BREGMAN近端点算法(BPPA)是优化工具箱中的核心之一,一直在目睹新兴应用程序。通过简单易于实现更新规则,该算法对实证成功进行了几种引人注目的直觉,但严格的理由仍然很大程度上是未开发的。我们通过具有可分离数据的分类任务研究BPPA的计算属性,并证明与BPPA相关的可提供算法正则化效果。我们表明BPPA达到了非平凡的余量,这密切依赖于诱导BREGMAN发散的距离产生功能的条件数。我们进一步证明,对于一类问题,对条件数量的依赖性是紧张的,从而表明发散在影响所获得的解决方案的质量方面的重要性。此外,我们还将我们的调查结果扩展到镜像血统(MD),我们建立了边缘和BREGMAN发散之间的类似联系。我们通过具体示例演示,并显示BPPA / MD在相对于Mahalanobis距离的最大边缘解决方案方向上会聚。我们的理论调查结果是第一个展示良性学习特性BPPA / MD的态度,并且还提供校正算法设计中仔细选择的腐败。
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Optical coherence tomography (OCT) captures cross-sectional data and is used for the screening, monitoring, and treatment planning of retinal diseases. Technological developments to increase the speed of acquisition often results in systems with a narrower spectral bandwidth, and hence a lower axial resolution. Traditionally, image-processing-based techniques have been utilized to reconstruct subsampled OCT data and more recently, deep-learning-based methods have been explored. In this study, we simulate reduced axial scan (A-scan) resolution by Gaussian windowing in the spectral domain and investigate the use of a learning-based approach for image feature reconstruction. In anticipation of the reduced resolution that accompanies wide-field OCT systems, we build upon super-resolution techniques to explore methods to better aid clinicians in their decision-making to improve patient outcomes, by reconstructing lost features using a pixel-to-pixel approach with an altered super-resolution generative adversarial network (SRGAN) architecture.
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A computational graph in a deep neural network (DNN) denotes a specific data flow diagram (DFD) composed of many tensors and operators. Existing toolkits for visualizing computational graphs are not applicable when the structure is highly complicated and large-scale (e.g., BERT [1]). To address this problem, we propose leveraging a suite of visual simplification techniques, including a cycle-removing method, a module-based edge-pruning algorithm, and an isomorphic subgraph stacking strategy. We design and implement an interactive visualization system that is suitable for computational graphs with up to 10 thousand elements. Experimental results and usage scenarios demonstrate that our tool reduces 60% elements on average and hence enhances the performance for recognizing and diagnosing DNN models. Our contributions are integrated into an open-source DNN visualization toolkit, namely, MindInsight [2].
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Weakly-supervised temporal action localization (WTAL) learns to detect and classify action instances with only category labels. Most methods widely adopt the off-the-shelf Classification-Based Pre-training (CBP) to generate video features for action localization. However, the different optimization objectives between classification and localization, make temporally localized results suffer from the serious incomplete issue. To tackle this issue without additional annotations, this paper considers to distill free action knowledge from Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP), since we surprisingly observe that the localization results of vanilla VLP have an over-complete issue, which is just complementary to the CBP results. To fuse such complementarity, we propose a novel distillation-collaboration framework with two branches acting as CBP and VLP respectively. The framework is optimized through a dual-branch alternate training strategy. Specifically, during the B step, we distill the confident background pseudo-labels from the CBP branch; while during the F step, the confident foreground pseudo-labels are distilled from the VLP branch. And as a result, the dual-branch complementarity is effectively fused to promote a strong alliance. Extensive experiments and ablation studies on THUMOS14 and ActivityNet1.2 reveal that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods.
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Photometric stereo recovers the surface normals of an object from multiple images with varying shading cues, i.e., modeling the relationship between surface orientation and intensity at each pixel. Photometric stereo prevails in superior per-pixel resolution and fine reconstruction details. However, it is a complicated problem because of the non-linear relationship caused by non-Lambertian surface reflectance. Recently, various deep learning methods have shown a powerful ability in the context of photometric stereo against non-Lambertian surfaces. This paper provides a comprehensive review of existing deep learning-based calibrated photometric stereo methods. We first analyze these methods from different perspectives, including input processing, supervision, and network architecture. We summarize the performance of deep learning photometric stereo models on the most widely-used benchmark data set. This demonstrates the advanced performance of deep learning-based photometric stereo methods. Finally, we give suggestions and propose future research trends based on the limitations of existing models.
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With the success of Vision Transformers (ViTs) in computer vision tasks, recent arts try to optimize the performance and complexity of ViTs to enable efficient deployment on mobile devices. Multiple approaches are proposed to accelerate attention mechanism, improve inefficient designs, or incorporate mobile-friendly lightweight convolutions to form hybrid architectures. However, ViT and its variants still have higher latency or considerably more parameters than lightweight CNNs, even true for the years-old MobileNet. In practice, latency and size are both crucial for efficient deployment on resource-constraint hardware. In this work, we investigate a central question, can transformer models run as fast as MobileNet and maintain a similar size? We revisit the design choices of ViTs and propose an improved supernet with low latency and high parameter efficiency. We further introduce a fine-grained joint search strategy that can find efficient architectures by optimizing latency and number of parameters simultaneously. The proposed models, EfficientFormerV2, achieve about $4\%$ higher top-1 accuracy than MobileNetV2 and MobileNetV2$\times1.4$ on ImageNet-1K with similar latency and parameters. We demonstrate that properly designed and optimized vision transformers can achieve high performance with MobileNet-level size and speed.
