作为一项具有挑战性的任务,文本到图像生成旨在根据给定的文本说明生成照片真实和语义一致的图像。现有方法主要从一个句子中提取文本信息,以表示图像,文本表示良好地影响生成图像的质量。但是,直接利用一个句子中的有限信息错过了一些关键属性描述,这是准确描述图像的关键因素。为了减轻上述问题,我们提出了一种有效的文本表示方法,并具有属性信息的补充。首先,我们构建一个属性内存,以用句子输入共同控制文本对图像生成。其次,我们探讨了两种更新机制,即样品感知和样本 - 关节机制,以动态优化广义属性存储器。此外,我们设计了一个属性句子结合条件生成器学习方案,以使多个表示的特征嵌入对齐,从而促进跨模式网络训练。实验结果表明,该提出的方法对CUB(FID从14.81到8.57)和可可(FID从21.42到12.39)的数据集获得了实质性改进。
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我们研究机器学习分类器对对抗扰动的认证鲁棒性。特别是,我们提出了第一个普遍近似认证的鲁棒性(UNICR)框架,该框架可以近似于任何分类器上任何输入的鲁棒性认证,以与任何连续概率分布产生的噪声产生的任何$ \ ell_p $扰动。与最先进的认证防御措施相比,UNICR提供了许多重要的好处:(1)上述4'Any的第一个通用鲁棒性认证框架;(2)自动鲁棒性认证避免逐案分析,(3)认证鲁棒性的紧密度验证以及(4)随机平滑下使用的噪声分布的最佳验证。我们进行了广泛的实验,以验证UNICR的上述好处以及UNICR比最先进的认证防御能力对$ \ ell_p $扰动的优势。
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Video frame interpolation(VFI) is the task that synthesizes the intermediate frame given two consecutive frames. Most of the previous studies have focused on appropriate frame warping operations and refinement modules for the warped frames. These studies have been conducted on natural videos containing only continuous motions. However, many practical videos contain various unnatural objects with discontinuous motions such as logos, user interfaces and subtitles. We propose three techniques to make the existing deep learning-based VFI architectures robust to these elements. First is a novel data augmentation strategy called figure-text mixing(FTM) which can make the models learn discontinuous motions during training stage without any extra dataset. Second, we propose a simple but effective module that predicts a map called discontinuity map(D-map), which densely distinguishes between areas of continuous and discontinuous motions. Lastly, we propose loss functions to give supervisions of the discontinuous motion areas which can be applied along with FTM and D-map. We additionally collect a special test benchmark called Graphical Discontinuous Motion(GDM) dataset consisting of some mobile games and chatting videos. Applied to the various state-of-the-art VFI networks, our method significantly improves the interpolation qualities on the videos from not only GDM dataset, but also the existing benchmarks containing only continuous motions such as Vimeo90K, UCF101, and DAVIS.
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分散算法是一种计算形式,通过依赖于直接连接代理之间的低成本通信的本地动态实现全局目标。在涉及分布式数据集的大规模优化任务中,分散算法显示出强大,有时优越,性能与中央节点的分布式算法。最近,发展分散的深度学习算法引起了极大的关注。它们被视为使用参数服务器或环形恢复协议的那些的低通信开销替代方案。但是,缺乏易于使用和高效的软件包仅在纸上保持了最分散的算法。为了填补差距,我们介绍了Bluefog,一个Python库进行了直接的,高性能的不同分散算法的实现。基于各种通信操作的统一抽象,Bluefog提供直观的接口来实现分散的算法的频谱,从使用静态无向图的那些,用于使用动态和定向图形的同步操作进行异步操作。 Bluefog还采用了多种系统级加速技术,以进一步优化深度学习任务的性能。在主流DNN培训任务中,Bluefog达到了更高的吞吐量,并实现了一个总体上的吞吐量1.2 \ times \ sim 1.8 \ times $ speedup,这是一个基于环 - allyuce的最先进的分布式深度学习包。 Bluefog是https://github.com/bluefog-lib/bluefog的开源。
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为了提高图像压缩性能,最近的基于神经网络的基于神经网络的研究可以分为三类:学习编解码器,后处理网络和紧凑型表示网络。学习编解码器专为超出传统压缩模块而设计的端到端学习。后处理网络使用基于示例的学习增加解码图像的质量。学习紧凑的表示网络,以降低输入图像的容量,以减少比特率的同时保持解码图像的质量。然而,这些方法与现有的编解码器不兼容,或者不会最佳地增加编码效率。具体地,由于编解码器的不准确性,难以在先前的研究中实现最佳学习。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于辅助编解码器网络(ACN)的新颖的标准兼容图像压缩框架。 ACNS旨在模仿现有编解码器的图像劣化操作,这为紧凑型表示网络提供了更准确的梯度。因此,可以有效地和最佳地学习紧凑的表示和后处理网络。我们证明,我们基于JPEG和高效视频编码(HEVC)标准的建议框架基本上以标准的兼容方式大致优于现有的图像压缩算法。
