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In this paper, we introduce a novel optimization algorithm for machine learning model training called Normalized Stochastic Gradient Descent (NSGD) inspired by Normalized Least Mean Squares (NLMS) from adaptive filtering. When we train a high-complexity model on a large dataset, the learning rate is significantly important as a poor choice of optimizer parameters can lead to divergence. The algorithm updates the new set of network weights using the stochastic gradient but with $\ell_1$ and $\ell_2$-based normalizations on the learning rate parameter similar to the NLMS algorithm. Our main difference from the existing normalization methods is that we do not include the error term in the normalization process. We normalize the update term using the input vector to the neuron. Our experiments present that the model can be trained to a better accuracy level on different initial settings using our optimization algorithm. In this paper, we demonstrate the efficiency of our training algorithm using ResNet-20 and a toy neural network on different benchmark datasets with different initializations. The NSGD improves the accuracy of the ResNet-20 from 91.96\% to 92.20\% on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
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Our goal with this survey is to provide an overview of the state of the art deep learning technologies for face generation and editing. We will cover popular latest architectures and discuss key ideas that make them work, such as inversion, latent representation, loss functions, training procedures, editing methods, and cross domain style transfer. We particularly focus on GAN-based architectures that have culminated in the StyleGAN approaches, which allow generation of high-quality face images and offer rich interfaces for controllable semantics editing and preserving photo quality. We aim to provide an entry point into the field for readers that have basic knowledge about the field of deep learning and are looking for an accessible introduction and overview.
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Transformer models have achieved superior performance in various natural language processing tasks. However, the quadratic computational cost of the attention mechanism limits its practicality for long sequences. There are existing attention variants that improve the computational efficiency, but they have limited ability to effectively compute global information. In parallel to Transformer models, state space models (SSMs) are tailored for long sequences, but they are not flexible enough to capture complicated local information. We propose SPADE, short for $\underline{\textbf{S}}$tate s$\underline{\textbf{P}}$ace $\underline{\textbf{A}}$ugmente$\underline{\textbf{D}}$ Transform$\underline{\textbf{E}}$r. Specifically, we augment a SSM into the bottom layer of SPADE, and we employ efficient local attention methods for the other layers. The SSM augments global information, which complements the lack of long-range dependency issue in local attention methods. Experimental results on the Long Range Arena benchmark and language modeling tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. To further demonstrate the scalability of SPADE, we pre-train large encoder-decoder models and present fine-tuning results on natural language understanding and natural language generation tasks.
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我们为对抗性多机器人群众跨任务中的决策制定开发了一个有弹性的二进制假设测试框架。该框架利用机器人之间的随机信任观察,以在集中式融合中心(FC)中得出可进行的弹性决策,即使I)在网络中存在恶意机器人,其数量可能大于合法机器人的数量,并且II )FC使用所有机器人的一次性噪声测量。我们得出两种算法来实现这一目标。第一个是两个阶段方法(2SA),该方法基于收到的信任观察估算机器人的合法性,并证明在最严重的恶意攻击中可最大程度地减少检测错误的可能性。在这里,恶意机器人的比例是已知但任意的。对于不明的恶意机器人,我们开发了对抗性的广义似然比测试(A-GLRT),该测试(A-GLRT)都使用报告的机器人测量和信任观察来估计机器人的可信赖性,其报告策略以及同时的正确假设。我们利用特殊的问题结构表明,尽管有几个未知的问题参数,但这种方法仍然可以计算处理。我们在硬件实验中部署了这两种算法,其中一组机器人会在模拟道路网络上进行交通状况的人群,但仍会受到SYBIL攻击的方式。我们从实际通信信号中提取每个机器人的信任观察结果,这些信号提供有关发件人独特性的统计信息。我们表明,即使恶意机器人在大多数情况下,FC也可以将检测误差的可能性降低到2SA和A-GLRT的30.5%和29%。
