In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, patients were required to manually input their daily oxygen saturation (SpO2) and pulse rate (PR) values into a health monitoring system-unfortunately, such a process trend to be an error in typing. Several studies attempted to detect the physiological value from the captured image using optical character recognition (OCR). However, the technology has limited availability with high cost. Thus, this study aimed to propose a novel framework called PACMAN (Pandemic Accelerated Human-Machine Collaboration) with a low-resource deep learning-based computer vision. We compared state-of-the-art object detection algorithms (scaled YOLOv4, YOLOv5, and YOLOR), including the commercial OCR tools for digit recognition on the captured images from pulse oximeter display. All images were derived from crowdsourced data collection with varying quality and alignment. YOLOv5 was the best-performing model against the given model comparison across all datasets, notably the correctly orientated image dataset. We further improved the model performance with the digits auto-orientation algorithm and applied a clustering algorithm to extract SpO2 and PR values. The accuracy performance of YOLOv5 with the implementations was approximately 81.0-89.5%, which was enhanced compared to without any additional implementation. Accordingly, this study highlighted the completion of PACMAN framework to detect and read digits in real-world datasets. The proposed framework has been currently integrated into the patient monitoring system utilized by hospitals nationwide.
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尽管使用深度学习技术从2D ENA中提取血管结构的研究越来越多,但对于这种方法,众所周知,曲线式结构上的数据注释过程(如视网膜脉管系统)非常昂贵且耗时,耗时,耗时,尽管很少有人试图解决注释问题。在这项工作中,我们提出了涂鸦基本弱监督学习方法的应用来自动化像素级注释。所提出的方法称为八度,使用涂鸦的地面真理与对抗性和新颖的自我监督深度监督相结合。我们的新型机制旨在利用来自类似于Unet的结构的歧视层的判别输出,在训练过程中,骨料判别输出和分割图谓词之间的kullback-liebler差异在训练过程中被最小化。如我们的实验所示,这种组合方法导致血管结构的定位更好。我们在大型公共数据集上验证了我们提出的方法,即Rose,Octa-500。将分割性能与最新的完全监督和基于涂鸦的弱监督方法进行了比较。实验中使用的工作的实施位于[链接]。
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