我们介绍RLDS(强化学习数据集),一个生态系统,用于在连续决策(SDM)的上下文中记录,重播,操纵,注释和共享数据,包括加强学习(RL),从演示,离线RL或I模仿学习学习。 RLDS不仅能够再现现有的研究和轻松生成新数据集,而且还加速了新的研究。通过提供标准和无损的数据集格式,它可以在更广泛的任务中快速测试新的算法。 RLDS生态系统使数据集很容易在没有任何信息丢失的情况下共享数据集,并且在将各种数据处理管道应用于大集的数据集时,在底层原始格式不可知。此外,RLD提供了用于收集由合成代理或人类生成的数据的工具,以及检查和操纵收集的数据。最终,与TFD的集成有助于与研究界共享RL数据集。
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The world currently offers an abundance of data in multiple domains, from which we can learn reinforcement learning (RL) policies without further interaction with the environment. RL agents learning offline from such data is possible but deploying them while learning might be dangerous in domains where safety is critical. Therefore, it is essential to find a way to estimate how a newly-learned agent will perform if deployed in the target environment before actually deploying it and without the risk of overestimating its true performance. To achieve this, we introduce a framework for safe evaluation of offline learning using approximate high-confidence off-policy evaluation (HCOPE) to estimate the performance of offline policies during learning. In our setting, we assume a source of data, which we split into a train-set, to learn an offline policy, and a test-set, to estimate a lower-bound on the offline policy using off-policy evaluation with bootstrapping. A lower-bound estimate tells us how good a newly-learned target policy would perform before it is deployed in the real environment, and therefore allows us to decide when to deploy our learned policy.
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We consider the problem of off-policy evaluation (OPE) in reinforcement learning (RL), where the goal is to estimate the performance of an evaluation policy, $\pi_e$, using a fixed dataset, $\mathcal{D}$, collected by one or more policies that may be different from $\pi_e$. Current OPE algorithms may produce poor OPE estimates under policy distribution shift i.e., when the probability of a particular state-action pair occurring under $\pi_e$ is very different from the probability of that same pair occurring in $\mathcal{D}$ (Voloshin et al. 2021, Fu et al. 2021). In this work, we propose to improve the accuracy of OPE estimators by projecting the high-dimensional state-space into a low-dimensional state-space using concepts from the state abstraction literature. Specifically, we consider marginalized importance sampling (MIS) OPE algorithms which compute state-action distribution correction ratios to produce their OPE estimate. In the original ground state-space, these ratios may have high variance which may lead to high variance OPE. However, we prove that in the lower-dimensional abstract state-space the ratios can have lower variance resulting in lower variance OPE. We then highlight the challenges that arise when estimating the abstract ratios from data, identify sufficient conditions to overcome these issues, and present a minimax optimization problem whose solution yields these abstract ratios. Finally, our empirical evaluation on difficult, high-dimensional state-space OPE tasks shows that the abstract ratios can make MIS OPE estimators achieve lower mean-squared error and more robust to hyperparameter tuning than the ground ratios.
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Reinforcement Learning (RL) can solve complex tasks but does not intrinsically provide any guarantees on system behavior. For real-world systems that fulfill safety-critical tasks, such guarantees on safety specifications are necessary. To bridge this gap, we propose a verifiably safe RL procedure with probabilistic guarantees. First, our approach probabilistically verifies a candidate controller with respect to a temporal logic specification, while randomizing the controller's inputs within a bounded set. Then, we use RL to improve the performance of this probabilistically verified, i.e. safe, controller and explore in the same bounded set around the controller's input as was randomized over in the verification step. Finally, we calculate probabilistic safety guarantees with respect to temporal logic specifications for the learned agent. Our approach is efficient for continuous action and state spaces and separates safety verification and performance improvement into two independent steps. We evaluate our approach on a safe evasion task where a robot has to evade a dynamic obstacle in a specific manner while trying to reach a goal. The results show that our verifiably safe RL approach leads to efficient learning and performance improvements while maintaining safety specifications.
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Artificial intelligence methods including deep neural networks (DNN) can provide rapid molecular classification of tumors from routine histology with accuracy that matches or exceeds human pathologists. Discerning how neural networks make their predictions remains a significant challenge, but explainability tools help provide insights into what models have learned when corresponding histologic features are poorly defined. Here, we present a method for improving explainability of DNN models using synthetic histology generated by a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN). We show that cGANs generate high-quality synthetic histology images that can be leveraged for explaining DNN models trained to classify molecularly-subtyped tumors, exposing histologic features associated with molecular state. Fine-tuning synthetic histology through class and layer blending illustrates nuanced morphologic differences between tumor subtypes. Finally, we demonstrate the use of synthetic histology for augmenting pathologist-in-training education, showing that these intuitive visualizations can reinforce and improve understanding of histologic manifestations of tumor biology.
