已被证明在改善神经电机翻译(NMT)系统方面有效的深度编码器,但是当编码器层数超过18时,它达到了翻译质量的上限。更糟糕的是,更深的网络消耗了很多内存,使其无法实现有效地训练。在本文中,我们呈现了共生网络,其包括完整的网络作为共生主网络(M-Net)和另一个具有相同结构的共享子网,但层数较少为共生子网(S-Net)。我们在变压器深度(M-N)架构上采用共生网络,并在NMT中定义M-Net和S-Net之间的特定正则化损耗$ \ mathcal {l} _ {\ tau} $。我们对共生网络进行联合培训,并旨在提高M净性能。我们拟议的培训策略在CMT'14 en-> De,De-> EN和EN-> FR任务的经典培训下将变压器深(12-6)改善了0.61,0.49和0.69 BLEU。此外,我们的变压器深(12-6)甚至优于经典变压器深度(18-6)。
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最近,非自动增加(NAT)模型并行地预测输出,与自回归(AT)模型相比,实现了产生速度的大量改进。在对原始数据上表现更差的同时,大多数NAT模型都被培训为在教师模型生成的蒸馏数据上的学生模型,称为序列级知识蒸馏。提高模型性能的有效培训策略是自蒸馏混合(SDM)培训,预先训练原始数据模型,通过预先训练的模型本身产生蒸馏数据,最后重新列举模型原始数据和蒸馏数据的组合。在这项工作中,我们的目标是查看NAT模型的SDM,但发现直接采用SDM到NAT模型在翻译质量方面没有改进。通过仔细分析,我们观察失效与教师模型与NAT学生模型的建模和确认偏差相关。基于这些发现,我们提出了一种增强的策略,通过向经典SDM添加两个阶段来提高名为SDMRT的策略:一个是在自蒸馏数据上进行预重磅,另一个是对滤波后的教师蒸馏数据进行微调。我们的结果在多个NAT模型上以0.6至1.2 bleu表示基础。作为另一个奖励,对于迭代细化NAT模型,我们的方法可以在半迭代号内倾斜基线,这意味着2x加速度。
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自回归(AR)和非自动增加(NAR)模型对性能和延迟具有自己的优势,将它们与一个模型相结合,可能会利用两者。目前的组合框架更多地关注多个解码范例的集成,具有统一的生成模型,例如,屏蔽语言模型。然而,由于训练目标和推理之间的差距,概括可能对性能有害。在本文中,我们的目标是通过在统一框架下保留AR和NAR的原始目标来缩小差距。具体地,我们通过将AR和NAR共同建模(左右,左右和直)与新引入的方向变量来提出定向变压器(Diformer),这通过控制每个的预测令牌在那方面有特定的依赖关系。通过方向实现的统一成功地保留了AR和NAR中使用的原始依赖性假设,保留了泛化和性能。 4 WMT基准测试的实验表明,Diformer优于当前的联合建模工作,适用于AR和NAR解码的1.5个以上的BLEU积分,也对最先进的独立AR和NAR模型具有竞争力。
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Existing federated classification algorithms typically assume the local annotations at every client cover the same set of classes. In this paper, we aim to lift such an assumption and focus on a more general yet practical non-IID setting where every client can work on non-identical and even disjoint sets of classes (i.e., client-exclusive classes), and the clients have a common goal which is to build a global classification model to identify the union of these classes. Such heterogeneity in client class sets poses a new challenge: how to ensure different clients are operating in the same latent space so as to avoid the drift after aggregation? We observe that the classes can be described in natural languages (i.e., class names) and these names are typically safe to share with all parties. Thus, we formulate the classification problem as a matching process between data representations and class representations and break the classification model into a data encoder and a label encoder. We leverage the natural-language class names as the common ground to anchor the class representations in the label encoder. In each iteration, the label encoder updates the class representations and regulates the data representations through matching. We further use the updated class representations at each round to annotate data samples for locally-unaware classes according to similarity and distill knowledge to local models. Extensive experiments on four real-world datasets show that the proposed method can outperform various classical and state-of-the-art federated learning methods designed for learning with non-IID data.
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Existing measures and representations for trajectories have two longstanding fundamental shortcomings, i.e., they are computationally expensive and they can not guarantee the `uniqueness' property of a distance function: dist(X,Y) = 0 if and only if X=Y, where $X$ and $Y$ are two trajectories. This paper proposes a simple yet powerful way to represent trajectories and measure the similarity between two trajectories using a distributional kernel to address these shortcomings. It is a principled approach based on kernel mean embedding which has a strong theoretical underpinning. It has three distinctive features in comparison with existing approaches. (1) A distributional kernel is used for the very first time for trajectory representation and similarity measurement. (2) It does not rely on point-to-point distances which are used in most existing distances for trajectories. (3) It requires no learning, unlike existing learning and deep learning approaches. We show the generality of this new approach in three applications: (a) trajectory anomaly detection, (b) anomalous sub-trajectory detection, and (c) trajectory pattern mining. We identify that the distributional kernel has (i) a unique data-dependent property and the above uniqueness property which are the key factors that lead to its superior task-specific performance; and (ii) runtime orders of magnitude faster than existing distance measures.
