败血症是一种威胁生命的患有器官功能障碍的疾病,是全球死亡和重症疾病的主要原因。急诊科分类过程中败血症的准确检测将允许尽早开始实验室分析,抗生素给药和其他败血症治疗方案。这项研究的目的是确定是否可以将EHR数据与最新的机器学习算法(Kate Sepsis)和临床自然语言处理一起提取和合成,以产生准确的脓毒症模型,并将Kate Sepsis与现有的败血症筛查方案进行比较爵士和QSOFA。使用来自16家参与医院的分类数据的患者遇到的患者遭遇开发了机器学习模型(Kate Sepsis)。凯特败血症,SIRS,标准筛查(具有感染源的SIRS)和QSOFA在三个设置中进行了测试。队列A是对单个站点1的医疗记录的回顾性分析。同类B是对位点1的前瞻性分析1.同伴C是对站点1的回顾性分析,并有15个地点。在所有队列中,凯特败血症的AUC为0.94-0.963,TPR为73-74.87%和3.76-7.17%FPR。标准筛选显示AUC为0.682-0.726,TPR为39.39-51.19%和2.9-6.02%FPR。 QSOFA协议的AUC为0.544-0.56,TPR为10.52-13.18%和1.22-1.68%FPR。对于严重的败血症,在所有队列中,凯特败血症的AUC为0.935-0.972,TPR为70-82.26%和4.64-8.62%FPR。对于败血性休克,在所有队列中,凯特败血症的AUC为0.96-0.981,TPR为85.71-89.66%和4.85-8.8%FPR。 SIRS,标准筛选和QSOFA表现出严重败血症和败血性休克检测的低AUC和TPR。凯特败血症在分类中提供的败血症检测性能比常用的筛查方案更好。
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我们在具有挑战性的3D视频游戏中处理规划和导航,其中包含使用特殊操作的代理商的断开区域的地图。在此设置中,经典符号规划者不适用或难以适应。我们介绍了一种混合技术,结合了培训的钢筋学习训练的低级政策和基于图的高级古典规划器。除了提供人类可解释的路径之外,该方法还提高了看不见地图中的端到端方法的泛化性能,在那里它在一点上通过复发端到端剂的成功率达到20%的绝对增加要点导航任务,但看不见的大型码1km x 1km。在深入的实验研究中,我们量化了巨大环境中端到端深度RL方法的局限性,我们还介绍了一个新的基准,即很快被释放的环境,可以生成用于导航任务的复杂程序3D地图。
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我们介绍了Godot强化学习(RL)代理,这是一个用于在戈戈斯游戏引擎中发展环境和代理的开源接口。Goot RL代理界面允许在具有各种策略和偏离策略的深度RL算法的具有挑战性的2D和3D环境中设计,创建和学习代理行为。我们提供标准的健身房界面,带有包装纸,用于学习Ray Rllib和稳定的基线RL框架。这允许用户访问最近20个艺术策略,禁止策略和多代理RL算法的状态。该框架是一个多功能工具,允许研究人员和游戏设计人员能够使用离散,连续和混合动作空间创建环境。界面相对表现,在高端膝上型计算机上每秒12k交互,当在4个CPU内核上被平移。概述视频可在此处提供:https://youtu.be/g1mlzsfqij4
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移动机器人的视觉导航经典通过SLAM加上最佳规划,最近通过实现作为深网络的端到端培训。虽然前者通常仅限于航点计划,但即使在真实的物理环境中已经证明了它们的效率,后一种解决方案最常用于模拟中,但已被证明能够学习更复杂的视觉推理,涉及复杂的语义规则。通过实际机器人在物理环境中导航仍然是一个开放问题。端到端的培训方法仅在模拟中进行了彻底测试,实验涉及实际机器人的实际机器人在简化的实验室条件下限制为罕见的性能评估。在这项工作中,我们对真实物理代理的性能和推理能力进行了深入研究,在模拟中培训并部署到两个不同的物理环境。除了基准测试之外,我们提供了对不同条件下不同代理商培训的泛化能力的见解。我们可视化传感器使用以及不同类型信号的重要性。我们展示了,对于Pointgoal Task,一个代理在各种任务上进行预先培训,并在目标环境的模拟版本上进行微调,可以达到竞争性能,而无需建模任何SIM2重传,即通过直接从仿真部署培训的代理即可一个真正的物理机器人。
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机器人社区已经开始严重依赖越来越逼真的3D模拟器,以便在大量数据上进行大规模培训机器人。但是,一旦机器人部署在现实世界中,仿真差距以及现实世界的变化(例如,灯,物体位移)导致错误。在本文中,我们介绍了SIM2Realviz,这是一种视觉分析工具,可以帮助专家了解并减少机器人EGO-POSE估计任务的这种差距,即使用训练型模型估计机器人的位置。 Sim2Realviz显示了给定模型的详细信息以及在模拟和现实世界中的实例的性能。专家可以识别在给定位置影响模型预测的环境差异,并通过与模型假设的直接交互来探索来解决它。我们详细介绍了工具的设计,以及与对平均偏差的回归利用以及如何解决的案例研究以及如何解决,以及模型如何被诸如自行车等地标的消失的扰动。
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Robotic teleoperation is a key technology for a wide variety of applications. It allows sending robots instead of humans in remote, possibly dangerous locations while still using the human brain with its enormous knowledge and creativity, especially for solving unexpected problems. A main challenge in teleoperation consists of providing enough feedback to the human operator for situation awareness and thus create full immersion, as well as offering the operator suitable control interfaces to achieve efficient and robust task fulfillment. We present a bimanual telemanipulation system consisting of an anthropomorphic avatar robot and an operator station providing force and haptic feedback to the human operator. The avatar arms are controlled in Cartesian space with a direct mapping of the operator movements. The measured forces and torques on the avatar side are haptically displayed to the operator. We developed a predictive avatar model for limit avoidance which runs on the operator side, ensuring low latency. The system was successfully evaluated during the ANA Avatar XPRIZE competition semifinals. In addition, we performed in lab experiments and carried out a small user study with mostly untrained operators.
