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Domain adaptive detection aims to improve the generalization of detectors on target domain. To reduce discrepancy in feature distributions between two domains, recent approaches achieve domain adaption through feature alignment in different granularities via adversarial learning. However, they neglect the relationship between multiple granularities and different features in alignment, degrading detection. Addressing this, we introduce a unified multi-granularity alignment (MGA)-based detection framework for domain-invariant feature learning. The key is to encode the dependencies across different granularities including pixel-, instance-, and category-levels simultaneously to align two domains. Specifically, based on pixel-level features, we first develop an omni-scale gated fusion (OSGF) module to aggregate discriminative representations of instances with scale-aware convolutions, leading to robust multi-scale detection. Besides, we introduce multi-granularity discriminators to identify where, either source or target domains, different granularities of samples come from. Note that, MGA not only leverages instance discriminability in different categories but also exploits category consistency between two domains for detection. Furthermore, we present an adaptive exponential moving average (AEMA) strategy that explores model assessments for model update to improve pseudo labels and alleviate local misalignment problem, boosting detection robustness. Extensive experiments on multiple domain adaption scenarios validate the superiority of MGA over other approaches on FCOS and Faster R-CNN detectors. Code will be released at https://github.com/tiankongzhang/MGA.
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Zero-Shot Learning has been a highlighted research topic in both vision and language areas. Recently, most existing methods adopt structured knowledge information to model explicit correlations among categories and use deep graph convolutional network to propagate information between different categories. However, it is difficult to add new categories to existing structured knowledge graph, and deep graph convolutional network suffers from over-smoothing problem. In this paper, we provide a new semantic enhanced knowledge graph that contains both expert knowledge and categories semantic correlation. Our semantic enhanced knowledge graph can further enhance the correlations among categories and make it easy to absorb new categories. To propagate information on the knowledge graph, we propose a novel Residual Graph Convolutional Network (ResGCN), which can effectively alleviate the problem of over-smoothing. Experiments conducted on the widely used large-scale ImageNet-21K dataset and AWA2 dataset show the effectiveness of our method, and establish a new state-of-the-art on zero-shot learning. Moreover, our results on the large-scale ImageNet-21K with various feature extraction networks show that our method has better generalization and robustness.
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In subcellular biological research, fluorescence staining is a key technique to reveal the locations and morphology of subcellular structures. However, fluorescence staining is slow, expensive, and harmful to cells. In this paper, we treat it as a deep learning task termed subcellular structure prediction (SSP), aiming to predict the 3D fluorescent images of multiple subcellular structures from a 3D transmitted-light image. Unfortunately, due to the limitations of current biotechnology, each image is partially labeled in SSP. Besides, naturally, the subcellular structures vary considerably in size, which causes the multi-scale issue in SSP. However, traditional solutions can not address SSP well since they organize network parameters inefficiently and inflexibly. To overcome these challenges, we propose Re-parameterizing Mixture-of-Diverse-Experts (RepMode), a network that dynamically organizes its parameters with task-aware priors to handle specified single-label prediction tasks of SSP. In RepMode, the Mixture-of-Diverse-Experts (MoDE) block is designed to learn the generalized parameters for all tasks, and gating re-parameterization (GatRep) is performed to generate the specialized parameters for each task, by which RepMode can maintain a compact practical topology exactly like a plain network, and meanwhile achieves a powerful theoretical topology. Comprehensive experiments show that RepMode outperforms existing methods on ten of twelve prediction tasks of SSP and achieves state-of-the-art overall performance.
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We present a machine-learning framework to accurately characterize morphologies of Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) host galaxies within $z<1$. We first use PSFGAN to decouple host galaxy light from the central point source, then we invoke the Galaxy Morphology Network (GaMorNet) to estimate whether the host galaxy is disk-dominated, bulge-dominated, or indeterminate. Using optical images from five bands of the HSC Wide Survey, we build models independently in three redshift bins: low $(0<z<0.25)$, medium $(0.25<z<0.5)$, and high $(0.5<z<1.0)$. By first training on a large number of simulated galaxies, then fine-tuning using far fewer classified real galaxies, our framework predicts the actual morphology for $\sim$ $60\%-70\%$ host galaxies from test sets, with a classification precision of $\sim$ $80\%-95\%$, depending on redshift bin. Specifically, our models achieve disk precision of $96\%/82\%/79\%$ and bulge precision of $90\%/90\%/80\%$ (for the 3 redshift bins), at thresholds corresponding to indeterminate fractions of $30\%/43\%/42\%$. The classification precision of our models has a noticeable dependency on host galaxy radius and magnitude. No strong dependency is observed on contrast ratio. Comparing classifications of real AGNs, our models agree well with traditional 2D fitting with GALFIT. The PSFGAN+GaMorNet framework does not depend on the choice of fitting functions or galaxy-related input parameters, runs orders of magnitude faster than GALFIT, and is easily generalizable via transfer learning, making it an ideal tool for studying AGN host galaxy morphology in forthcoming large imaging survey.
