许多遗传突变会不利地影响承重软组织的结构和功能,临床后遗症通常导致残疾或死亡。遗传学和组织力学表征的平行进步为这些条件提供了重要的见解,但是仍然需要整合此类信息。我们提出了一种新型的基因型到生物力学 - 原型神经网络(G2 {\ phi}净),用于表征和分类软组织的生物力学特性,这些特性是组织健康或疾病的重要功能读数。我们通过推断涉及细胞外成分缺陷或缺陷的四种小鼠模型的非线性,依赖基因型依赖性的本构行为来说明我们的方法的实用性。我们表明,G2 {\ phi} net可以通过利用有限,嘈杂和非结构化的实验数据来正确归因于相关的基因型,同时归因于相关的基因型。更广泛地说,G2 {\ phi}网络提供了一种强大的方法和范式转移,用于定量地将基因型和生物力学表型相关联,并有望更好地理解它们在生物组织中的相互作用。
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Generative models have been widely applied to solve extractive tasks, where parts of the input is extracted to form the desired output, and achieved significant success. For example, in extractive question answering (QA), generative models have constantly yielded state-of-the-art results. In this work, we identify the issue of tokenization inconsistency that is commonly neglected in training these models. This issue damages the extractive nature of these tasks after the input and output are tokenized inconsistently by the tokenizer, and thus leads to performance drop as well as hallucination. We propose a simple yet effective fix to this issue and conduct a case study on extractive QA. We show that, with consistent tokenization, the model performs better in both in-domain and out-of-domain datasets, with a notable average of +1.7 F2 gain when a BART model is trained on SQuAD and evaluated on 8 QA datasets. Further, the model converges faster, and becomes less likely to generate out-of-context answers. With these findings, we would like to call for more attention on how tokenization should be done when solving extractive tasks and recommend applying consistent tokenization during training.
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An optimal delivery of arguments is key to persuasion in any debate, both for humans and for AI systems. This requires the use of clear and fluent claims relevant to the given debate. Prior work has studied the automatic assessment of argument quality extensively. Yet, no approach actually improves the quality so far. Our work is the first step towards filling this gap. We propose the task of claim optimization: to rewrite argumentative claims to optimize their delivery. As an initial approach, we first generate a candidate set of optimized claims using a sequence-to-sequence model, such as BART, while taking into account contextual information. Our key idea is then to rerank generated candidates with respect to different quality metrics to find the best optimization. In automatic and human evaluation, we outperform different reranking baselines on an English corpus, improving 60% of all claims (worsening 16% only). Follow-up analyses reveal that, beyond copy editing, our approach often specifies claims with details, whereas it adds less evidence than humans do. Moreover, its capabilities generalize well to other domains, such as instructional texts.
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Although pre-trained language models (PLMs) have shown impressive performance by text-only self-supervised training, they are found lack of visual semantics or commonsense, e.g., sizes, shapes, and colors of commonplace objects. Existing solutions often rely on explicit images for visual knowledge augmentation (requiring time-consuming retrieval or generation), and they also conduct the augmentation for the whole input text, without considering whether it is actually needed in specific inputs or tasks. To address these issues, we propose a novel visually-augmented fine-tuning approach that can be generally applied to various PLMs or NLP tasks, without using any retrieved or generated images, namely VAWI. Specifically, we first identify the visually-hungry words (VH-words) from input text via a token selector, where three different methods have been proposed, including syntax-, attention- and learning-based strategies. Then, we adopt a fixed CLIP text encoder to generate the visually-augmented representations of these VH-words. As it has been pre-trained by vision-language alignment task on the large-scale corpus, it is capable of injecting visual semantics into the aligned text representations. Finally, the visually-augmented features will be fused and transformed into the pre-designed visual prompts based on VH-words, which can be inserted into PLMs to enrich the visual semantics in word representations. We conduct extensive experiments on ten NLP tasks, i.e., GLUE benchmark, CommonsenseQA, CommonGen, and SNLI-VE. Experimental results show that our approach can consistently improve the performance of BERT, RoBERTa, BART, and T5 at different scales, and outperform several competitive baselines significantly. Our codes and data are publicly available at~\url{https://github.com/RUCAIBox/VAWI}.
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We propose a combined three pre-trained language models (XLM-R, BART, and DeBERTa-V3) as an empower of contextualized embedding for named entity recognition. Our model achieves a 92.9% F1 score on the test set and ranks 5th on the leaderboard at NL4Opt competition subtask 1.
