Performing 3D dense captioning and visual grounding requires a common and shared understanding of the underlying multimodal relationships. However, despite some previous attempts on connecting these two related tasks with highly task-specific neural modules, it remains understudied how to explicitly depict their shared nature to learn them simultaneously. In this work, we propose UniT3D, a simple yet effective fully unified transformer-based architecture for jointly solving 3D visual grounding and dense captioning. UniT3D enables learning a strong multimodal representation across the two tasks through a supervised joint pre-training scheme with bidirectional and seq-to-seq objectives. With a generic architecture design, UniT3D allows expanding the pre-training scope to more various training sources such as the synthesized data from 2D prior knowledge to benefit 3D vision-language tasks. Extensive experiments and analysis demonstrate that UniT3D obtains significant gains for 3D dense captioning and visual grounding.
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Learning how to navigate among humans in an occluded and spatially constrained indoor environment, is a key ability required to embodied agent to be integrated into our society. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end architecture that exploits Socially-Aware Tasks (referred as to Risk and Social Compass) to inject into a reinforcement learning navigation policy the ability to infer common-sense social behaviors. To this end, our tasks exploit the notion of immediate and future dangers of collision. Furthermore, we propose an evaluation protocol specifically designed for the Social Navigation Task in simulated environments. This is done to capture fine-grained features and characteristics of the policy by analyzing the minimal unit of human-robot spatial interaction, called Encounter. We validate our approach on Gibson4+ and Habitat-Matterport3D datasets.
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We present a retrospective on the state of Embodied AI research. Our analysis focuses on 13 challenges presented at the Embodied AI Workshop at CVPR. These challenges are grouped into three themes: (1) visual navigation, (2) rearrangement, and (3) embodied vision-and-language. We discuss the dominant datasets within each theme, evaluation metrics for the challenges, and the performance of state-of-the-art models. We highlight commonalities between top approaches to the challenges and identify potential future directions for Embodied AI research.
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人类对象与铰接物体的相互作用在日常生活中很普遍。尽管单视图3D重建方面取得了很多进展,但从RGB视频中推断出一个铰接的3D对象模型仍然具有挑战性,显示一个人操纵对象的人。我们从RGB视频中划定了铰接的3D人体对象相互作用重建的任务,并对这项任务进行了五个方法家族的系统基准:3D平面估计,3D Cuboid估计,CAD模型拟合,隐式现场拟合以及自由 - 自由 - 形式网状配件。我们的实验表明,即使提供了有关观察到的对象的地面真相信息,所有方法也难以获得高精度结果。我们确定使任务具有挑战性的关键因素,并为这项具有挑战性的3D计算机视觉任务提出指示。短视频摘要
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最近关于3D密集标题和视觉接地的研究取得了令人印象深刻的结果。尽管这两个方面都有发展,但可用的3D视觉语言数据的有限量导致3D视觉接地和3D密度标题方法的过度问题。此外,尚未完全研究如何辨别地描述复杂3D环境中的对象。为了解决这些挑战,我们呈现D3Net,即最终的神经扬声器 - 侦听器架构,可以检测,描述和辨别。我们的D3Net以自我批评方式统一3D密集的标题和视觉接地。D3Net的这种自我关键性质还引入了对象标题生成过程中的可怜性,并且可以通过部分注释的描述启用对Scannet数据的半监督培训。我们的方法在扫描带数据集的两个任务中优于SOTA方法,超越了SOTA 3D密度标题方法,通过显着的余量(23.56%的填充剂@ 0.5iou改进)。
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We present PartNet: a consistent, large-scale dataset of 3D objects annotated with fine-grained, instance-level, and hierarchical 3D part information. Our dataset consists of 573,585 part instances over 26,671 3D models covering 24 object categories. This dataset enables and serves as a catalyst for many tasks such as shape analysis, dynamic 3D scene modeling and simulation, affordance analysis, and others. Using our dataset, we establish three benchmarking tasks for evaluating 3D part recognition: fine-grained semantic segmentation, hierarchical semantic segmentation, and instance segmentation. We benchmark four state-ofthe-art 3D deep learning algorithms for fine-grained semantic segmentation and three baseline methods for hierarchical semantic segmentation. We also propose a novel method for part instance segmentation and demonstrate its superior performance over existing methods.
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A key requirement for leveraging supervised deep learning methods is the availability of large, labeled datasets. Unfortunately, in the context of RGB-D scene understanding, very little data is available -current datasets cover a small range of scene views and have limited semantic annotations. To address this issue, we introduce ScanNet, an RGB-D video dataset containing 2.5M views in 1513 scenes annotated with 3D camera poses, surface reconstructions, and semantic segmentations. To collect this data, we designed an easy-to-use and scalable RGB-D capture system that includes automated surface reconstruction and crowdsourced semantic annotation. We show that using this data helps achieve state-of-the-art performance on several 3D scene understanding tasks, including 3D object classification, semantic voxel labeling, and CAD model retrieval.
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This paper focuses on semantic scene completion, a task for producing a complete 3D voxel representation of volumetric occupancy and semantic labels for a scene from a single-view depth map observation. Previous work has considered scene completion and semantic labeling of depth maps separately. However, we observe that these two problems are tightly intertwined. To leverage the coupled nature of these two tasks, we introduce the semantic scene completion network (SSCNet), an end-to-end 3D convolutional network that takes a single depth image as input and simultaneously outputs occupancy and semantic labels for all voxels in the camera view frustum. Our network uses a dilation-based 3D context module to efficiently expand the receptive field and enable 3D context learning. To train our network, we construct SUNCG -a manually created largescale dataset of synthetic 3D scenes with dense volumetric annotations. Our experiments demonstrate that the joint model outperforms methods addressing each task in isolation and outperforms alternative approaches on the semantic scene completion task. The dataset, code and pretrained model will be available online upon acceptance.
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We present the Habitat-Matterport 3D Semantics (HM3DSEM) dataset. HM3DSEM is the largest dataset of 3D real-world spaces with densely annotated semantics that is currently available to the academic community. It consists of 142,646 object instance annotations across 216 3D spaces and 3,100 rooms within those spaces. The scale, quality, and diversity of object annotations far exceed those of prior datasets. A key difference setting apart HM3DSEM from other datasets is the use of texture information to annotate pixel-accurate object boundaries. We demonstrate the effectiveness of HM3DSEM dataset for the Object Goal Navigation task using different methods. Policies trained using HM3DSEM perform outperform those trained on prior datasets. Introduction of HM3DSEM in the Habitat ObjectNav Challenge lead to an increase in participation from 400 submissions in 2021 to 1022 submissions in 2022.
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