic approximation of the pullback metric. In this work, we are defining a new metric as the expected length derived from the stochastic pullback metric. We show this metric is Finslerian, and we compare it with the expected pullback metric. In high dimensions, we show that the metrics converge to each other at a rate of $\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{1}{D}\right)$.
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Multi-class ensemble classification remains a popular focus of investigation within the research community. The popularization of cloud services has sped up their adoption due to the ease of deploying large-scale machine-learning models. It has also drawn the attention of the industrial sector because of its ability to identify common problems in production. However, there are challenges to conform an ensemble classifier, namely a proper selection and effective training of the pool of classifiers, the definition of a proper architecture for multi-class classification, and uncertainty quantification of the ensemble classifier. The robustness and effectiveness of the ensemble classifier lie in the selection of the pool of classifiers, as well as in the learning process. Hence, the selection and the training procedure of the pool of classifiers play a crucial role. An (ensemble) classifier learns to detect the classes that were used during the supervised training. However, when injecting data with unknown conditions, the trained classifier will intend to predict the classes learned during the training. To this end, the uncertainty of the individual and ensemble classifier could be used to assess the learning capability. We present a novel approach for novel detection using ensemble classification and evidence theory. A pool selection strategy is presented to build a solid ensemble classifier. We present an architecture for multi-class ensemble classification and an approach to quantify the uncertainty of the individual classifiers and the ensemble classifier. We use uncertainty for the anomaly detection approach. Finally, we use the benchmark Tennessee Eastman to perform experiments to test the ensemble classifier's prediction and anomaly detection capabilities.
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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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事实证明,在强化学习中使用人类示范可以显着提高剂性能。但是,任何要求人手动“教”该模型的要求与强化学习的目标有些相反。本文试图通过使用通过简单使用的虚拟现实模拟收集的单个人类示例来帮助进行RL培训,以最大程度地减少人类参与学习过程的参与,同时仍保留了绩效优势。我们的方法增加了一次演示,以产生许多类似人类的演示,与深层确定性的政策梯度和事后的经验重播(DDPG + HER)相结合时,可以显着改善对简单任务的训练时间,并允许代理商解决复杂的任务(Block Block堆叠)DDPG +她一个人无法解决。该模型使用单个人类示例实现了这一重要的训练优势,需要少于一分钟的人类输入。
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在探索中,由于当前的低效率而引起的强化学习领域,具有较大动作空间的学习控制政策是一个具有挑战性的问题。在这项工作中,我们介绍了深入的强化学习(DRL)算法呼叫多动作网络(MAN)学习,以应对大型离散动作空间的挑战。我们建议将动作空间分为两个组件,从而为每个子行动创建一个值神经网络。然后,人使用时间差异学习来同步训练网络,这比训练直接动作输出的单个网络要简单。为了评估所提出的方法,我们在块堆叠任务上测试了人,然后扩展了人类从Atari Arcade学习环境中使用18个动作空间的12个游戏。我们的结果表明,人的学习速度比深Q学习和双重Q学习更快,这意味着我们的方法比当前可用于大型动作空间的方法更好地执行同步时间差异算法。
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