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Natural Language Processing (NLP) has been revolutionized by the use of Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) such as BERT. Despite setting new records in nearly every NLP task, PLMs still face a number of challenges including poor interpretability, weak reasoning capability, and the need for a lot of expensive annotated data when applied to downstream tasks. By integrating external knowledge into PLMs, \textit{\underline{K}nowledge-\underline{E}nhanced \underline{P}re-trained \underline{L}anguage \underline{M}odels} (KEPLMs) have the potential to overcome the above-mentioned limitations. In this paper, we examine KEPLMs systematically through a series of studies. Specifically, we outline the common types and different formats of knowledge to be integrated into KEPLMs, detail the existing methods for building and evaluating KEPLMS, present the applications of KEPLMs in downstream tasks, and discuss the future research directions. Researchers will benefit from this survey by gaining a quick and comprehensive overview of the latest developments in this field.
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Autonomous robotic surgery has advanced significantly based on analysis of visual and temporal cues in surgical workflow, but relational cues from domain knowledge remain under investigation. Complex relations in surgical annotations can be divided into intra- and inter-relations, both valuable to autonomous systems to comprehend surgical workflows. Intra- and inter-relations describe the relevance of various categories within a particular annotation type and the relevance of different annotation types, respectively. This paper aims to systematically investigate the importance of relational cues in surgery. First, we contribute the RLLS12M dataset, a large-scale collection of robotic left lateral sectionectomy (RLLS), by curating 50 videos of 50 patients operated by 5 surgeons and annotating a hierarchical workflow, which consists of 3 inter- and 6 intra-relations, 6 steps, 15 tasks, and 38 activities represented as the triplet of 11 instruments, 8 actions, and 16 objects, totaling 2,113,510 video frames and 12,681,060 annotation entities. Correspondingly, we propose a multi-relation purification hybrid network (MURPHY), which aptly incorporates novel relation modules to augment the feature representation by purifying relational features using the intra- and inter-relations embodied in annotations. The intra-relation module leverages a R-GCN to implant visual features in different graph relations, which are aggregated using a targeted relation purification with affinity information measuring label consistency and feature similarity. The inter-relation module is motivated by attention mechanisms to regularize the influence of relational features based on the hierarchy of annotation types from the domain knowledge. Extensive experimental results on the curated RLLS dataset confirm the effectiveness of our approach, demonstrating that relations matter in surgical workflow analysis.
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Deep learning-based methods have achieved significant performance for image defogging. However, existing methods are mainly developed for land scenes and perform poorly when dealing with overwater foggy images, since overwater scenes typically contain large expanses of sky and water. In this work, we propose a Prior map Guided CycleGAN (PG-CycleGAN) for defogging of images with overwater scenes. To promote the recovery of the objects on water in the image, two loss functions are exploited for the network where a prior map is designed to invert the dark channel and the min-max normalization is used to suppress the sky and emphasize objects. However, due to the unpaired training set, the network may learn an under-constrained domain mapping from foggy to fog-free image, leading to artifacts and loss of details. Thus, we propose an intuitive Upscaling Inception Module (UIM) and a Long-range Residual Coarse-to-fine framework (LRC) to mitigate this issue. Extensive experiments on qualitative and quantitative comparisons demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised defogging approaches.
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Code generation models have achieved impressive performance. However, they tend to be brittle as slight edits to a prompt could lead to very different generations; these robustness properties, critical for user experience when deployed in real-life applications, are not well understood. Most existing works on robustness in text or code tasks have focused on classification, while robustness in generation tasks is an uncharted area and to date there is no comprehensive benchmark for robustness in code generation. In this paper, we propose ReCode, a comprehensive robustness evaluation benchmark for code generation models. We customize over 30 transformations specifically for code on docstrings, function and variable names, code syntax, and code format. They are carefully designed to be natural in real-life coding practice, preserve the original semantic meaning, and thus provide multifaceted assessments of a model's robustness performance. With human annotators, we verified that over 90% of the perturbed prompts do not alter the semantic meaning of the original prompt. In addition, we define robustness metrics for code generation models considering the worst-case behavior under each type of perturbation, taking advantage of the fact that executing the generated code can serve as objective evaluation. We demonstrate ReCode on SOTA models using HumanEval, MBPP, as well as function completion tasks derived from them. Interesting observations include: better robustness for CodeGen over InCoder and GPT-J; models are most sensitive to syntax perturbations; more challenging robustness evaluation on MBPP over HumanEval.
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Machine Translation Quality Estimation (QE) is the task of evaluating translation output in the absence of human-written references. Due to the scarcity of human-labeled QE data, previous works attempted to utilize the abundant unlabeled parallel corpora to produce additional training data with pseudo labels. In this paper, we demonstrate a significant gap between parallel data and real QE data: for QE data, it is strictly guaranteed that the source side is original texts and the target side is translated (namely translationese). However, for parallel data, it is indiscriminate and the translationese may occur on either source or target side. We compare the impact of parallel data with different translation directions in QE data augmentation, and find that using the source-original part of parallel corpus consistently outperforms its target-original counterpart. Moreover, since the WMT corpus lacks direction information for each parallel sentence, we train a classifier to distinguish source- and target-original bitext, and carry out an analysis of their difference in both style and domain. Together, these findings suggest using source-original parallel data for QE data augmentation, which brings a relative improvement of up to 4.0% and 6.4% compared to undifferentiated data on sentence- and word-level QE tasks respectively.
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