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In the contemporary media landscape, with the vast and diverse supply of news, it is increasingly challenging to study such an enormous amount of items without a standardized framework. Although attempts have been made to organize and compare news items on the basis of news values, news genres receive little attention, especially the genres in a news consumer's perception. Yet, perceived news genres serve as an essential component in exploring how news has developed, as well as a precondition for understanding media effects. We approach this concept by conceptualizing and operationalizing a non-discrete framework for mapping news items in terms of genre cues. As a starting point, we propose a preliminary set of dimensions consisting of "factuality" and "formality". To automatically analyze a large amount of news items, we deliver two computational models for predicting news sentences in terms of the said two dimensions. Such predictions could then be used for locating news items within our framework. This proposed approach that positions news items upon a multidimensional grid helps in deepening our insight into the evolving nature of news genres.
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Determining the optimal sample complexity of PAC learning in the realizable setting was a central open problem in learning theory for decades. Finally, the seminal work by Hanneke (2016) gave an algorithm with a provably optimal sample complexity. His algorithm is based on a careful and structured sub-sampling of the training data and then returning a majority vote among hypotheses trained on each of the sub-samples. While being a very exciting theoretical result, it has not had much impact in practice, in part due to inefficiency, since it constructs a polynomial number of sub-samples of the training data, each of linear size. In this work, we prove the surprising result that the practical and classic heuristic bagging (a.k.a. bootstrap aggregation), due to Breimann (1996), is in fact also an optimal PAC learner. Bagging pre-dates Hanneke's algorithm by twenty years and is taught in most undergraduate machine learning courses. Moreover, we show that it only requires a logarithmic number of sub-samples to reach optimality.
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多臂强盗(MAB)问题是一个简单而强大的框架,在不确定性下的决策背景下进行了广泛的研究。在许多实际应用程序(例如机器人应用程序)中,选择ARM对应于限制下一个可用臂(动作)选择的物理动作。在此激励的情况下,我们研究了一个称为图形匪徒的mAb的扩展,在该图形上,试图从不同节点收集的奖励来传播图形。该图定义了代理在每个步骤中选择下一个可用节点时的自由度。我们假设图形结构完全可用,但是奖励分布未知。我们建立在基于脱机图的计划算法和乐观原则的基础上,我们设计了一种在线学习算法,该算法可以使用乐观原则来平衡长期探索 - 探索。我们表明我们提出的算法达到$ o(| s | \ sqrt {t} \ log(t)+d | s | s | \ log t)$学习后悔,其中$ | s | $是节点的数量和$ d $是该图的直径,与在类似设置下的最著名的增强学习算法相比,这是优越的。数值实验证实,我们的算法优于几个基准。最后,我们提出了一个由图形匪徒框架建模的合成机器人应用程序,其中机器人在农村/郊区位置网络上移动,使用我们建议的算法提供高速Internet访问。
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关键应用程序中机器学习(ML)组件的集成引入了软件认证和验证的新挑战。正在开发新的安全标准和技术准则,以支持基于ML的系统的安全性,例如ISO 21448 SOTIF用于汽车域名,并保证机器学习用于自主系统(AMLAS)框架。 SOTIF和AMLA提供了高级指导,但对于每个特定情况,必须将细节凿出来。我们启动了一个研究项目,目的是证明开放汽车系统中ML组件的完整安全案例。本文报告说,Smikk的安全保证合作是由行业级别的行业合作的,这是一个基于ML的行人自动紧急制动示威者,在行业级模拟器中运行。我们演示了AMLA在伪装上的应用,以在简约的操作设计域中,即,我们为其基于ML的集成组件共享一个完整的安全案例。最后,我们报告了经验教训,并在开源许可下为研究界重新使用的开源许可提供了傻笑和安全案例。
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The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of deep learning for the solution of the nonlinear filtering problem. This is achieved by solving the Zakai equation by a deep splitting method, previously developed for approximate solution of (stochastic) partial differential equations. This is combined with an energy-based model for the approximation of functions by a deep neural network. This results in a computationally fast filter that takes observations as input and that does not require re-training when new observations are received. The method is tested on four examples, two linear in one and twenty dimensions and two nonlinear in one dimension. The method shows promising performance when benchmarked against the Kalman filter and the bootstrap particle filter.
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