在我们的全面实验和评估中,我们表明可以生成多个对比度(甚至是合成的),并使用合成生成的图像来训练图像分割引擎。我们显示出在描绘肌肉,脂肪,骨骼和骨髓的实际多对比度MRI扫描测试的有希望的分割结果,这些结果均接受了合成图像的训练。基于合成图像训练,我们的分割结果分别高达93.91 \%,94.11 \%,91.63 \%,95.33 \%,分别用于肌肉,脂肪,骨骼,骨骼和骨髓描绘。结果与使用真实图像进行分割训练时获得的结果没有显着差异:94.68 \%,94.67 \%,95.91 \%和96.82 \%。
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胰腺中的癌前囊肿或肿瘤的早期检测,即,导管内乳头状粘膜肿瘤(IPMN)是一项具有挑战性且复杂的任务,它可能导致更有利的结果。一旦检测到,还必须准确地对IPMN进行评分,因为低风险IPMN可以在监视计划下进行,而高危IPMN必须在变成癌症之前先手术切除。 IPMN分类的当前标准(Fukuoka等)显示出明显的操作员内和跨操作员变异性,除了容易出错,使适当的诊断不可靠。通过深度学习范式在人工智能方面的既定进展可能为有效支持胰腺癌的医疗决策提供了关键工具。在这项工作中,我们通过提出一种基于AI的新型IPMN分类器来遵循这一趋势,该分类器利用了Transformer网络最近在包括视觉的各种任务(包括视觉的任务)上概括的最新成功。我们特别表明,我们的基于变压器的模型比标准卷积神经网络更好地利用预训练,从而支持视觉中构建的构造统一性,包括医学图像域,并可以更好地解释获得的结果。
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A comprehensive pharmaceutical recommendation system was designed based on the patients and drugs features extracted from Drugs.com and Druglib.com. First, data from these databases were combined, and a dataset of patients and drug information was built. Secondly, the patients and drugs were clustered, and then the recommendation was performed using different ratings provided by patients, and importantly by the knowledge obtained from patients and drug specifications, and considering drug interactions. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first group to consider patients conditions and history in the proposed approach for selecting a specific medicine appropriate for that particular user. Our approach applies artificial intelligence (AI) models for the implementation. Sentiment analysis using natural language processing approaches is employed in pre-processing along with neural network-based methods and recommender system algorithms for modeling the system. In our work, patients conditions and drugs features are used for making two models based on matrix factorization. Then we used drug interaction to filter drugs with severe or mild interactions with other drugs. We developed a deep learning model for recommending drugs by using data from 2304 patients as a training set, and then we used data from 660 patients as our validation set. After that, we used knowledge from critical information about drugs and combined the outcome of the model into a knowledge-based system with the rules obtained from constraints on taking medicine.
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Nowadays, the current neural network models of dialogue generation(chatbots) show great promise for generating answers for chatty agents. But they are short-sighted in that they predict utterances one at a time while disregarding their impact on future outcomes. Modelling a dialogue's future direction is critical for generating coherent, interesting dialogues, a need that has led traditional NLP dialogue models that rely on reinforcement learning. In this article, we explain how to combine these objectives by using deep reinforcement learning to predict future rewards in chatbot dialogue. The model simulates conversations between two virtual agents, with policy gradient methods used to reward sequences that exhibit three useful conversational characteristics: the flow of informality, coherence, and simplicity of response (related to forward-looking function). We assess our model based on its diversity, length, and complexity with regard to humans. In dialogue simulation, evaluations demonstrated that the proposed model generates more interactive responses and encourages a more sustained successful conversation. This work commemorates a preliminary step toward developing a neural conversational model based on the long-term success of dialogues.
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Pruning refers to the elimination of trivial weights from neural networks. The sub-networks within an overparameterized model produced after pruning are often called Lottery tickets. This research aims to generate winning lottery tickets from a set of lottery tickets that can achieve similar accuracy to the original unpruned network. We introduce a novel winning ticket called Cyclic Overlapping Lottery Ticket (COLT) by data splitting and cyclic retraining of the pruned network from scratch. We apply a cyclic pruning algorithm that keeps only the overlapping weights of different pruned models trained on different data segments. Our results demonstrate that COLT can achieve similar accuracies (obtained by the unpruned model) while maintaining high sparsities. We show that the accuracy of COLT is on par with the winning tickets of Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH) and, at times, is better. Moreover, COLTs can be generated using fewer iterations than tickets generated by the popular Iterative Magnitude Pruning (IMP) method. In addition, we also notice COLTs generated on large datasets can be transferred to small ones without compromising performance, demonstrating its generalizing capability. We conduct all our experiments on Cifar-10, Cifar-100 & TinyImageNet datasets and report superior performance than the state-of-the-art methods.
