We propose an analysis in fair learning that preserves the utility of the data while reducing prediction disparities under the criteria of group sufficiency. We focus on the scenario where the data contains multiple or even many subgroups, each with limited number of samples. As a result, we present a principled method for learning a fair predictor for all subgroups via formulating it as a bilevel objective. Specifically, the subgroup specific predictors are learned in the lower-level through a small amount of data and the fair predictor. In the upper-level, the fair predictor is updated to be close to all subgroup specific predictors. We further prove that such a bilevel objective can effectively control the group sufficiency and generalization error. We evaluate the proposed framework on real-world datasets. Empirical evidence suggests the consistently improved fair predictions, as well as the comparable accuracy to the baselines.
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Face Animation是计算机视觉中最热门的主题之一,在生成模型的帮助下取得了有希望的性能。但是,由于复杂的运动变形和复杂的面部细节建模,生成保留身份和光真实图像的身份仍然是一个关键的挑战。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一个面部神经量渲染(FNEVR)网络,以充分探索在统一框架中2D运动翘曲和3D体积渲染的潜力。在FNEVR中,我们设计了一个3D面积渲染(FVR)模块,以增强图像渲染的面部细节。具体而言,我们首先使用精心设计的体系结构提取3D信息,然后引入一个正交自适应射线采样模块以进行有效的渲染。我们还设计了一个轻巧的姿势编辑器,使FNEVR能够以简单而有效的方式编辑面部姿势。广泛的实验表明,我们的FNEVR在广泛使用的说话头基准上获得了最佳的总体质量和性能。
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来自视频的行动质量评估(AQA)是一个具有挑战性的愿景任务,因为视频和行动分数之间的关系很难模拟。因此,文献中已广泛研究了行动质量评估。传统上,AQA任务被视为回归问题,以了解视频和动作分数之间的底层映射。最近,由于引入标签分配学习(LDL),不确定分数分配学习(USDL)的方法取得了成功。但USDL不适用于具有连续标签的数据集,需要在培训方面进行固定的差异。在本文中,为了解决上述问题,我们进一步开发了分发自动编码器(DAE)。 DAE采用回归算法和标签分发学习(LDL)的两者。特殊地,它将视频编码为分布,并使用变分自动编码器(VAE)中的Reparameterization技巧来进行采样分数,这在视频和分数之间建立更准确的映射。同时,建造了综合损失以加速DAE的训练。进一步提出DAE-MT以在多任务数据集上处理AQA。我们在MTL-AQA和拼图数据集中评估我们的DAE方法。公共数据集上的实验结果表明,我们的方法在Spearman的秩相关下实现了最先进的:0.9449对MTL-AQA和0.73的拼图。
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To generate high quality rendering images for real time applications, it is often to trace only a few samples-per-pixel (spp) at a lower resolution and then supersample to the high resolution. Based on the observation that the rendered pixels at a low resolution are typically highly aliased, we present a novel method for neural supersampling based on ray tracing 1/4-spp samples at the high resolution. Our key insight is that the ray-traced samples at the target resolution are accurate and reliable, which makes the supersampling an interpolation problem. We present a mask-reinforced neural network to reconstruct and interpolate high-quality image sequences. First, a novel temporal accumulation network is introduced to compute the correlation between current and previous features to significantly improve their temporal stability. Then a reconstruct network based on a multi-scale U-Net with skip connections is adopted for reconstruction and generation of the desired high-resolution image. Experimental results and comparisons have shown that our proposed method can generate higher quality results of supersampling, without increasing the total number of ray-tracing samples, over current state-of-the-art methods.
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Representing and synthesizing novel views in real-world dynamic scenes from casual monocular videos is a long-standing problem. Existing solutions typically approach dynamic scenes by applying geometry techniques or utilizing temporal information between several adjacent frames without considering the underlying background distribution in the entire scene or the transmittance over the ray dimension, limiting their performance on static and occlusion areas. Our approach $\textbf{D}$istribution-$\textbf{D}$riven neural radiance fields offers high-quality view synthesis and a 3D solution to $\textbf{D}$etach the background from the entire $\textbf{D}$ynamic scene, which is called $\text{D}^4$NeRF. Specifically, it employs a neural representation to capture the scene distribution in the static background and a 6D-input NeRF to represent dynamic objects, respectively. Each ray sample is given an additional occlusion weight to indicate the transmittance lying in the static and dynamic components. We evaluate $\text{D}^4$NeRF on public dynamic scenes and our urban driving scenes acquired from an autonomous-driving dataset. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms previous methods in rendering texture details and motion areas while also producing a clean static background. Our code will be released at https://github.com/Luciferbobo/D4NeRF.
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