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The purpose of this work was to tackle practical issues which arise when using a tendon-driven robotic manipulator with a long, passive, flexible proximal section in medical applications. A separable robot which overcomes difficulties in actuation and sterilization is introduced, in which the body containing the electronics is reusable and the remainder is disposable. A control input which resolves the redundancy in the kinematics and a physical interpretation of this redundancy are provided. The effect of a static change in the proximal section angle on bending angle error was explored under four testing conditions for a sinusoidal input. Bending angle error increased for increasing proximal section angle for all testing conditions with an average error reduction of 41.48% for retension, 4.28% for hysteresis, and 52.35% for re-tension + hysteresis compensation relative to the baseline case. Two major sources of error in tracking the bending angle were identified: time delay from hysteresis and DC offset from the proximal section angle. Examination of these error sources revealed that the simple hysteresis compensation was most effective for removing time delay and re-tension compensation for removing DC offset, which was the primary source of increasing error. The re-tension compensation was also tested for dynamic changes in the proximal section and reduced error in the final configuration of the tip by 89.14% relative to the baseline case.
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Learning enabled autonomous systems provide increased capabilities compared to traditional systems. However, the complexity of and probabilistic nature in the underlying methods enabling such capabilities present challenges for current systems engineering processes for assurance, and test, evaluation, verification, and validation (TEVV). This paper provides a preliminary attempt to map recently developed technical approaches in the assurance and TEVV of learning enabled autonomous systems (LEAS) literature to a traditional systems engineering v-model. This mapping categorizes such techniques into three main approaches: development, acquisition, and sustainment. We review the latest techniques to develop safe, reliable, and resilient learning enabled autonomous systems, without recommending radical and impractical changes to existing systems engineering processes. By performing this mapping, we seek to assist acquisition professionals by (i) informing comprehensive test and evaluation planning, and (ii) objectively communicating risk to leaders.
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