We propose a simple data augmentation technique that can be applied to standard model-free reinforcement learning algorithms, enabling robust learning directly from pixels without the need for auxiliary losses or pre-training. The approach leverages input perturbations commonly used in computer vision tasks to transform input examples, as well as regularizing the value function and policy. Existing model-free approaches, such as Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) [22], are not able to train deep networks effectively from image pixels. However, the addition of our augmentation method dramatically improves SAC's performance, enabling it to reach state-of-the-art performance on the DeepMind control suite, surpassing model-based [23,38,24] methods and recently proposed contrastive learning [50]. Our approach, which we dub DrQ: Data-regularized Q, can be combined with any model-free reinforcement learning algorithm. We further demonstrate this by applying it to DQN [43] and significantly improve its data-efficiency on the Atari 100k [31] benchmark. An implementation can be found at https://sites. google.com/view/data-regularized-q.
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