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te reo m \ = aori(称为m \ = aori),新西兰的土著语言在语言技术中的资源不足。 m \ = aori扬声器是双语的,其中m \ = aori用英语进行了代码开关。不幸的是,M \ = AORI语言技术,语言检测和M \ = Aori-English对之间的代码转换检测的资源最少。英语和M \ = AORI都使用罗马衍生的拼字法制作基于规则的系统来检测语言和代码转换限制性。大多数M \ = AORI语言检测是由语言专家手动完成的。这项研究构建了66,016,807个单词的Aori英语双语数据库,并带有单词级语言注释。新西兰议会汉萨德辩论报告用于构建数据库。语言标签是使用特定语言规则和专家手册注释分配的。 M \ = AORI和英语的单词具有相同的拼写,但含义不同。这些词不能根据单词级的语言规则将其归类为M \ = AORI或英语。因此,需要手动注释。还报道了报告数据库的各个方面的分析,例如元数据,逐年分析,经常出现的单词,句子长度和n-grams。这里开发的数据库是新西兰Aotearoa的未来语言和语音技术开发的宝贵工具。遵循标签数据库的方法也可以遵循其他低资源的语言对。
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开放访问(OA)有助于访问文章。但是,作者或资助者通常必须支付出版费用,以防止没有参加OA出版和参与OA文章的引文优势的作者。 OA可能会加剧出版系统中现有的不平等现象,而不是克服它们。为了调查这一点,我们研究了Springer Nature发表的522,664篇文章。采用统计方法,我们描述了与来自不同收入水平的国家 /地区的作者之间的关系,其出版选择(OA或封闭式访问)以及论文的引用影响。一种机器学习分类方法帮助我们探索了作者的OA出版与属性之间的关联,尤其是有资格获得APC Waivers或折扣,期刊,国家和论文。结果表明,与其他作者相比,有资格获得APC-Waivers的作者在Gold-Oa-Journals上发布更多。相比之下,有资格获得APC折扣的作者的OA出版物比率最低,从而假设这种折扣不足以激发作者在Gold-Oa-Journal中发布。期刊的排名是在金色杂志上发布的重要驱动力,而OA选项大多是在混合期刊中避免的。资历,OA出版物的经验以及科学领域是OA出版物中最具决定性的因素。
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While the brain connectivity network can inform the understanding and diagnosis of developmental dyslexia, its cause-effect relationships have not yet enough been examined. Employing electroencephalography signals and band-limited white noise stimulus at 4.8 Hz (prosodic-syllabic frequency), we measure the phase Granger causalities among channels to identify differences between dyslexic learners and controls, thereby proposing a method to calculate directional connectivity. As causal relationships run in both directions, we explore three scenarios, namely channels' activity as sources, as sinks, and in total. Our proposed method can be used for both classification and exploratory analysis. In all scenarios, we find confirmation of the established right-lateralized Theta sampling network anomaly, in line with the temporal sampling framework's assumption of oscillatory differences in the Theta and Gamma bands. Further, we show that this anomaly primarily occurs in the causal relationships of channels acting as sinks, where it is significantly more pronounced than when only total activity is observed. In the sink scenario, our classifier obtains 0.84 and 0.88 accuracy and 0.87 and 0.93 AUC for the Theta and Gamma bands, respectively.
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Objective: Accurate visual classification of bladder tissue during Trans-Urethral Resection of Bladder Tumor (TURBT) procedures is essential to improve early cancer diagnosis and treatment. During TURBT interventions, White Light Imaging (WLI) and Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) techniques are used for lesion detection. Each imaging technique provides diverse visual information that allows clinicians to identify and classify cancerous lesions. Computer vision methods that use both imaging techniques could improve endoscopic diagnosis. We address the challenge of tissue classification when annotations are available only in one domain, in our case WLI, and the endoscopic images correspond to an unpaired dataset, i.e. there is no exact equivalent for every image in both NBI and WLI domains. Method: We propose a semi-surprised Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)-based method composed of three main components: a teacher network trained on the labeled WLI data; a cycle-consistency GAN to perform unpaired image-to-image translation, and a multi-input student network. To ensure the quality of the synthetic images generated by the proposed GAN we perform a detailed quantitative, and qualitative analysis with the help of specialists. Conclusion: The overall average classification accuracy, precision, and recall obtained with the proposed method for tissue classification are 0.90, 0.88, and 0.89 respectively, while the same metrics obtained in the unlabeled domain (NBI) are 0.92, 0.64, and 0.94 respectively. The quality of the generated images is reliable enough to deceive specialists. Significance: This study shows the potential of using semi-supervised GAN-based classification to improve bladder tissue classification when annotations are limited in multi-domain data.