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Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a complication of diabetes, and one of the major causes of vision impairment in the global population. As the early-stage manifestation of DR is usually very mild and hard to detect, an accurate diagnosis via eye-screening is clinically important to prevent vision loss at later stages. In this work, we propose an ensemble method to automatically grade DR using ultra-wide optical coherence tomography angiography (UW-OCTA) images available from Diabetic Retinopathy Analysis Challenge (DRAC) 2022. First, we adopt the state-of-the-art classification networks, i.e., ResNet, DenseNet, EfficientNet, and VGG, and train them to grade UW-OCTA images with different splits of the available dataset. Ultimately, we obtain 25 models, of which, the top 16 models are selected and ensembled to generate the final predictions. During the training process, we also investigate the multi-task learning strategy, and add an auxiliary classification task, the Image Quality Assessment, to improve the model performance. Our final ensemble model achieved a quadratic weighted kappa (QWK) of 0.9346 and an Area Under Curve (AUC) of 0.9766 on the internal testing dataset, and the QWK of 0.839 and the AUC of 0.8978 on the DRAC challenge testing dataset.
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Modern embedding-based metrics for evaluation of generated text generally fall into one of two paradigms: discriminative metrics that are trained to directly predict which outputs are of higher quality according to supervised human annotations, and generative metrics that are trained to evaluate text based on the probabilities of a generative model. Both have their advantages; discriminative metrics are able to directly optimize for the problem of distinguishing between good and bad outputs, while generative metrics can be trained using abundant raw text. In this paper, we present a framework that combines the best of both worlds, using both supervised and unsupervised signals from whatever data we have available. We operationalize this idea by training T5Score, a metric that uses these training signals with mT5 as the backbone. We perform an extensive empirical comparison with other existing metrics on 5 datasets, 19 languages and 280 systems, demonstrating the utility of our method. Experimental results show that: T5Score achieves the best performance on all datasets against existing top-scoring metrics at the segment level. We release our code and models at https://github.com/qinyiwei/T5Score.
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A primary objective of news articles is to establish the factual record for an event, frequently achieved by conveying both the details of the specified event (i.e., the 5 Ws; Who, What, Where, When and Why regarding the event) and how people reacted to it (i.e., reported statements). However, existing work on news summarization almost exclusively focuses on the event details. In this work, we propose the novel task of summarizing the reactions of different speakers, as expressed by their reported statements, to a given event. To this end, we create a new multi-document summarization benchmark, SUMREN, comprising 745 summaries of reported statements from various public figures obtained from 633 news articles discussing 132 events. We propose an automatic silver training data generation approach for our task, which helps smaller models like BART achieve GPT-3 level performance on this task. Finally, we introduce a pipeline-based framework for summarizing reported speech, which we empirically show to generate summaries that are more abstractive and factual than baseline query-focused summarization approaches.
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Approximation fixpoint theory (AFT) is an abstract and general algebraic framework for studying the semantics of nonmonotonic logics. It provides a unifying study of the semantics of different formalisms for nonmonotonic reasoning, such as logic programming, default logic and autoepistemic logic. In this paper, we extend AFT to dealing with non-deterministic constructs that allow to handle indefinite information, represented e.g. by disjunctive formulas. This is done by generalizing the main constructions and corresponding results of AFT to non-deterministic operators, whose ranges are sets of elements rather than single elements. The applicability and usefulness of this generalization is illustrated in the context of disjunctive logic programming.
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We discover a robust self-supervised strategy tailored towards molecular representations for generative masked language models through a series of tailored, in-depth ablations. Using this pre-training strategy, we train BARTSmiles, a BART-like model with an order of magnitude more compute than previous self-supervised molecular representations. In-depth evaluations show that BARTSmiles consistently outperforms other self-supervised representations across classification, regression, and generation tasks setting a new state-of-the-art on 11 tasks. We then quantitatively show that when applied to the molecular domain, the BART objective learns representations that implicitly encode our downstream tasks of interest. For example, by selecting seven neurons from a frozen BARTSmiles, we can obtain a model having performance within two percentage points of the full fine-tuned model on task Clintox. Lastly, we show that standard attribution interpretability methods, when applied to BARTSmiles, highlight certain substructures that chemists use to explain specific properties of molecules. The code and the pretrained model are publicly available.
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