The quality of knowledge retrieval is crucial in knowledge-intensive conversations. Two common strategies to improve the retrieval quality are finetuning the retriever or generating a self-contained query, while they encounter heavy burdens on expensive computation and elaborate annotations. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised query enhanced approach for knowledge-intensive conversations, namely QKConv. There are three modules in QKConv: a query generator, an off-the-shelf knowledge selector, and a response generator. Without extra supervision, the end-to-end joint training of QKConv explores multiple candidate queries and utilizes corresponding selected knowledge to yield the target response. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conducted comprehensive experiments on conversational question-answering, task-oriented dialogue, and knowledge-grounded conversation. Experimental results demonstrate that QKConv achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to unsupervised methods and competitive performance compared to supervised methods.
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Early-exiting dynamic neural networks (EDNN), as one type of dynamic neural networks, has been widely studied recently. A typical EDNN has multiple prediction heads at different layers of the network backbone. During inference, the model will exit at either the last prediction head or an intermediate prediction head where the prediction confidence is higher than a predefined threshold. To optimize the model, these prediction heads together with the network backbone are trained on every batch of training data. This brings a train-test mismatch problem that all the prediction heads are optimized on all types of data in training phase while the deeper heads will only see difficult inputs in testing phase. Treating training and testing inputs differently at the two phases will cause the mismatch between training and testing data distributions. To mitigate this problem, we formulate an EDNN as an additive model inspired by gradient boosting, and propose multiple training techniques to optimize the model effectively. We name our method BoostNet. Our experiments show it achieves the state-of-the-art performance on CIFAR100 and ImageNet datasets in both anytime and budgeted-batch prediction modes. Our code is released at
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Speech representation learning has improved both speech understanding and speech synthesis tasks for single language. However, its ability in cross-lingual scenarios has not been explored. In this paper, we extend the pretraining method for cross-lingual multi-speaker speech synthesis tasks, including cross-lingual multi-speaker voice cloning and cross-lingual multi-speaker speech editing. We propose a speech-text joint pretraining framework, where we randomly mask the spectrogram and the phonemes given a speech example and its transcription. By learning to reconstruct the masked parts of the input in different languages, our model shows great improvements over speaker-embedding-based multi-speaker TTS methods. Moreover, our framework is end-to-end for both the training and the inference without any finetuning effort. In cross-lingual multi-speaker voice cloning and cross-lingual multi-speaker speech editing tasks, our experiments show that our model outperforms speaker-embedding-based multi-speaker TTS methods. The code and model are publicly available at PaddleSpeech.
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Achieving accurate and automated tumor segmentation plays an important role in both clinical practice and radiomics research. Segmentation in medicine is now often performed manually by experts, which is a laborious, expensive and error-prone task. Manual annotation relies heavily on the experience and knowledge of these experts. In addition, there is much intra- and interobserver variation. Therefore, it is of great significance to develop a method that can automatically segment tumor target regions. In this paper, we propose a deep learning segmentation method based on multimodal positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT), which combines the high sensitivity of PET and the precise anatomical information of CT. We design an improved spatial attention network(ISA-Net) to increase the accuracy of PET or CT in detecting tumors, which uses multi-scale convolution operation to extract feature information and can highlight the tumor region location information and suppress the non-tumor region location information. In addition, our network uses dual-channel inputs in the coding stage and fuses them in the decoding stage, which can take advantage of the differences and complementarities between PET and CT. We validated the proposed ISA-Net method on two clinical datasets, a soft tissue sarcoma(STS) and a head and neck tumor(HECKTOR) dataset, and compared with other attention methods for tumor segmentation. The DSC score of 0.8378 on STS dataset and 0.8076 on HECKTOR dataset show that ISA-Net method achieves better segmentation performance and has better generalization. Conclusions: The method proposed in this paper is based on multi-modal medical image tumor segmentation, which can effectively utilize the difference and complementarity of different modes. The method can also be applied to other multi-modal data or single-modal data by proper adjustment.