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We address interactive panoptic annotation, where one segment all object and stuff regions in an image. We investigate two graph-based segmentation algorithms that both enforce connectivity of each region, with a notable class-aware Integer Linear Programming (ILP) formulation that ensures global optimum. Both algorithms can take RGB, or utilize the feature maps from any DCNN, whether trained on the target dataset or not, as input. We then propose an interactive, scribble-based annotation framework.
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We introduce an information-maximization approach for the Generalized Category Discovery (GCD) problem. Specifically, we explore a parametric family of loss functions evaluating the mutual information between the features and the labels, and find automatically the one that maximizes the predictive performances. Furthermore, we introduce the Elbow Maximum Centroid-Shift (EMaCS) technique, which estimates the number of classes in the unlabeled set. We report comprehensive experiments, which show that our mutual information-based approach (MIB) is both versatile and highly competitive under various GCD scenarios. The gap between the proposed approach and the existing methods is significant, more so when dealing with fine-grained classification problems. Our code: \url{https://github.com/fchiaroni/Mutual-Information-Based-GCD}.
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Recent studies have revealed that, beyond conventional accuracy, calibration should also be considered for training modern deep neural networks. To address miscalibration during learning, some methods have explored different penalty functions as part of the learning objective, alongside a standard classification loss, with a hyper-parameter controlling the relative contribution of each term. Nevertheless, these methods share two major drawbacks: 1) the scalar balancing weight is the same for all classes, hindering the ability to address different intrinsic difficulties or imbalance among classes; and 2) the balancing weight is usually fixed without an adaptive strategy, which may prevent from reaching the best compromise between accuracy and calibration, and requires hyper-parameter search for each application. We propose Class Adaptive Label Smoothing (CALS) for calibrating deep networks, which allows to learn class-wise multipliers during training, yielding a powerful alternative to common label smoothing penalties. Our method builds on a general Augmented Lagrangian approach, a well-established technique in constrained optimization, but we introduce several modifications to tailor it for large-scale, class-adaptive training. Comprehensive evaluation and multiple comparisons on a variety of benchmarks, including standard and long-tailed image classification, semantic segmentation, and text classification, demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method. The code is available at https://github.com/by-liu/CALS.
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We tackle the problem of novel class discovery and localization (NCDL). In this setting, we assume a source dataset with supervision for only some object classes. Instances of other classes need to be discovered, classified, and localized automatically based on visual similarity without any human supervision. To tackle NCDL, we propose a two-stage object detection network Region-based NCDL (RNCDL) that uses a region proposal network to localize regions of interest (RoIs). We then train our network to learn to classify each RoI, either as one of the known classes, seen in the source dataset, or one of the novel classes, with a long-tail distribution constraint on the class assignments, reflecting the natural frequency of classes in the real world. By training our detection network with this objective in an end-to-end manner, it learns to classify all region proposals for a large variety of classes, including those not part of the labeled object class vocabulary. Our experiments conducted using COCO and LVIS datasets reveal that our method is significantly more effective than multi-stage pipelines that rely on traditional clustering algorithms. Furthermore, we demonstrate the generality of our approach by applying our method to a large-scale Visual Genome dataset, where our network successfully learns to detect various semantic classes without direct supervision.
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在本说明中,我研究了制度和游戏理论假设,这些假设将阻止AI*表示的“超人级”弧形通用智能的出现。这些假设是(i)“心灵自由”,(ii)开源“访问” AI*,以及(iii)与AI*竞争的代表人类代理人的合理性。我证明,在这三个假设下,AI*不可能存在。该结果引起了公共政策的两个即时建议。首先,“克隆”以数字方式受到严格调节,并应禁止假设的脑部进入大脑。其次,如果不公开,应广泛进行AI*研究。
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