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This paper presents a 3D generative model that uses diffusion models to automatically generate 3D digital avatars represented as neural radiance fields. A significant challenge in generating such avatars is that the memory and processing costs in 3D are prohibitive for producing the rich details required for high-quality avatars. To tackle this problem we propose the roll-out diffusion network (Rodin), which represents a neural radiance field as multiple 2D feature maps and rolls out these maps into a single 2D feature plane within which we perform 3D-aware diffusion. The Rodin model brings the much-needed computational efficiency while preserving the integrity of diffusion in 3D by using 3D-aware convolution that attends to projected features in the 2D feature plane according to their original relationship in 3D. We also use latent conditioning to orchestrate the feature generation for global coherence, leading to high-fidelity avatars and enabling their semantic editing based on text prompts. Finally, we use hierarchical synthesis to further enhance details. The 3D avatars generated by our model compare favorably with those produced by existing generative techniques. We can generate highly detailed avatars with realistic hairstyles and facial hair like beards. We also demonstrate 3D avatar generation from image or text as well as text-guided editability.
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This paper proposes a novel multivariate definition of statistical dependence using a functional methodology inspired by Alfred R\'enyi. We define a new symmetric and self-adjoint cross density kernel through a recursive bidirectional statistical mapping between conditional densities of continuous random processes, which estimates their statistical dependence. Therefore, the kernel eigenspectrum is proposed as a new multivariate statistical dependence measure, and the formulation requires fewer assumptions about the data generation model than current methods. The measure can also be estimated from realizations. The proposed functional maximum correlation algorithm (FMCA) is applied to a learning architecture with two multivariate neural networks. The FMCA optimal solution is an equilibrium point that estimates the eigenspectrum of the cross density kernel. Preliminary results with synthetic data and medium size image datasets corroborate the theory. Four different strategies of applying the cross density kernel are thoroughly discussed and implemented to show the versatility and stability of the methodology, and it transcends supervised learning. When two random processes are high-dimensional real-world images and white uniform noise, respectively, the algorithm learns a factorial code i.e., the occurrence of a code guarantees that a certain input in the training set was present, which is quite important for feature learning.
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This white paper lays out a vision of research and development in the field of artificial intelligence for the next decade (and beyond). Its denouement is a cyber-physical ecosystem of natural and synthetic sense-making, in which humans are integral participants$\unicode{x2014}$what we call ''shared intelligence''. This vision is premised on active inference, a formulation of adaptive behavior that can be read as a physics of intelligence, and which inherits from the physics of self-organization. In this context, we understand intelligence as the capacity to accumulate evidence for a generative model of one's sensed world$\unicode{x2014}$also known as self-evidencing. Formally, this corresponds to maximizing (Bayesian) model evidence, via belief updating over several scales: i.e., inference, learning, and model selection. Operationally, this self-evidencing can be realized via (variational) message passing or belief propagation on a factor graph. Crucially, active inference foregrounds an existential imperative of intelligent systems; namely, curiosity or the resolution of uncertainty. This same imperative underwrites belief sharing in ensembles of agents, in which certain aspects (i.e., factors) of each agent's generative world model provide a common ground or frame of reference. Active inference plays a foundational role in this ecology of belief sharing$\unicode{x2014}$leading to a formal account of collective intelligence that rests on shared narratives and goals. We also consider the kinds of communication protocols that must be developed to enable such an ecosystem of intelligences and motivate the development of a shared hyper-spatial modeling language and transaction protocol, as a first$\unicode{x2014}$and key$\unicode{x2014}$step towards such an ecology.
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In this work we study the asymptotic consistency of the weak-form sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics algorithm (WSINDy) in the identification of differential equations from noisy samples of solutions. We prove that the WSINDy estimator is unconditionally asymptotically consistent for a wide class of models which includes the Navier-Stokes equations and the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. We thus provide a mathematically rigorous explanation for the observed robustness to noise of weak-form equation learning. Conversely, we also show that in general the WSINDy estimator is only conditionally asymptotically consistent, yielding discovery of spurious terms with probability one if the noise level is above some critical threshold and the nonlinearities exhibit sufficiently fast growth. We derive explicit bounds on the critical noise threshold in the case of Gaussian white noise and provide an explicit characterization of these spurious terms in the case of trigonometric and/or polynomial model nonlinearities. However, a silver lining to this negative result is that if the data is suitably denoised (a simple moving average filter is sufficient), then we recover unconditional asymptotic consistency on the class of models with locally-Lipschitz nonlinearities. Altogether, our results reveal several important aspects of weak-form equation learning which may be used to improve future algorithms. We demonstrate our results numerically using the Lorenz system, the cubic oscillator, a viscous Burgers growth model, and a Kuramoto-Sivashinsky-type higher-order PDE.
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