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成功的数据表示是基于机器学习的医学成像分析的基本因素。深度学习(DL)在强大的表示学习中起着至关重要的作用。但是,深层模型无法概括地看不见的数据可以快速过度拟合复杂的模式。因此,我们可以方便地实施策略,以帮助深入模型,从数据中发现有用的先验,以了解其内在属性。我们称之为双重角色网络(DRN)的模型使用基于最小平方相互信息(LSMI)的依赖关系最大化方法。 LSMI利用依赖度量来确保表示不变性和局部平滑度。尽管先前的工作使用了信息理论诸如相互信息(由于密度估计步骤)在计算上很昂贵的信息理论,但我们的LSMI公式减轻了棘手的相互信息估计的问题,可以用来近似它。基于CT的COVID-19检测和COVID-19的严重程度检测基准的实验证明了我们方法的有效性。
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我们介绍了基于优化的理论,描述了在视觉皮质中的经验观察到的尖刺皮质组合,其配备有尖峰定时依赖性塑性(STDP)学习。使用我们的方法,我们为基于事件的相机构建了一类完全连接的,基于卷积和动作的特征描述符,即我们分别评估N-Mnist,挑战Cifar10-DVS以及IBM DVS128手势数据集。与传统的最先进的事件的特征描述符相比,我们报告了显着的准确性改进(CIFAR10-DVS上的+ 8%)。与最先进的STDP的系统(在N-MNIST上+ 10%+ 10%+ 10%,在IBM DVS128手势上举报的准确性提高了大量改进)。除了神经形态边缘装置的超低功率学习之外,我们的作品还有助于铺平朝向基于生物学 - 基于的皮质视觉理论的方式。
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Satellite image change detection aims at finding occurrences of targeted changes in a given scene taken at different instants. This task is highly challenging due to the acquisition conditions and also to the subjectivity of changes. In this paper, we investigate satellite image change detection using active learning. Our method is interactive and relies on a question and answer model which asks the oracle (user) questions about the most informative display (dubbed as virtual exemplars), and according to the user's responses, updates change detections. The main contribution of our method consists in a novel adversarial model that allows frugally probing the oracle with only the most representative, diverse and uncertain virtual exemplars. The latter are learned to challenge the most the trained change decision criteria which ultimately leads to a better re-estimate of these criteria in the following iterations of active learning. Conducted experiments show the out-performance of our proposed adversarial display model against other display strategies as well as the related work.
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In this paper, we design lightweight graph convolutional networks (GCNs) using a particular class of regularizers, dubbed as phase-field models (PFMs). PFMs exhibit a bi-phase behavior using a particular ultra-local term that allows training both the topology and the weight parameters of GCNs as a part of a single "end-to-end" optimization problem. Our proposed solution also relies on a reparametrization that pushes the mask of the topology towards binary values leading to effective topology selection and high generalization while implementing any targeted pruning rate. Both masks and weights share the same set of latent variables and this further enhances the generalization power of the resulting lightweight GCNs. Extensive experiments conducted on the challenging task of skeleton-based recognition show the outperformance of PFMs against other staple regularizers as well as related lightweight design methods.
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Most of the existing learning models, particularly deep neural networks, are reliant on large datasets whose hand-labeling is expensive and time demanding. A current trend is to make the learning of these models frugal and less dependent on large collections of labeled data. Among the existing solutions, deep active learning is currently witnessing a major interest and its purpose is to train deep networks using as few labeled samples as possible. However, the success of active learning is highly dependent on how critical are these samples when training models. In this paper, we devise a novel active learning approach for label-efficient training. The proposed method is iterative and aims at minimizing a constrained objective function that mixes diversity, representativity and uncertainty criteria. The proposed approach is probabilistic and unifies all these criteria in a single objective function whose solution models the probability of relevance of samples (i.e., how critical) when learning a decision function. We also introduce a novel weighting mechanism based on reinforcement learning, which adaptively balances these criteria at each training iteration, using a particular stateless Q-learning model. Extensive experiments conducted on staple image classification data, including Object-DOTA, show the effectiveness of our proposed model w.r.t. several baselines including random, uncertainty and flat as well as other work.
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物理知识的神经网络(PINN)在解决涉及部分微分方程的前进和反问题方面表现出了希望。尽管最近在扩展PINN可以解决的问题类别方面取得了进展,但大多数现有用例都涉及简单的几何域。迄今为止,还没有明确的方法来告知Pinns有关解决问题的域拓扑。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种基于拉普拉斯 - 贝特拉米操作员的特征函数的PINN的新型位置编码机制。该技术允许为代表给定对象几何形状的神经网络创建一个输入空间。我们近似具有有限元素的偏微分方程的特征函数以及涉及的操作员。我们对所提出的方法进行了广泛的测试和比较,以复杂形状(例如线圈,散热器和兔子),具有不同的物理学,例如二基核方程和传热。我们还研究了我们方法对所使用的本征函数数量的敏感性,以及用于本征函数和基础操作员的离散化。我们的结果表明,在传统的PINN无法产生有意义的解决方案的情况下,与地面真相数据非常吻合。我们设想这种新技术将扩大PINNS的有效性,以更现实的应用。
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大型和性能的神经网络通常过度参数化,并且由于修剪而可以大大降低大小和复杂性。修剪是一组方法,它试图消除网络中的冗余或不必要的权重或权重。这些技术允许创建轻型网络,这对于嵌入式或移动应用程序特别重要。在本文中,我们设计了一种替代修剪方法,允许从较大未训练的方法中提取有效的子网。我们的方法是随机的,并通过探索使用Gumbel SoftMax采样的不同拓扑来提取子网。后者还用于训练概率分布,以衡量样品中权重的相关性。使用高效的重新恢复机制进一步增强了最终的子网,从而减少训练时间并提高性能。在CIFAR上进行的广泛实验表明,针对相关工作,我们的子网络提取方法的表现要优于表现。
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我们提出了Fibernet,一种估计\ emph {in-Vivo}的方法,从电动激活的多个导管记录中,人心房的心脏纤维结构。心脏纤维在心脏的电力功能中起着核心作用,但是它们很难确定体内,因此在现有心脏模型中很少有特定于患者的特定于患者。 Fibernet通过解决物理知识的神经网络的逆问题来学习纤维布置。逆问题等于从一组稀疏激活图中识别心脏传播模型的传导速度张量。多个地图的使用可以同时识别传导速度张量(包括局部纤维角)的所有组件。我们对合成2-D和3-D示例,扩散张量纤维和患者特异性病例进行广泛测试。我们表明,在存在噪声的情况下,也足以准确捕获纤维。随着地图的较少,正则化的作用变得突出。此外,我们表明拟合的模型可以稳健地重现看不见的激活图。我们设想,纤维网将帮助创建特定于患者的个性化医学模型。完整代码可在http://github.com/fsahli/fibernet上找到。
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