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本文介绍了Kings Arena的荣誉,Kings Arena是基于国王荣誉的强化学习(RL)环境,这是世界上最受欢迎的游戏之一。与以前大多数工作中研究的其他环境相比,我们的人对竞争性强化学习提出了新的概括挑战。与对手竞争的一个代理商是一个多代理的问题;它需要概括能力,因为它具有控制和不同的对手竞争的不同目标。我们描述了国王域名荣誉的观察,动作和奖励规范,并提供了一个基于python的开源界面,以与游戏引擎进行通信。我们为纪念国王竞技场的二十个目标英雄提供了各种任务,并为具有可行的计算资源的基于RL的方法提供了初始基线结果。最后,我们展示了国王竞技场的荣誉和对挑战的可能补救措施所面临的概括挑战。所有软件(包括环境级)均可在上公开获得。该文档可在上获得。
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尽管在各种应用中取得了突出的性能,但点云识别模型经常遭受自然腐败和对抗性扰动的困扰。在本文中,我们深入研究了点云识别模型的一般鲁棒性,并提出了点云对比对抗训练(PointCat)。 PointCat的主要直觉是鼓励目标识别模型缩小清洁点云和损坏点云之间的决策差距。具体而言,我们利用有监督的对比损失来促进识别模型提取的超晶体特征的对齐和均匀性,并设计一对带有动态原型指南的集中式损失,以避免这些特征与其属于其属于其归属类别群的偏离。为了提供更具挑战性的损坏点云,我们对噪声生成器以及从头开始的识别模型进行了对手训练,而不是将基于梯度的攻击用作内部循环,例如以前的对手训练方法。全面的实验表明,在包括各种损坏的情况下,所提出的PointCat优于基线方法,并显着提高不同点云识别模型的稳健性,包括各向同性点噪声,LIDAR模拟的噪声,随机点掉落和对抗性扰动。
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车道检测是自动驾驶中的基本模块之一。在本文中,我们采用了一种仅变压器的方法来进行车道检测,因此,它可以受益于完全视觉变压器的开发,并通过精细的 - 通过精细 - 通过精细 - 通过精细的 - 调整重量在大型数据集上进行全面训练。更重要的是,本文提出了一个名为Priorlane的新颖和一般框架,该框架用于通过引入低成本的局部先验知识来增强完全视觉变压器的分割性能。 PriorLane利用仅编码变压器来融合由预训练的分割模型与先验知识嵌入的功能融合。请注意,知识嵌入对齐(KEA)模块可通过对齐知识嵌入来提高融合性能。我们ZJLAB数据集的广泛实验表明,Prior-Lane以2.82%MIOU优于SOTA LANE检测方法,并且该代码将在以下位置发布:https:// github。 com/vincentqqb/priorlane。
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交叉路口是自动驾驶任务最具挑战性的场景之一。由于复杂性和随机性,在相交处的基本应用(例如行为建模,运动预测,安全验证等)在很大程度上取决于数据驱动的技术。因此,交叉点中对流量参与者(TPS)的轨迹数据集的需求很大。目前,城市地区的大多数交叉路口都配备了交通信号灯。但是,尚无用于信号交叉点的大规模,高质量,公开可用的轨迹数据集。因此,在本文中,在中国天津选择了典型的两相信号交叉点。此外,管道旨在构建信号交叉数据集(SIND),其中包含7个小时的记录,其中包括13,000多种TPS,具有7种类型。然后,记录了信德的交通违规行为。此外,也将信德与其他类似作品进行比较。 SIND的特征可以概括如下:1)信德提供了更全面的信息,包括交通信号灯状态,运动参数,高清(HD)地图等。2)TPS的类别是多种多样和特征的,其中比例是脆弱的道路使用者(VRU)最高为62.6%3)显示了多次交通信号灯违反非电动车辆的行为。我们认为,Sind将是对现有数据集的有效补充,可以促进有关自动驾驶的相关研究。该数据集可通过以下方式在线获得:
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