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Recent efforts in Neural Rendering Fields (NeRF) have shown impressive results on novel view synthesis by utilizing implicit neural representation to represent 3D scenes. Due to the process of volumetric rendering, the inference speed for NeRF is extremely slow, limiting the application scenarios of utilizing NeRF on resource-constrained hardware, such as mobile devices. Many works have been conducted to reduce the latency of running NeRF models. However, most of them still require high-end GPU for acceleration or extra storage memory, which is all unavailable on mobile devices. Another emerging direction utilizes the neural light field (NeLF) for speedup, as only one forward pass is performed on a ray to predict the pixel color. Nevertheless, to reach a similar rendering quality as NeRF, the network in NeLF is designed with intensive computation, which is not mobile-friendly. In this work, we propose an efficient network that runs in real-time on mobile devices for neural rendering. We follow the setting of NeLF to train our network. Unlike existing works, we introduce a novel network architecture that runs efficiently on mobile devices with low latency and small size, i.e., saving $15\times \sim 24\times$ storage compared with MobileNeRF. Our model achieves high-resolution generation while maintaining real-time inference for both synthetic and real-world scenes on mobile devices, e.g., $18.04$ms (iPhone 13) for rendering one $1008\times756$ image of real 3D scenes. Additionally, we achieve similar image quality as NeRF and better quality than MobileNeRF (PSNR $26.15$ vs. $25.91$ on the real-world forward-facing dataset).
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Dialect differences caused by regional, social, and economic barriers cause performance discrepancies for many groups of users of language technology. Fair, inclusive, and equitable language technology must critically be dialect invariant, meaning that performance remains constant over dialectal shifts. Current English systems often fall significantly short of this ideal since they are designed and tested on a single dialect: Standard American English. We introduce Multi-VALUE -- a suite of resources for evaluating and achieving English dialect invariance. We build a controllable rule-based translation system spanning 50 English dialects and a total of 189 unique linguistic features. Our translation maps Standard American English text to synthetic form of each dialect, which uses an upper-bound on the natural density of features in that dialect. First, we use this system to build stress tests for question answering, machine translation, and semantic parsing tasks. Stress tests reveal significant performance disparities for leading models on non-standard dialects. Second, we use this system as a data augmentation technique to improve the dialect robustness of existing systems. Finally, we partner with native speakers of Chicano and Indian English to release new gold-standard variants of the popular CoQA task.
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The task of response selection in multi-turn dialogue is to find the best option from all candidates. In order to improve the reasoning ability of the model, previous studies pay more attention to using explicit algorithms to model the dependencies between utterances, which are deterministic, limited and inflexible. In addition, few studies consider differences between the options before and after reasoning. In this paper, we propose an Implicit Relational Reasoning Graph Network to address these issues, which consists of the Utterance Relational Reasoner (URR) and the Option Dual Comparator (ODC). URR aims to implicitly extract dependencies between utterances, as well as utterances and options, and make reasoning with relational graph convolutional networks. ODC focuses on perceiving the difference between the options through dual comparison, which can eliminate the interference of the noise options. Experimental results on two multi-turn dialogue reasoning benchmark datasets MuTual and MuTual+ show that our method significantly improves the baseline of four pretrained language models and achieves state-of-the-art performance. The model surpasses human performance for the first time on the MuTual dataset.
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Tendon-driven robots, where one or more tendons under tension bend and manipulate a flexible backbone, can improve minimally invasive surgeries involving difficult-to-reach regions in the human body. Planning motions safely within constrained anatomical environments requires accuracy and efficiency in shape estimation and collision checking. Tendon robots that employ arbitrarily-routed tendons can achieve complex and interesting shapes, enabling them to travel to difficult-to-reach anatomical regions. Arbitrarily-routed tendon-driven robots have unintuitive nonlinear kinematics. Therefore, we envision clinicians leveraging an assistive interactive-rate motion planner to automatically generate collision-free trajectories to clinician-specified destinations during minimally-invasive surgical procedures. Standard motion-planning techniques cannot achieve interactive-rate motion planning with the current expensive tendon robot kinematic models. In this work, we present a 3-phase motion-planning system for arbitrarily-routed tendon-driven robots with a Precompute phase, a Load phase, and a Supervisory Control phase. Our system achieves an interactive rate by developing a fast kinematic model (over 1,000 times faster than current models), a fast voxel collision method (27.6 times faster than standard methods), and leveraging a precomputed roadmap of the entire robot workspace with pre-voxelized vertices and edges. In simulated experiments, we show that our motion-planning method achieves high tip-position accuracy and generates plans at 14.8 Hz on average in a segmented collapsed lung pleural space anatomical environment. Our results show that our method is 17,700 times faster than popular off-the-shelf motion planning algorithms with standard FK and collision detection approaches. Our open-source code is available online.
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