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Compressed videos often exhibit visually annoying artifacts, known as Perceivable Encoding Artifacts (PEAs), which dramatically degrade video visual quality. Subjective and objective measures capable of identifying and quantifying various types of PEAs are critical in improving visual quality. In this paper, we investigate the influence of four spatial PEAs (i.e. blurring, blocking, bleeding, and ringing) and two temporal PEAs (i.e. flickering and floating) on video quality. For spatial artifacts, we propose a visual saliency model with a low computational cost and higher consistency with human visual perception. In terms of temporal artifacts, self-attention based TimeSFormer is improved to detect temporal artifacts. Based on the six types of PEAs, a quality metric called Saliency-Aware Spatio-Temporal Artifacts Measurement (SSTAM) is proposed. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art metrics. We believe that SSTAM will be beneficial for optimizing video coding techniques.
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As one of the most important psychic stress reactions, micro-expressions (MEs), are spontaneous and transient facial expressions that can reveal the genuine emotions of human beings. Thus, recognizing MEs (MER) automatically is becoming increasingly crucial in the field of affective computing, and provides essential technical support in lie detection, psychological analysis and other areas. However, the lack of abundant ME data seriously restricts the development of cutting-edge data-driven MER models. Despite the recent efforts of several spontaneous ME datasets to alleviate this problem, it is still a tiny amount of work. To solve the problem of ME data hunger, we construct a dynamic spontaneous ME dataset with the largest current ME data scale, called DFME (Dynamic Facial Micro-expressions), which includes 7,526 well-labeled ME videos induced by 671 participants and annotated by more than 20 annotators throughout three years. Afterwards, we adopt four classical spatiotemporal feature learning models on DFME to perform MER experiments to objectively verify the validity of DFME dataset. In addition, we explore different solutions to the class imbalance and key-frame sequence sampling problems in dynamic MER respectively on DFME, so as to provide a valuable reference for future research. The comprehensive experimental results show that our DFME dataset can facilitate the research of automatic MER, and provide a new benchmark for MER. DFME will be published via https://mea-lab-421.github.io.
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Face Anti-spoofing (FAS) is essential to secure face recognition systems from various physical attacks. However, recent research generally focuses on short-distance applications (i.e., phone unlocking) while lacking consideration of long-distance scenes (i.e., surveillance security checks). In order to promote relevant research and fill this gap in the community, we collect a large-scale Surveillance High-Fidelity Mask (SuHiFiMask) dataset captured under 40 surveillance scenes, which has 101 subjects from different age groups with 232 3D attacks (high-fidelity masks), 200 2D attacks (posters, portraits, and screens), and 2 adversarial attacks. In this scene, low image resolution and noise interference are new challenges faced in surveillance FAS. Together with the SuHiFiMask dataset, we propose a Contrastive Quality-Invariance Learning (CQIL) network to alleviate the performance degradation caused by image quality from three aspects: (1) An Image Quality Variable module (IQV) is introduced to recover image information associated with discrimination by combining the super-resolution network. (2) Using generated sample pairs to simulate quality variance distributions to help contrastive learning strategies obtain robust feature representation under quality variation. (3) A Separate Quality Network (SQN) is designed to learn discriminative features independent of image quality. Finally, a large number of experiments verify the quality of the SuHiFiMask dataset and the superiority of the proposed CQIL.
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