在核医学中,规定放射性碘治疗以治疗甲状腺功能亢进等疾病。规定剂量的计算在甲状腺体积上取决于其他因素。目前使用传统的2D超声成像估计这一点。但是,这种模态本质上是依赖的,导致体积估计的高变异性。为了提高再现性和一致性,我们用甲状腺体积的自动机器人超声扫描唯一地结合了基于神经网络的分割。通过使用具有连接超声探头的6 DOF机器人臂实现机器人采集。其运动基于每个甲状腺叶的在线分割和美国图像的外观。在后处理期间,将美国图像分段以获得体积估计。在一种消融研究中,与机器人在体积精度方面执行的与机器人执行的天真线性运动相比,我们证明了机器人臂运动的运动引导算法的优越性。在对幻影的用户研究中,我们将传统的2D超声测量与机器人系统进行了比较。与地面真理相比,超声专家用户的平均体积测量误差可能会从20.85 +/- 16.10%显着降低到仅8.23 +/- 3.10%。在非专家用户中观察到这种趋势,其中测量了与机器人系统的平均误差改善,以高达85美元的价格,这显然显示了机器人支持的优势。
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Disagreements are frequently studied from the perspective of either detecting toxicity or analysing argument structure. We propose a framework of dispute tactics that unifies these two perspectives, as well as other dialogue acts which play a role in resolving disputes, such as asking questions and providing clarification. This framework includes a preferential ordering among rebuttal-type tactics, ranging from ad hominem attacks to refuting the central argument. Using this framework, we annotate 213 disagreements (3,865 utterances) from Wikipedia Talk pages. This allows us to investigate research questions around the tactics used in disagreements; for instance, we provide empirical validation of the approach to disagreement recommended by Wikipedia. We develop models for multilabel prediction of dispute tactics in an utterance, achieving the best performance with a transformer-based label powerset model. Adding an auxiliary task to incorporate the ordering of rebuttal tactics further yields a statistically significant increase. Finally, we show that these annotations can be used to provide useful additional signals to improve performance on the task of predicting escalation.
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Restless multi-armed bandits are often used to model budget-constrained resource allocation tasks where receipt of the resource is associated with an increased probability of a favorable state transition. Prior work assumes that individual arms only benefit if they receive the resource directly. However, many allocation tasks occur within communities and can be characterized by positive externalities that allow arms to derive partial benefit when their neighbor(s) receive the resource. We thus introduce networked restless bandits, a novel multi-armed bandit setting in which arms are both restless and embedded within a directed graph. We then present Greta, a graph-aware, Whittle index-based heuristic algorithm that can be used to efficiently construct a constrained reward-maximizing action vector at each timestep. Our empirical results demonstrate that Greta outperforms comparison policies across a range of hyperparameter values and graph topologies.
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We study the capabilities of speech processing systems trained simply to predict large amounts of transcripts of audio on the internet. When scaled to 680,000 hours of multilingual and multitask supervision, the resulting models generalize well to standard benchmarks and are often competitive with prior fully supervised results but in a zero-shot transfer setting without the need for any fine-tuning. When compared to humans, the models approach their accuracy and robustness. We are releasing models and inference code to serve as a foundation for further work on robust speech processing.
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在许多现实世界中,当不二维测量值时,可能会提供自由旋转3D刚体(例如卫星)的图像观察。但是,图像数据的高维度排除了学习动力学和缺乏解释性的使用,从而降低了标准深度学习方法的有用性。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个物理知识的神经网络模型,以估计和预测图像序列中的3D旋转动力学。我们使用多阶段预测管道实现了这一目标,该管道将单个图像映射到潜在表示同构为$ \ Mathbf {so}(3)$,从潜在对计算角速度,并使用Hamiltonian Motion使用Hamiltonian运动方程来预测未来的潜在状态博学的哈密顿人的代表。我们证明了方法对新的旋转刚体数据集的功效,该数据集具有旋转立方体和矩形棱镜序列,并具有均匀且不均匀的密度。
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我们介绍了IST和Unmabel对WMT 2022关于质量估计(QE)的共享任务的共同贡献。我们的团队参与了所有三个子任务:(i)句子和单词级质量预测;(ii)可解释的量化宽松;(iii)关键错误检测。对于所有任务,我们在彗星框架之上构建,将其与OpenKIWI的预测估计架构连接,并为其配备单词级序列标记器和解释提取器。我们的结果表明,在预处理过程中合并参考可以改善下游任务上多种语言对的性能,并且通过句子和单词级别的目标共同培训可以进一步提高。此外,将注意力和梯度信息结合在一起被证明是提取句子级量化量化宽松模型的良好解释的首要策略。总体而言,我们的意见书在几乎所有语言对的所有三个任务中都取得了最佳的结果。
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我们引入了一个具有隐式规范正规化的概率模型,用于学习非负矩阵分解(NMF),该模型通常用于预测缺失值并在数据中找到隐藏模式,其中矩阵因子是与每个数据维度相关的潜在变量。潜在因素的非负限制是通过选择基于指数函数的指数密度或分布的支持的先验来处理的。采用基于Gibbs抽样的贝叶斯推理程序。我们在几个现实世界数据集上评估了该模型,包括癌症中药物敏感性的基因组学(GDSC $ ic_ {50} $)和具有不同尺寸和尺寸的基因体甲基化,并表明拟议的贝叶斯NMF GL $ _2^2^2 $ and and anGL $ _ \ infty $模型可以对不同的数据值进行强大的预测,并避免与竞争性贝叶斯NMF方法相比过度拟合。
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