Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have constantly achieved better performance over years by introducing more complex topology, and enlarging the capacity towards deeper and wider CNNs. This makes the manual design of CNNs extremely difficult, so the automated design of CNNs has come into the research spotlight, which has obtained CNNs that outperform manually-designed CNNs. However, the computational cost is still the bottleneck of automatically designing CNNs. In this paper, inspired by transfer learning, a new evolutionary computation based framework is proposed to efficiently evolve CNNs without compromising the classification accuracy. The proposed framework leverages multi-source domains, which are smaller datasets than the target domain datasets, to evolve a generalised CNN block only once. And then, a new stacking method is proposed to both widen and deepen the evolved block, and a grid search method is proposed to find optimal stacking solutions. The experimental results show the proposed method acquires good CNNs faster than 15 peer competitors within less than 40 GPU-hours. Regarding the classification accuracy, the proposed method gains its strong competitiveness against the peer competitors, which achieves the best error rates of 3.46%, 18.36% and 1.76% for the CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and SVHN datasets, respectively.
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Deep convolutional neural networks have proven their effectiveness, and have been acknowledged as the most dominant method for image classification. However, a severe drawback of deep convolutional neural networks is poor explainability. Unfortunately, in many real-world applications, users need to understand the rationale behind the predictions of deep convolutional neural networks when determining whether they should trust the predictions or not. To resolve this issue, a novel genetic algorithm-based method is proposed for the first time to automatically evolve local explanations that can assist users to assess the rationality of the predictions. Furthermore, the proposed method is model-agnostic, i.e., it can be utilised to explain any deep convolutional neural network models. In the experiments, ResNet is used as an example model to be explained, and the ImageNet dataset is selected as the benchmark dataset. DenseNet and MobileNet are further explained to demonstrate the model-agnostic characteristic of the proposed method. The evolved local explanations on four images, randomly selected from ImageNet, are presented, which show that the evolved local explanations are straightforward to be recognised by humans. Moreover, the evolved explanations can explain the predictions of deep convolutional neural networks on all four images very well by successfully capturing meaningful interpretable features of the sample images. Further analysis based on the 30 runs of the experiments exhibits that the evolved local explanations can also improve the probabilities/confidences of the deep convolutional neural network models in making the predictions. The proposed method can obtain local explanations within one minute, which is more than ten times faster than LIME (the state-of-the-art method).
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在本文中,我们开发了损失功能学习的新兴主题,该主题旨在学习损失功能,从而显着提高在其下方训练的模型的性能。具体而言,我们提出了一个新的元学习框架,用于通过混合神经符号搜索方法来学习模型 - 不足的损失函数。该框架首先使用基于进化的方法来搜索原始数学操作的空间,以找到一组符号损耗函数。其次,随后通过基于端梯度的训练程序对学习的损失功能集进行了参数化和优化。拟议框架的多功能性在经验上得到了各种监督的学习任务的经验验证。结果表明,通过新提出的方法发现的元学习损失函数在各种神经网络体系结构和数据集上都超过了交叉渗透丢失和最新的损失函数学习方法。
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With the rapid development of data collection techniques, complex data objects that are not in the Euclidean space are frequently encountered in new statistical applications. Fr\'echet regression model (Peterson & M\"uller 2019) provides a promising framework for regression analysis with metric space-valued responses. In this paper, we introduce a flexible sufficient dimension reduction (SDR) method for Fr\'echet regression to achieve two purposes: to mitigate the curse of dimensionality caused by high-dimensional predictors and to provide a visual inspection tool for Fr\'echet regression. Our approach is flexible enough to turn any existing SDR method for Euclidean (X,Y) into one for Euclidean X and metric space-valued Y. The basic idea is to first map the metric-space valued random object $Y$ to a real-valued random variable $f(Y)$ using a class of functions, and then perform classical SDR to the transformed data. If the class of functions is sufficiently rich, then we are guaranteed to uncover the Fr\'echet SDR space. We showed that such a class, which we call an ensemble, can be generated by a universal kernel. We established the consistency and asymptotic convergence rate of the proposed methods. The finite-sample performance of the proposed methods is illustrated through simulation studies for several commonly encountered metric spaces that include Wasserstein space, the space of symmetric positive definite matrices, and the sphere. We illustrated the data visualization aspect of our method by exploring the human mortality distribution data across countries and by studying the distribution of hematoma density.
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将对象检测和ID嵌入提取到统一网络的单次多对象跟踪,近年来取得了开创性的结果。然而,目前的单次追踪器仅依赖于单帧检测来预测候选界限盒,当面对灾难性的视觉下降时,例如运动模糊,闭塞时可能是不可靠的。一旦检测器错误地被错误地归类为背景,将不再维护其相应的ROCKLET的时间一致性。在本文中,我们首先通过提出重新检查网络恢复被错误分类为“假背景”的边界框。重新检查网络创新地扩展了ID从数据关联嵌入ID的角色,以通过有效地将先前的轨迹传播到具有小开销的当前帧的运动预测。请注意,传播结果由独立和有效的嵌入搜索产生,防止模型过度依赖于检测结果。最终,它有助于重新加载“假背景”并修复破碎的Tracklet。在强大的基线Cstrack上建立一个新的单次追踪器,分别通过70.7 $ 76.4,70.6 $ \右前场达到76.3美元的MOT17和MOT17。它还达到了新的最先进的Mota和IDF1性能。代码在发布。
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