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We introduce an end-to-end computational framework that enables hyperparameter optimization with the DeepHyper library, accelerated training, and interpretable AI inference with a suite of state-of-the-art AI models, including CGCNN, PhysNet, SchNet, MPNN, MPNN-transformer, and TorchMD-Net. We use these AI models and the benchmark QM9, hMOF, and MD17 datasets to showcase the prediction of user-specified materials properties in modern computing environments, and to demonstrate translational applications for the modeling of small molecules, crystals and metal organic frameworks with a unified, stand-alone framework. We deployed and tested this framework in the ThetaGPU supercomputer at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, and the Delta supercomputer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications to provide researchers with modern tools to conduct accelerated AI-driven discovery in leadership class computing environments.
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We address the problem of few-shot classification where the goal is to learn a classifier from a limited set of samples. While data-driven learning is shown to be effective in various applications, learning from less data still remains challenging. To address this challenge, existing approaches consider various data augmentation techniques for increasing the number of training samples. Pseudo-labeling is commonly used in a few-shot setup, where approximate labels are estimated for a large set of unlabeled images. We propose DiffAlign which focuses on generating images from class labels. Specifically, we leverage the recent success of the generative models (e.g., DALL-E and diffusion models) that can generate realistic images from texts. However, naive learning on synthetic images is not adequate due to the domain gap between real and synthetic images. Thus, we employ a maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) loss to align the synthetic images to the real images minimizing the domain gap. We evaluate our method on the standard few-shot classification benchmarks: CIFAR-FS, FC100, miniImageNet, tieredImageNet and a cross-domain few-shot classification benchmark: miniImageNet to CUB. The proposed approach significantly outperforms the stateof-the-art in both 5-shot and 1-shot setups on these benchmarks. Our approach is also shown to be effective in the zero-shot classification setup
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Nostradamus, inspired by the French astrologer and reputed seer, is a detailed study exploring relations between environmental factors and changes in the stock market. In this paper, we analyze associative correlation and causation between environmental elements and stock prices based on the US financial market, global climate trends, and daily weather records to demonstrate significant relationships between climate and stock price fluctuation. Our analysis covers short and long-term rises and dips in company stock performances. Lastly, we take four natural disasters as a case study to observe their effect on the emotional state of people and their influence on the stock market.
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Consider a scenario in one-shot query-guided object localization where neither an image of the object nor the object category name is available as a query. In such a scenario, a hand-drawn sketch of the object could be a choice for a query. However, hand-drawn crude sketches alone, when used as queries, might be ambiguous for object localization, e.g., a sketch of a laptop could be confused for a sofa. On the other hand, a linguistic definition of the category, e.g., a small portable computer small enough to use in your lap" along with the sketch query, gives better visual and semantic cues for object localization. In this work, we present a multimodal query-guided object localization approach under the challenging open-set setting. In particular, we use queries from two modalities, namely, hand-drawn sketch and description of the object (also known as gloss), to perform object localization. Multimodal query-guided object localization is a challenging task, especially when a large domain gap exists between the queries and the natural images, as well as due to the challenge of combining the complementary and minimal information present across the queries. For example, hand-drawn crude sketches contain abstract shape information of an object, while the text descriptions often capture partial semantic information about a given object category. To address the aforementioned challenges, we present a novel cross-modal attention scheme that guides the region proposal network to generate object proposals relevant to the input queries and a novel orthogonal projection-based proposal scoring technique that scores each proposal with respect to the queries, thereby yielding the final localization results. ...
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Object-goal navigation (Object-nav) entails searching, recognizing and navigating to a target object. Object-nav has been extensively studied by the Embodied-AI community, but most solutions are often restricted to considering static objects (e.g., television, fridge, etc.). We propose a modular framework for object-nav that is able to efficiently search indoor environments for not just static objects but also movable objects (e.g. fruits, glasses, phones, etc.) that frequently change their positions due to human intervention. Our contextual-bandit agent efficiently explores the environment by showing optimism in the face of uncertainty and learns a model of the likelihood of spotting different objects from each navigable location. The likelihoods are used as rewards in a weighted minimum latency solver to deduce a trajectory for the robot. We evaluate our algorithms in two simulated environments and a real-world setting, to demonstrate high sample efficiency and reliability.
