从限制黑暗部门的暗物质颗粒的生产可能导致许多新颖的实验签名。根据理论的细节,质子 - 质子碰撞中的黑暗夸克生产可能导致颗粒的半衰期:黑暗强度的准直喷雾,其中颗粒碰撞器实验只有一些。实验签名的特征在于,具有与喷射器的可见部件相结合的重建缺失的动量。这种复杂的拓扑对检测器效率低下和错误重建敏感,从而产生人为缺失的势头。通过这项工作,我们提出了一种信号不可知的策略来拒绝普通喷射,并通过异常检测技术鉴定半衰期喷射。具有喷射子结构变量的深度神经自动化器网络作为输入,证明了对分析异常喷射的非常有用。该研究重点介绍了半意射流签名;然而,该技术可以适用于任何新的物理模型,该模型预测来自非SM粒子的喷射器的签名。
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As of 2022, greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions reporting and auditing are not yet compulsory for all companies and methodologies of measurement and estimation are not unified. We propose a machine learning-based model to estimate scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions of companies not reporting them yet. Our model, specifically designed to be transparent and completely adapted to this use case, is able to estimate emissions for a large universe of companies. It shows good out-of-sample global performances as well as good out-of-sample granular performances when evaluating it by sectors, by countries or by revenues buckets. We also compare our results to those of other providers and find our estimates to be more accurate. Thanks to the proposed explainability tools using Shapley values, our model is fully interpretable, the user being able to understand which factors split explain the GHG emissions for each particular company.
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