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In this paper, we address the stochastic contextual linear bandit problem, where a decision maker is provided a context (a random set of actions drawn from a distribution). The expected reward of each action is specified by the inner product of the action and an unknown parameter. The goal is to design an algorithm that learns to play as close as possible to the unknown optimal policy after a number of action plays. This problem is considered more challenging than the linear bandit problem, which can be viewed as a contextual bandit problem with a \emph{fixed} context. Surprisingly, in this paper, we show that the stochastic contextual problem can be solved as if it is a linear bandit problem. In particular, we establish a novel reduction framework that converts every stochastic contextual linear bandit instance to a linear bandit instance, when the context distribution is known. When the context distribution is unknown, we establish an algorithm that reduces the stochastic contextual instance to a sequence of linear bandit instances with small misspecifications and achieves nearly the same worst-case regret bound as the algorithm that solves the misspecified linear bandit instances. As a consequence, our results imply a $O(d\sqrt{T\log T})$ high-probability regret bound for contextual linear bandits, making progress in resolving an open problem in (Li et al., 2019), (Li et al., 2021). Our reduction framework opens up a new way to approach stochastic contextual linear bandit problems, and enables improved regret bounds in a number of instances including the batch setting, contextual bandits with misspecifications, contextual bandits with sparse unknown parameters, and contextual bandits with adversarial corruption.
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In this paper, we present a new theoretical approach for enabling domain knowledge acquisition by intelligent systems. We introduce a hybrid model that starts with minimal input knowledge in the form of an upper ontology of concepts, stores and reasons over this knowledge through a knowledge graph database and learns new information through a Logic Neural Network. We study the behavior of this architecture when handling new data and show that the final system is capable of enriching its current knowledge as well as extending it to new domains.
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在各种控制任务域中,现有控制器提供了基线的性能水平,虽然可能是次优的 - 应维护。依赖于国家和行动空间的广泛探索的强化学习(RL)算法可用于优化控制策略。但是,完全探索性的RL算法可能会在训练过程中降低低于基线水平的性能。在本文中,我们解决了控制政策的在线优化问题,同时最大程度地减少了遗憾的W.R.T基线政策绩效。我们提出了一个共同的仿制学习框架,表示乔尔。 JIRL中的学习过程假设了基线策略的可用性,并设计了两个目标\ textbf {(a)}利用基线的在线演示,以最大程度地减少培训期间的遗憾W.R.T的基线策略,\ textbf {(b) }最终超过了基线性能。 JIRL通过最初学习模仿基线策略并逐渐将控制从基线转移到RL代理来解决这些目标。实验结果表明,JIRR有效地实现了几个连续的动作空间域中的上述目标。结果表明,JIRL在最终性能中与最先进的算法相当,同时在所有提出的域中训练期间都会降低基线后悔。此外,结果表明,对于最先进的基线遗憾最小化方法,其基线后悔的减少因素最高为21美元。
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通过连续行动解决部分可观察到的马尔可夫决策过程(POMDP)是具有挑战性的,尤其是对于高维操作空间。为了减轻这一困难,我们提出了一种新的基于采样的在线POMDP求解器,称为使用Voronoi Trees(Advt)的自适应离散化。它结合使用蒙特卡洛树搜索与动作空间的自适应离散化以及乐观的优化,以有效地采样高维连续的动作空间并计算最佳动作。具体而言,我们使用称为Voronoi树的分层分区来适应每个采样信念的动作空间。 Voronoi树是一种二进制空间分区(BSP),它隐式地将单元格的分区保留为从单元中采样的两个点的伏诺图图。这种分区策略可以保持分区和估计每个细胞的大小的成本,即使在高维空间中,需要许多采样点才能覆盖空间。 Advt使用单元格的估计尺寸形成单元的动作值的上限结合,进而使用上等信心来指导蒙特卡洛树搜索扩展并进一步离散动作空间。该策略使Advt能够更好地利用动作空间中的本地信息,从而导致动作空间离散化更具适应性,因此与现有求解器相比,计算良好的POMDP解决方案的效率更高。对四种基准问题的模拟实验表明,与最新的连续作用POMDP求解器相比,ADVT优于高维连续作用空间的表现要好于高维连续的动作空间。
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