对象看起来和声音的方式提供了对其物理特性的互补反射。在许多设置中,视觉和试听的线索都异步到达,但必须集成,就像我们听到一个物体掉落在地板上,然后必须找到它时。在本文中,我们介绍了一个设置,用于研究3D虚拟环境中的多模式对象定位。一个物体在房间的某个地方掉落。配备了摄像头和麦克风的具体机器人剂必须通过将音频和视觉信号与知识的基础物理学结合来确定已删除的对象以及位置。为了研究此问题,我们生成了一个大规模数据集 - 倒下的对象数据集 - 其中包括64个房间中30个物理对象类别的8000个实例。该数据集使用Threedworld平台,该平台可以模拟基于物理的影响声音和在影片设置中对象之间的复杂物理交互。作为解决这一挑战的第一步,我们基于模仿学习,强化学习和模块化计划,开发了一组具体的代理基线,并对这项新任务的挑战进行了深入的分析。
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我们介绍了ThreedWorld(TDW),是交互式多模态物理模拟的平台。 TDW能够模拟高保真感官数据和富裕的3D环境中的移动代理和对象之间的物理交互。独特的属性包括:实时近光 - 真实图像渲染;对象和环境库,以及他们定制的例程;有效构建新环境课程的生成程序;高保真音频渲染;各种材料类型的现实物理相互作用,包括布料,液体和可变形物体;可定制的代理体现AI代理商;并支持与VR设备的人类交互。 TDW的API使多个代理能够在模拟中进行交互,并返回一系列表示世界状态的传感器和物理数据。我们在计算机视觉,机器学习和认知科学中的新兴的研究方向上提供了通过TDW的初始实验,包括多模态物理场景理解,物理动态预测,多代理交互,像孩子一样学习的模型,并注意研究人类和神经网络。
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Recent times have witnessed an increasing number of applications of deep neural networks towards solving tasks that require superior cognitive abilities, e.g., playing Go, generating art, question answering (such as ChatGPT), etc. Such a dramatic progress raises the question: how generalizable are neural networks in solving problems that demand broad skills? To answer this question, we propose SMART: a Simple Multimodal Algorithmic Reasoning Task and the associated SMART-101 dataset, for evaluating the abstraction, deduction, and generalization abilities of neural networks in solving visuo-linguistic puzzles designed specifically for children in the 6-8 age group. Our dataset consists of 101 unique puzzles; each puzzle comprises a picture and a question, and their solution needs a mix of several elementary skills, including arithmetic, algebra, and spatial reasoning, among others. To scale our dataset towards training deep neural networks, we programmatically generate entirely new instances for each puzzle while retaining their solution algorithm. To benchmark the performance on the SMART-101 dataset, we propose a vision and language meta-learning model using varied state-of-the-art backbone neural networks. Our experiments reveal that while powerful deep models offer reasonable performances on puzzles that they are trained on, they are not better than random accuracy when analyzed for generalization. We also evaluate the recent ChatGPT large language model on a subset of our dataset and find that while ChatGPT produces convincing reasoning abilities, the answers are often incorrect.
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Machine learning has emerged recently as a powerful tool for predicting properties of quantum many-body systems. For many ground states of gapped Hamiltonians, generative models can learn from measurements of a single quantum state to reconstruct the state accurately enough to predict local observables. Alternatively, kernel methods can predict local observables by learning from measurements on different but related states. In this work, we combine the benefits of both approaches and propose the use of conditional generative models to simultaneously represent a family of states, by learning shared structures of different quantum states from measurements. The trained model allows us to predict arbitrary local properties of ground states, even for states not present in the training data, and without necessitating further training for new observables. We numerically validate our approach (with simulations of up to 45 qubits) for two quantum many-body problems, 2D random Heisenberg models and Rydberg atom systems.
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This paper introduces corpus-guided top-down synthesis as a mechanism for synthesizing library functions that capture common functionality from a corpus of programs in a domain specific language (DSL). The algorithm builds abstractions directly from initial DSL primitives, using syntactic pattern matching of intermediate abstractions to intelligently prune the search space and guide the algorithm towards abstractions that maximally capture shared structures in the corpus. We present an implementation of the approach in a tool called Stitch and evaluate it against the state-of-the-art deductive library learning algorithm from DreamCoder. Our evaluation shows that Stitch is 3-4 orders of magnitude faster and uses 2 orders of magnitude less memory while maintaining comparable or better library quality (as measured by compressivity). We also demonstrate Stitch's scalability on corpora containing hundreds of complex programs that are intractable with prior deductive approaches and show empirically that it is robust to terminating the search procedure early -- further allowing it to scale to challenging datasets by means of early stopping.
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Recent improvements in conditional generative modeling have made it possible to generate high-quality images from language descriptions alone. We investigate whether these methods can directly address the problem of sequential decision-making. We view decision-making not through the lens of reinforcement learning (RL), but rather through conditional generative modeling. To our surprise, we find that our formulation leads to policies that can outperform existing offline RL approaches across standard benchmarks. By modeling a policy as a return-conditional diffusion model, we illustrate how we may circumvent the need for dynamic programming and subsequently eliminate many of the complexities that come with traditional offline RL. We further demonstrate the advantages of modeling policies as conditional diffusion models by considering two other conditioning variables: constraints and skills. Conditioning on a single constraint or skill during training leads to behaviors at test-time that can satisfy several constraints together or demonstrate a composition of skills. Our results illustrate that conditional generative modeling is a powerful tool for decision-making.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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We present a retrospective on the state of Embodied AI research. Our analysis focuses on 13 challenges presented at the Embodied AI Workshop at CVPR. These challenges are grouped into three themes: (1) visual navigation, (2) rearrangement, and (3) embodied vision-and-language. We discuss the dominant datasets within each theme, evaluation metrics for the challenges, and the performance of state-of-the-art models. We highlight commonalities between top approaches to the challenges and identify potential future directions for Embodied AI research.
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