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Machine learning is the dominant approach to artificial intelligence, through which computers learn from data and experience. In the framework of supervised learning, for a computer to learn from data accurately and efficiently, some auxiliary information about the data distribution and target function should be provided to it through the learning model. This notion of auxiliary information relates to the concept of regularization in statistical learning theory. A common feature among real-world datasets is that data domains are multiscale and target functions are well-behaved and smooth. In this paper, we propose a learning model that exploits this multiscale data structure and discuss its statistical and computational benefits. The hierarchical learning model is inspired by the logical and progressive easy-to-hard learning mechanism of human beings and has interpretable levels. The model apportions computational resources according to the complexity of data instances and target functions. This property can have multiple benefits, including higher inference speed and computational savings in training a model for many users or when training is interrupted. We provide a statistical analysis of the learning mechanism using multiscale entropies and show that it can yield significantly stronger guarantees than uniform convergence bounds.
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Time series is the most prevalent form of input data for educational prediction tasks. The vast majority of research using time series data focuses on hand-crafted features, designed by experts for predictive performance and interpretability. However, extracting these features is labor-intensive for humans and computers. In this paper, we propose an approach that utilizes irregular multivariate time series modeling with graph neural networks to achieve comparable or better accuracy with raw time series clickstreams in comparison to hand-crafted features. Furthermore, we extend concept activation vectors for interpretability in raw time series models. We analyze these advances in the education domain, addressing the task of early student performance prediction for downstream targeted interventions and instructional support. Our experimental analysis on 23 MOOCs with millions of combined interactions over six behavioral dimensions show that models designed with our approach can (i) beat state-of-the-art educational time series baselines with no feature extraction and (ii) provide interpretable insights for personalized interventions. Source code: https://github.com/epfl-ml4ed/ripple/.
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本文提议使用修改的完全连接层转移初始化,以进行1900诊断。卷积神经网络(CNN)在图像分类中取得了显着的结果。但是,由于图像识别应用程序的复杂性,培训高性能模型是一个非常复杂且耗时的过程。另一方面,转移学习是一种相对较新的学习方法,已在许多领域使用,以减少计算来实现良好的性能。在这项研究中,Pytorch预训练的模型(VGG19 \ _bn和WideresNet -101)首次在MNIST数据集中应用于初始化,并具有修改的完全连接的层。先前在Imagenet中对使用的Pytorch预培训模型进行了培训。提出的模型在Kaggle笔记本电脑中得到了开发和验证,并且在网络培训过程中没有花费巨大的计算时间,达到了99.77%的出色精度。我们还将相同的方法应用于SIIM-FISABIO-RSNA COVID-19检测数据集,并达到80.01%的精度。相比之下,以前的方法在训练过程中需要大量的压缩时间才能达到高性能模型。代码可在以下链接上找到:github.com/dipuk0506/spinalnet
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Pennylane是用于量子计算机可区分编程的Python 3软件框架。该库为近期量子计算设备提供了统一的体系结构,支持量子和连续变化的范例。 Pennylane的核心特征是能够以与经典技术(例如反向传播)兼容的方式来计算变异量子电路的梯度。因此,Pennylane扩展了在优化和机器学习中常见的自动分化算法,以包括量子和混合计算。插件系统使该框架与任何基于门的量子模拟器或硬件兼容。我们为硬件提供商提供插件,包括Xanadu Cloud,Amazon Braket和IBM Quantum,允许Pennylane优化在公开访问的量子设备上运行。在古典方面,Pennylane与加速的机器学习库(例如Tensorflow,Pytorch,Jax和Autograd)接口。 Pennylane可用于优化变分的量子本素体,量子近似优化,量子机学习模型和许多其他应用。
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