Question-and-answer formats provide a novel experimental platform for investigating cybersecurity questions. Unlike previous chatbots, the latest ChatGPT model from OpenAI supports an advanced understanding of complex coding questions. The research demonstrates thirteen coding tasks that generally qualify as stages in the MITRE ATT&CK framework, ranging from credential access to defense evasion. With varying success, the experimental prompts generate examples of keyloggers, logic bombs, obfuscated worms, and payment-fulfilled ransomware. The empirical results illustrate cases that support the broad gain of functionality, including self-replication and self-modification, evasion, and strategic understanding of complex cybersecurity goals. One surprising feature of ChatGPT as a language-only model centers on its ability to spawn coding approaches that yield images that obfuscate or embed executable programming steps or links.
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Summary quality assessment metrics have two categories: reference-based and reference-free. Reference-based metrics are theoretically more accurate but are limited by the availability and quality of the human-written references, which are both difficulty to ensure. This inspires the development of reference-free metrics, which are independent from human-written references, in the past few years. However, existing reference-free metrics cannot be both zero-shot and accurate. In this paper, we propose a zero-shot but accurate reference-free approach in a sneaky way: feeding documents, based upon which summaries generated, as references into reference-based metrics. Experimental results show that this zero-shot approach can give us the best-performing reference-free metrics on nearly all aspects on several recently-released datasets, even beating reference-free metrics specifically trained for this task sometimes. We further investigate what reference-based metrics can benefit from such repurposing and whether our additional tweaks help.
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研究过程自动化 - 对科学仪器,计算机,数据存储和其他资源的可靠,高效和可重复执行的可靠,高效和可重复执行,这是现代科学的基本要素。我们在此处报告Globus研究数据管理平台内的新服务,该服务可以将各种研究过程的规范作为可重复使用的动作集,流量以及在异质研究环境中执行此类流动的集合。为了以广泛的空间范围(例如,从科学仪器到远程数据中心)和时间范围(从几秒钟到几周),这些Globus自动化服务功能:1)云托管以可靠地执行长期持久的流量,尽管零星的失败,但这些Globus自动化服务功能:1) ; 2)声明性符号和可扩展的异步行动提供商API,用于定义和执行涉及任意资源的各种行动和流动规范; 3)授权授权机制,用于安全调用动作。这些服务允许研究人员将广泛的研究任务的管理外包和自动化为可靠,可扩展和安全的云平台。我们向Globus自动化服务提供用例
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在各种科学和临床环境中,快速无创探测空间变化的非相关事件(例如人类头骨下方的脑血流)是一项必不可少的任务。所使用的主要光学技术之一是弥漫性相关光谱(DC),其经典实现使用单个或几个单光子检测器,导致空间定位精度较差,时间分辨率相对较低。 Here, we propose a technique termed Classifying Rapid decorrelation Events via Parallelized single photon dEtection (CREPE)}, a new form of DCS that can probe and classify different decorrelating movements hidden underneath turbid volume with high sensitivity using parallelized speckle detection from a $32\times32 $像素SPAD阵列。我们通过对隐藏在5mm组织样的幻影下的不同时空 - 偏置模式进行分类来评估我们的设置,该模式由快速反相关的动态散射介质制成。十二个多模式纤维用于从组织幻影表面的不同位置收集散射光。为了验证我们的设置,我们通过在Multi-Kilo-Hertz速率下调制的数字微龙器设备(DMD)以及含有流动流体的容器幻影。除了具有胜过经典无监督学习方法的深层对比学习算法外,我们证明我们的方法可以准确地检测和分类浊度散射介质下的不同瞬态去相关事件(发生在0.1-0.4s中),而无需任何数据标记。这有可能应用于非侵入性的深层组织运动模式,例如在紧凑和静态检测探针内以多赫兹速率识别正常或异常的脑血流事件。
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Interaction and cooperation with humans are overarching aspirations of artificial intelligence (AI) research. Recent studies demonstrate that AI agents trained with deep reinforcement learning are capable of collaborating with humans. These studies primarily evaluate human compatibility through "objective" metrics such as task performance, obscuring potential variation in the levels of trust and subjective preference that different agents garner. To better understand the factors shaping subjective preferences in human-agent cooperation, we train deep reinforcement learning agents in Coins, a two-player social dilemma. We recruit participants for a human-agent cooperation study and measure their impressions of the agents they encounter. Participants' perceptions of warmth and competence predict their stated preferences for different agents, above and beyond objective performance metrics. Drawing inspiration from social science and biology research, we subsequently implement a new "partner choice" framework to elicit revealed preferences: after playing an episode with an agent, participants are asked whether they would like to play the next round with the same agent or to play alone. As with stated preferences, social perception better predicts participants' revealed preferences than does objective performance. Given these results, we recommend human-agent interaction researchers routinely incorporate the measurement of social perception and subjective preferences into their studies.
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素描是一种常用于创新过程的自然和有效的视觉通信介质。深度学习模型的最新发展急剧改善了理解和生成视觉内容的机器能力。令人兴奋的发展领域探讨了用于模拟人类草图的深度学习方法,开设创造性应用的机会。本章介绍了开发深受学习驱动的创造性支持工具的三个基本步骤,这些步骤消耗和生成草图:1)在草图和移动用户界面之间生成新配对数据集的数据收集工作; 2)基于草图的用户界面检索系统,适用于最先进的计算机视觉技术; 3)一个对话的草图系统,支持基于自然语言的草图/批判创作过程的新颖互动。在本章中,我们在深度学习和人机互动社区中进行了对相关的事先工作,详细记录了数据收集过程和系统的架构,目前提供了定性和定量结果,并绘制了几个未来研究的景观在这个令人兴奋的地区的方向。
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