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We consider private federated learning (FL), where a server aggregates differentially private gradient updates from a large number of clients in order to train a machine learning model. The main challenge is balancing privacy with both classification accuracy of the learned model as well as the amount of communication between the clients and server. In this work, we build on a recently proposed method for communication-efficient private FL -- the MVU mechanism -- by introducing a new interpolation mechanism that can accommodate a more efficient privacy analysis. The result is the new Interpolated MVU mechanism that provides SOTA results on communication-efficient private FL on a variety of datasets.
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This work introduces the novel task of Source-free Multi-target Domain Adaptation and proposes adaptation framework comprising of \textbf{Co}nsistency with \textbf{N}uclear-Norm Maximization and \textbf{Mix}Up knowledge distillation (\textit{CoNMix}) as a solution to this problem. The main motive of this work is to solve for Single and Multi target Domain Adaptation (SMTDA) for the source-free paradigm, which enforces a constraint where the labeled source data is not available during target adaptation due to various privacy-related restrictions on data sharing. The source-free approach leverages target pseudo labels, which can be noisy, to improve the target adaptation. We introduce consistency between label preserving augmentations and utilize pseudo label refinement methods to reduce noisy pseudo labels. Further, we propose novel MixUp Knowledge Distillation (MKD) for better generalization on multiple target domains using various source-free STDA models. We also show that the Vision Transformer (VT) backbone gives better feature representation with improved domain transferability and class discriminability. Our proposed framework achieves the state-of-the-art (SOTA) results in various paradigms of source-free STDA and MTDA settings on popular domain adaptation datasets like Office-Home, Office-Caltech, and DomainNet. Project Page: https://sites.google.com/view/conmix-vcl
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Many modern computer vision algorithms suffer from two major bottlenecks: scarcity of data and learning new tasks incrementally. While training the model with new batches of data the model looses it's ability to classify the previous data judiciously which is termed as catastrophic forgetting. Conventional methods have tried to mitigate catastrophic forgetting of the previously learned data while the training at the current session has been compromised. The state-of-the-art generative replay based approaches use complicated structures such as generative adversarial network (GAN) to deal with catastrophic forgetting. Additionally, training a GAN with few samples may lead to instability. In this work, we present a novel method to deal with these two major hurdles. Our method identifies a better embedding space with an improved contrasting loss to make classification more robust. Moreover, our approach is able to retain previously acquired knowledge in the embedding space even when trained with new classes. We update previous session class prototypes while training in such a way that it is able to represent the true class mean. This is of prime importance as our classification rule is based on the nearest class mean classification strategy. We have demonstrated our results by showing that the embedding space remains intact after training the model with new classes. We showed that our method preformed better than the existing state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of accuracy across different sessions.
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This paper presents a framework for jointly grounding objects that follow certain semantic relationship constraints given in a scene graph. A typical natural scene contains several objects, often exhibiting visual relationships of varied complexities between them. These inter-object relationships provide strong contextual cues toward improving grounding performance compared to a traditional object query-only-based localization task. A scene graph is an efficient and structured way to represent all the objects and their semantic relationships in the image. In an attempt towards bridging these two modalities representing scenes and utilizing contextual information for improving object localization, we rigorously study the problem of grounding scene graphs on natural images. To this end, we propose a novel graph neural network-based approach referred to as Visio-Lingual Message PAssing Graph Neural Network (VL-MPAG Net). In VL-MPAG Net, we first construct a directed graph with object proposals as nodes and an edge between a pair of nodes representing a plausible relation between them. Then a three-step inter-graph and intra-graph message passing is performed to learn the context-dependent representation of the proposals and query objects. These object representations are used to score the proposals to generate object localization. The proposed method significantly outperforms the baselines on four public datasets.
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