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Previous work on controllable text generation has explored the idea of control from the latent space, such as optimizing a representation with attribute-related classifiers or sampling a representation from relevant discrete samples. However, they are not effective enough in modeling both the latent space and the control, leaving controlled text with low quality and diversity. In this work, we propose a novel control framework using probability density estimation in the latent space. Our method utilizes an invertible transformation function, the Normalizing Flow, that maps the complex distributions in the latent space to simple Gaussian distributions in the prior space. Thus, we can perform sophisticated and flexible control in the prior space and feed the control effects back into the latent space owing to the one-one-mapping property of invertible transformations. Experiments on single-attribute controls and multi-attribute control reveal that our method outperforms several strong baselines on attribute relevance and text quality and achieves the SOTA. Further analysis of control strength adjustment demonstrates the flexibility of our control strategy.
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Due to the usefulness in data enrichment for data analysis tasks, joinable table discovery has become an important operation in data lake management. Existing approaches target equi-joins, the most common way of combining tables for creating a unified view, or semantic joins, which tolerate misspellings and different formats to deliver more join results. They are either exact solutions whose running time is linear in the sizes of query column and target table repository or approximate solutions lacking precision. In this paper, we propose Deepjoin, a deep learning model for accurate and efficient joinable table discovery. Our solution is an embedding-based retrieval, which employs a pre-trained language model (PLM) and is designed as one framework serving both equi- and semantic joins. We propose a set of contextualization options to transform column contents to a text sequence. The PLM reads the sequence and is fine-tuned to embed columns to vectors such that columns are expected to be joinable if they are close to each other in the vector space. Since the output of the PLM is fixed in length, the subsequent search procedure becomes independent of the column size. With a state-of-the-art approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm, the search time is logarithmic in the repository size. To train the model, we devise the techniques for preparing training data as well as data augmentation. The experiments on real datasets demonstrate that by training on a small subset of a corpus, Deepjoin generalizes to large datasets and its precision consistently outperforms other approximate solutions'. Deepjoin is even more accurate than an exact solution to semantic joins when evaluated with labels from experts. Moreover, when equipped with a GPU, Deepjoin is up to two orders of magnitude faster than existing solutions.
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This paper proposes a deep recurrent Rotation Averaging Graph Optimizer (RAGO) for Multiple Rotation Averaging (MRA). Conventional optimization-based methods usually fail to produce accurate results due to corrupted and noisy relative measurements. Recent learning-based approaches regard MRA as a regression problem, while these methods are sensitive to initialization due to the gauge freedom problem. To handle these problems, we propose a learnable iterative graph optimizer minimizing a gauge-invariant cost function with an edge rectification strategy to mitigate the effect of inaccurate measurements. Our graph optimizer iteratively refines the global camera rotations by minimizing each node's single rotation objective function. Besides, our approach iteratively rectifies relative rotations to make them more consistent with the current camera orientations and observed relative rotations. Furthermore, we employ a gated recurrent unit to improve the result by tracing the temporal information of the cost graph. Our framework is a real-time learning-to-optimize rotation averaging graph optimizer with a tiny size deployed for real-world applications. RAGO outperforms previous traditional and deep methods on real-world and synthetic datasets. The code is available at https://github.com/sfu-gruvi-3dv/RAGO
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Contrastive learning (CL), which can extract the information shared between different contrastive views, has become a popular paradigm for vision representation learning. Inspired by the success in computer vision, recent work introduces CL into graph modeling, dubbed as graph contrastive learning (GCL). However, generating contrastive views in graphs is more challenging than that in images, since we have little prior knowledge on how to significantly augment a graph without changing its labels. We argue that typical data augmentation techniques (e.g., edge dropping) in GCL cannot generate diverse enough contrastive views to filter out noises. Moreover, previous GCL methods employ two view encoders with exactly the same neural architecture and tied parameters, which further harms the diversity of augmented views. To address this limitation, we propose a novel paradigm named model augmented GCL (MA-GCL), which will focus on manipulating the architectures of view encoders instead of perturbing graph inputs. Specifically, we present three easy-to-implement model augmentation tricks for GCL, namely asymmetric, random and shuffling, which can respectively help alleviate high- frequency noises, enrich training instances and bring safer augmentations. All three tricks are compatible with typical data augmentations. Experimental results show that MA-GCL can achieve state-of-the-art performance on node classification benchmarks by applying the three tricks on a simple base model. Extensive studies also validate our motivation and the effectiveness of each trick. (Code, data and appendix are available at https://github.com/GXM1141/MA-GCL. )
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A lot of theoretical and empirical evidence shows that the flatter local minima tend to improve generalization. Adversarial Weight Perturbation (AWP) is an emerging technique to efficiently and effectively find such minima. In AWP we minimize the loss w.r.t. a bounded worst-case perturbation of the model parameters thereby favoring local minima with a small loss in a neighborhood around them. The benefits of AWP, and more generally the connections between flatness and generalization, have been extensively studied for i.i.d. data such as images. In this paper, we extensively study this phenomenon for graph data. Along the way, we first derive a generalization bound for non-i.i.d. node classification tasks. Then we identify a vanishing-gradient issue with all existing formulations of AWP and we propose a new Weighted Truncated AWP (WT-AWP) to alleviate this issue. We show that regularizing graph neural networks with WT-AWP consistently improves both natural and robust generalization across many different graph learning tasks and models.
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