Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) are coordinate-based implicit representations of 3D scenes that use a differentiable rendering procedure to learn a representation of an environment from images. This paper extends NeRFs to handle dynamic scenes in an online fashion. We do so by introducing a particle-based parametric encoding, which allows the intermediate NeRF features -- now coupled to particles in space -- to be moved with the dynamic geometry. We backpropagate the NeRF's photometric reconstruction loss into the position of the particles in addition to the features they are associated with. The position gradients are interpreted as particle velocities and integrated into positions using a position-based dynamics (PBS) physics system. Introducing PBS into the NeRF formulation allows us to add collision constraints to the particle motion and creates future opportunities to add other movement priors into the system such as rigid and deformable body constraints. We show that by allowing the features to move in space, we incrementally adapt the NeRF to the changing scene.
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Fabric manipulation is a long-standing challenge in robotics due to the enormous state space and complex dynamics. Learning approaches stand out as promising for this domain as they allow us to learn behaviours directly from data. Most prior methods however rely heavily on simulation, which is still limited by the large sim-to-real gap of deformable objects or rely on large datasets. A promising alternative is to learn fabric manipulation directly from watching humans perform the task. In this work, we explore how demonstrations for fabric manipulation tasks can be collected directly by human hands, providing an extremely natural and fast data collection pipeline. Then, using only a handful of such demonstrations, we show how a sample-efficient pick-and-place policy can be learned and deployed on a real robot, without any robot data collection at all. We demonstrate our approach on a fabric folding task, showing that our policy can reliably reach folded states from crumpled initial configurations.
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