Being able to forecast the popularity of new garment designs is very important in an industry as fast paced as fashion, both in terms of profitability and reducing the problem of unsold inventory. Here, we attempt to address this task in order to provide informative forecasts to fashion designers within a virtual reality designer application that will allow them to fine tune their creations based on current consumer preferences within an interactive and immersive environment. To achieve this we have to deal with the following central challenges: (1) the proposed method should not hinder the creative process and thus it has to rely only on the garment's visual characteristics, (2) the new garment lacks historical data from which to extrapolate their future popularity and (3) fashion trends in general are highly dynamical. To this end, we develop a computer vision pipeline fine tuned on fashion imagery in order to extract relevant visual features along with the category and attributes of the garment. We propose a hierarchical label sharing (HLS) pipeline for automatically capturing hierarchical relations among fashion categories and attributes. Moreover, we propose MuQAR, a Multimodal Quasi-AutoRegressive neural network that forecasts the popularity of new garments by combining their visual features and categorical features while an autoregressive neural network is modelling the popularity time series of the garment's category and attributes. Both the proposed HLS and MuQAR prove capable of surpassing the current state-of-the-art in key benchmark datasets, DeepFashion for image classification and VISUELLE for new garment sales forecasting.
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Merging satellite products and ground-based measurements is often required for obtaining precipitation datasets that simultaneously cover large regions with high density and are more accurate than pure satellite precipitation products. Machine and statistical learning regression algorithms are regularly utilized in this endeavour. At the same time, tree-based ensemble algorithms for regression are adopted in various fields for solving algorithmic problems with high accuracy and low computational cost. The latter can constitute a crucial factor for selecting algorithms for satellite precipitation product correction at the daily and finer time scales, where the size of the datasets is particularly large. Still, information on which tree-based ensemble algorithm to select in such a case for the contiguous United States (US) is missing from the literature. In this work, we conduct an extensive comparison between three tree-based ensemble algorithms, specifically random forests, gradient boosting machines (gbm) and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), in the context of interest. We use daily data from the PERSIANN (Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks) and the IMERG (Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM) gridded datasets. We also use earth-observed precipitation data from the Global Historical Climatology Network daily (GHCNd) database. The experiments refer to the entire contiguous US and additionally include the application of the linear regression algorithm for benchmarking purposes. The results suggest that XGBoost is the best-performing tree-based ensemble algorithm among those compared. They also suggest that IMERG is more useful than PERSIANN in the context investigated.
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Although many machine learning methods, especially from the field of deep learning, have been instrumental in addressing challenges within robotic applications, we cannot take full advantage of such methods before these can provide performance and safety guarantees. The lack of trust that impedes the use of these methods mainly stems from a lack of human understanding of what exactly machine learning models have learned, and how robust their behaviour is. This is the problem the field of explainable artificial intelligence aims to solve. Based on insights from the social sciences, we know that humans prefer contrastive explanations, i.e.\ explanations answering the hypothetical question "what if?". In this paper, we show that linear model trees are capable of producing answers to such questions, so-called counterfactual explanations, for robotic systems, including in the case of multiple, continuous inputs and outputs. We demonstrate the use of this method to produce counterfactual explanations for two robotic applications. Additionally, we explore the issue of infeasibility, which is of particular interest in systems governed by the laws of physics.
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The extragradient method has recently gained increasing attention, due to its convergence behavior on smooth games. In $n$-player differentiable games, the eigenvalues of the Jacobian of the vector field are distributed on the complex plane, exhibiting more convoluted dynamics compared to classical (i.e., single player) minimization. In this work, we take a polynomial-based analysis of the extragradient with momentum for optimizing games with \emph{cross-shaped} Jacobian spectrum on the complex plane. We show two results. First, based on the hyperparameter setup, the extragradient with momentum exhibits three different modes of convergence: when the eigenvalues are distributed $i)$ on the real line, $ii)$ both on the real line along with complex conjugates, and $iii)$ only as complex conjugates. Then, we focus on the case $ii)$, i.e., when the eigenvalues of the Jacobian have \emph{cross-shaped} structure, as observed in training generative adversarial networks. For this problem class, we derive the optimal hyperparameters of the momentum extragradient method, and show that it achieves an accelerated convergence rate.
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The ability to dynamically adapt neural networks to newly-available data without performance deterioration would revolutionize deep learning applications. Streaming learning (i.e., learning from one data example at a time) has the potential to enable such real-time adaptation, but current approaches i) freeze a majority of network parameters during streaming and ii) are dependent upon offline, base initialization procedures over large subsets of data, which damages performance and limits applicability. To mitigate these shortcomings, we propose Cold Start Streaming Learning (CSSL), a simple, end-to-end approach for streaming learning with deep networks that uses a combination of replay and data augmentation to avoid catastrophic forgetting. Because CSSL updates all model parameters during streaming, the algorithm is capable of beginning streaming from a random initialization, making base initialization optional. Going further, the algorithm's simplicity allows theoretical convergence guarantees to be derived using analysis of the Neural Tangent Random Feature (NTRF). In experiments, we find that CSSL outperforms existing baselines for streaming learning in experiments on CIFAR100, ImageNet, and Core50 datasets. Additionally, we propose a novel multi-task streaming learning setting and show that CSSL performs favorably in this domain. Put simply, CSSL performs well and demonstrates that the complicated, multi-step training pipelines adopted by most streaming methodologies can be replaced with a simple, end-to-end learning approach without sacrificing performance.
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved great successes in many learning tasks performed on graph structures. Nonetheless, to propagate information GNNs rely on a message passing scheme which can become prohibitively expensive when working with industrial-scale graphs. Inspired by the PPRGo model, we propose the CorePPR model, a scalable solution that utilises a learnable convex combination of the approximate personalised PageRank and the CoreRank to diffuse multi-hop neighbourhood information in GNNs. Additionally, we incorporate a dynamic mechanism to select the most influential neighbours for a particular node which reduces training time while preserving the performance of the model. Overall, we demonstrate that CorePPR outperforms PPRGo, particularly on large graphs where selecting the most influential nodes is particularly relevant for scalability. Our code is publicly available at:
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我们介绍了第一个机器学习引力波搜索模拟数据挑战(MLGWSC-1)的结果。在这一挑战中,参与的小组必须从二进制黑洞合并中识别出复杂性和持续时间逐渐嵌入在逐渐更现实的噪声中的引力波信号。 4个提供的数据集中的决赛包含O3A观察的真实噪声,并发出了20秒的持续时间,其中包含进动效应和高阶模式。我们介绍了在提交前从参与者未知的1个月的测试数据中得出的6个输入算法的平均灵敏度距离和运行时。其中4个是机器学习算法。我们发现,最好的基于机器学习的算法能够以每月1个的错误警报率(FAR)的速度(FAR)实现基于匹配过滤的生产分析的敏感距离的95%。相反,对于真实的噪音,领先的机器学习搜索获得了70%。为了更高的范围,敏感距离缩小的差异缩小到某些数据集上选择机器学习提交的范围$ \ geq 200 $以优于传统搜索算法的程度。我们的结果表明,当前的机器学习搜索算法可能已经在有限的参数区域中对某些生产设置有用。为了改善最新的技术,机器学习算法需要降低他们能够检测信号并将其有效性扩展到参数空间区域的虚假警报率,在这些区域中,建模的搜索在计算上很昂贵。根据我们的发现,我们汇编了我们认为,将机器学习搜索提升到重力波信号检测中的宝贵工具,我们认为这是最重要的研究领域。
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