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The material science literature contains up-to-date and comprehensive scientific knowledge of materials. However, their content is unstructured and diverse, resulting in a significant gap in providing sufficient information for material design and synthesis. To this end, we used natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV) techniques based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) to discover valuable experimental-based information about nanomaterials and synthesis methods in energy-material-related publications. Our first system, TextMaster, extracts opinions from texts and classifies them into challenges and opportunities, achieving 94% and 92% accuracy, respectively. Our second system, GraphMaster, realizes data extraction of tables and figures from publications with 98.3\% classification accuracy and 4.3% data extraction mean square error. Our results show that these systems could assess the suitability of materials for a certain application by evaluation of synthesis insights and case analysis with detailed references. This work offers a fresh perspective on mining knowledge from scientific literature, providing a wide swatch to accelerate nanomaterial research through CNN.
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Recently, the use of synthetic training data has been on the rise as it offers correctly labelled datasets at a lower cost. The downside of this technique is that the so-called domain gap between the real target images and synthetic training data leads to a decrease in performance. In this paper, we attempt to provide a holistic overview of how to use synthetic data for object detection. We analyse aspects of generating the data as well as techniques used to train the models. We do so by devising a number of experiments, training models on the Dataset of Industrial Metal Objects (DIMO). This dataset contains both real and synthetic images. The synthetic part has different subsets that are either exact synthetic copies of the real data or are copies with certain aspects randomised. This allows us to analyse what types of variation are good for synthetic training data and which aspects should be modelled to closely match the target data. Furthermore, we investigate what types of training techniques are beneficial towards generalisation to real data, and how to use them. Additionally, we analyse how real images can be leveraged when training on synthetic images. All these experiments are validated on real data and benchmarked to models trained on real data. The results offer a number of interesting takeaways that can serve as basic guidelines for using synthetic data for object detection. Code to reproduce results is available at https://github.com/EDM-Research/DIMO_ObjectDetection.
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Finding an initial noise vector that produces an input image when fed into the diffusion process (known as inversion) is an important problem in denoising diffusion models (DDMs), with applications for real image editing. The state-of-the-art approach for real image editing with inversion uses denoising diffusion implicit models (DDIMs) to deterministically noise the image to the intermediate state along the path that the denoising would follow given the original conditioning. However, DDIM inversion for real images is unstable as it relies on local linearization assumptions, which result in the propagation of errors, leading to incorrect image reconstruction and loss of content. To alleviate these problems, we propose Exact Diffusion Inversion via Coupled Transformations (EDICT), an inversion method that draws inspiration from affine coupling layers. EDICT enables mathematically exact inversion of real and model-generated images by maintaining two coupled noise vectors which are used to invert each other in an alternating fashion. Using Stable Diffusion, a state-of-the-art latent diffusion model, we demonstrate that EDICT successfully reconstructs real images with high fidelity. On complex image datasets like MS-COCO, EDICT reconstruction significantly outperforms DDIM, improving the mean square error of reconstruction by a factor of two. Using noise vectors inverted from real images, EDICT enables a wide range of image edits--from local and global semantic edits to image stylization--while maintaining fidelity to the original image structure. EDICT requires no model training/finetuning, prompt tuning, or extra data and can be combined with any pretrained DDM. Code is available at https://github.com/salesforce/EDICT.
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使用相对比心脏磁共振成像(PC-CMR)进行的流量分析可以量化用于评估心血管功能的重要参数。该分析的重要部分是鉴定正确的CMR视图和质量控制(QC),以检测可能影响流量定量的伪像。我们提出了一个新型的基于深度学习的框架,用于对完整CMR扫描的流量进行完全自动化的分析,该框架首先使用两个顺序卷积神经网络进行这些视图选择和QC步骤,然后进行自动主动脉和肺动脉分段,以实现对量化的量化。钥匙流参数。对于观察分类和QC,获得了0.958和0.914的精度值。对于细分,骰子分数为$> $ 0.969,而平淡的altman情节表示手动和自动峰流量值之间的一致性很高。此外,我们在外部验证数据集上测试了管道,结果表明管道的鲁棒性。这项工作是使用由986例病例组成的多生临床数据进行的,表明在临床环境中使用该管道的潜力。
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在计算机视觉中,在评估深度学习模型中的潜在人口偏见方面具有重要的研究兴趣。这种偏见的主要原因之一是训练数据中的失衡。在医学成像中,偏见的潜在影响可以说要大得多,因此兴趣较小。在医学成像管道中,对感兴趣的结构的分割在估计随后用于告知患者管理的临床生物标志物方面起着重要作用。卷积神经网络(CNN)开始用于自动化此过程。我们介绍了训练集失衡对种族和性别偏见在基于CNN的细分中的影响的首次系统研究。我们专注于从短轴Cine Cine心脏磁共振图像中对心脏结构进行分割,并训练具有不同种族/性别不平衡水平的CNN分割模型。我们发现性实验没有明显的偏见,但是在两个单独的种族实验中有明显的偏见,强调需要考虑健康数据集中不同人口组的足够代表。
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在许多低到中型收入(LMIC)国家中,超声用于评估胸腔积液。通常,积液的程度是由超声检查员手动测量的,导致明显的内部/观察者间变异性。在这项工作中,我们研究了深度学习(DL)以自动化超声图像中胸腔积液分割的过程。在在LMIC设置中获得的两个数据集上,我们使用NNU-NET DL模型获得了中位骰子相似性系数(DSC)为0.82和0.74。我们还研究了DL模型中坐标卷积的使用,发现这会导致第一个数据集的中间DSC在0.85上的统计学显着改善,而第二个数据集则没有显着更改。这项工作首次展示了DL在LMIC环境中超声评估的过程中自动化的潜力,在LMIC环境中,通常缺乏经验丰富的放射科医生来执行此类任务。
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