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神经语言模型被广泛使用;但是,它们的模型参数通常需要适应时间和资源消耗的应用程序的特定域和任务。因此,最近引入了适配器作为模型适应的轻巧替代方案。它们由一组特定于任务的参数组成,这些参数缩短了训练时间和简单的参数组成。适配器训练和组成的简单性带来了新的挑战,例如保持适配器属性的概述,并有效地比较其生产的嵌入空间。为了帮助开发人员克服这些挑战,我们提供了双重贡献。首先,在与NLP研究人员的密切合作中,我们对支持适配器评估的方法进行了需求分析,并检测到了对固有的(即基于相似性的嵌入相似性)和外部(即基于预测的)解释方法的需求。 。其次,在收集的要求的激励下,我们设计了一个灵活的视觉分析工作空间,可以比较适配器属性。在本文中,我们讨论了几次设计迭代和替代方案,以进行交互式,比较视觉解释方法。我们的比较可视化表明,适应性嵌入媒介的差异和对​​各种人性化概念(例如,人的名字,人类素质)的预测结果。我们通过案例研究评估我们的工作空间,并表明,例如,根据Context-0(deNsTextualized)嵌入对语言偏见任务进行培训的适配器,引入了一种新型的偏见,其中单词(甚至与性别独立的单词)一样与女性代词更类似于女性。我们证明这些是上下文0嵌入的工件。
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众所周知,从像素观察中进行的非质量增强学习(RL)是不稳定的。结果,许多成功的算法必须结合不同领域的实践和辅助损失,以在复杂的环境中学习有意义的行为。在这项工作中,我们提供了新颖的分析,表明这些不稳定性是通过卷积编码器和低质量奖励进行时间差异学习而产生的。我们表明,这种新的视觉致命三合会导致不稳定的训练和过早的融合归化解决方案,这是一种现象,我们将灾难性的自相传为。基于我们的分析,我们提出了A-LIX,这是一种为编码器梯度提供适应性正则化的方法,该梯度明确防止使用双重目标防止灾难性的自我抗辩发生。通过应用A-LIX,我们在DeepMind Control和Atari 100K基准测试方面显着优于先前的最先进,而无需任何数据增强或辅助损失。
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深度展开是一种基于深度学习的图像重建方法,它弥合了基于模型和纯粹的基于深度学习的图像重建方法之间的差距。尽管深层展开的方法实现了成像问题的最新性能,并允许将观察模型纳入重建过程,但它们没有提供有关重建图像的任何不确定性信息,这严重限制了他们在实践中的使用,尤其是用于安全 - 关键成像应用。在本文中,我们提出了一个基于学习的图像重建框架,该框架将观察模型纳入重建任务中,并能够基于深层展开和贝叶斯神经网络来量化认知和核心不确定性。我们证明了所提出的框架在磁共振成像和计算机断层扫描重建问题上的不确定性表征能力。我们研究了拟议框架提供的认知和态度不确定性信息的特征,以激发未来的研究利用不确定性信息来开发更准确,健壮,可信赖,不确定性,基于学习的图像重建和成像问题的分析方法。我们表明,所提出的框架可以提供不确定性信息,同时与最新的深层展开方法实现可比的重建性能。
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Deep learning (DL) methods where interpretability is intrinsically considered as part of the model are required to better understand the relationship of clinical and imaging-based attributes with DL outcomes, thus facilitating their use in the reasoning behind medical decisions. Latent space representations built with variational autoencoders (VAE) do not ensure individual control of data attributes. Attribute-based methods enforcing attribute disentanglement have been proposed in the literature for classical computer vision tasks in benchmark data. In this paper, we propose a VAE approach, the Attri-VAE, that includes an attribute regularization term to associate clinical and medical imaging attributes with different regularized dimensions in the generated latent space, enabling a better-disentangled interpretation of the attributes. Furthermore, the generated attention maps explained the attribute encoding in the regularized latent space dimensions. Using the Attri-VAE approach we analyzed healthy and myocardial infarction patients with clinical, cardiac morphology, and radiomics attributes. The proposed model provided an excellent trade-off between reconstruction fidelity, disentanglement, and interpretability, outperforming state-of-the-art VAE approaches according to several quantitative metrics. The resulting latent space allowed the generation of realistic synthetic data in the trajectory between two distinct input samples or along a specific attribute dimension to better interpret changes between different cardiac conditions.
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卷积一直是现代深层神经网络的核心运作。众所周知,可以在傅立叶变换域中实现卷积。在本文中,我们建议使用二进制块WALSH-HATAMARD变换(WHT)而不是傅里叶变换。我们使用基于WHT的二进制层来替换深度神经网络中的一些常规卷积层。我们本文利用了一维(1-D)和二维(2-D)二进制WHT。在两个1-D和2-D层中,我们计算输入特征图的二进制WHT,并使用非线性去噪该WHT域系数,该非线性通过将软阈值与TanH函数组合而获得的非线性。在去噪后,我们计算反相WHT。我们使用1d-wht来取代$ 1 \ times 1 $卷积层,2d-wht层可以取代3 $ \ times $ 3卷积层和挤压和激发层。具有可培训重量的2D-WHT层也可以在全局平均池(间隙)层之前插入以辅助致密层。通过这种方式,我们可以显着降低可训练参数的衡量参数的数量。在本文中,我们将WHT层实施到MobileNet-V2,MobileNet-V3大,并重新阅读,以显着降低参数的数量,以可忽略不计的精度损失。此外,根据我们的速度测试,2D-FWWHT层的运行大约是常规3美元3美元3美元的速度大约为19.51次较少的RAM使用率在NVIDIA Jetson Nano实验中的使用率。
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