目前的论文研究了最小化损失$ f(\ boldsymbol {x})$的问题,而在s $ \ boldsymbol {d} \ boldsymbol {x} \的约束,其中$ s $是一个关闭的集合,凸面或非,$ \ boldsymbol {d} $是熔化参数的矩阵。融合约束可以捕获平滑度,稀疏或更一般的约束模式。为了解决这个通用的问题,我们将Beltrami-Courant罚球方法与近距离原则相结合。后者是通过最小化惩罚目标的推动$ f(\ boldsymbol {x})+ \ frac {\ rho} {2} \ text {dist}(\ boldsymbol {d} \ boldsymbol {x},s)^ 2 $涉及大型调整常量$ \ rho $和$ \ boldsymbol {d} \ boldsymbol {x} $的平方欧几里德距离$ s $。通过最小化大多数代理函数$ f(\ boldsymbol {x},从当前迭代$ \ boldsymbol {x} _n $构建相应的近距离算法的下一个迭代$ \ boldsymbol {x} _ {n + 1} $。 )+ \ frac {\ rho} {2} \ | \ boldsymbol {d} \ boldsymbol {x} - \ mathcal {p} _ {s}(\ boldsymbol {d} \ boldsymbol {x} _n)\ | ^ 2 $。对于固定$ \ rho $和subanalytic损失$ f(\ boldsymbol {x})$和子质约束设置$ s $,我们证明了汇聚点。在更强大的假设下,我们提供了收敛速率并展示线性本地收敛性。我们还构造了一个最陡的下降(SD)变型,以避免昂贵的线性系统解决。为了基准我们的算法,我们比较乘法器(ADMM)的交替方向方法。我们广泛的数值测试包括在度量投影,凸回归,凸聚类,总变化图像去噪和矩阵的投影到良好状态数的问题。这些实验表明了我们在高维问题上最陡的速度和可接受的准确性。
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Artificial intelligence(AI) systems based on deep neural networks (DNNs) and machine learning (ML) algorithms are increasingly used to solve critical problems in bioinformatics, biomedical informatics, and precision medicine. However, complex DNN or ML models that are unavoidably opaque and perceived as black-box methods, may not be able to explain why and how they make certain decisions. Such black-box models are difficult to comprehend not only for targeted users and decision-makers but also for AI developers. Besides, in sensitive areas like healthcare, explainability and accountability are not only desirable properties of AI but also legal requirements -- especially when AI may have significant impacts on human lives. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is an emerging field that aims to mitigate the opaqueness of black-box models and make it possible to interpret how AI systems make their decisions with transparency. An interpretable ML model can explain how it makes predictions and which factors affect the model's outcomes. The majority of state-of-the-art interpretable ML methods have been developed in a domain-agnostic way and originate from computer vision, automated reasoning, or even statistics. Many of these methods cannot be directly applied to bioinformatics problems, without prior customization, extension, and domain adoption. In this paper, we discuss the importance of explainability with a focus on bioinformatics. We analyse and comprehensively overview of model-specific and model-agnostic interpretable ML methods and tools. Via several case studies covering bioimaging, cancer genomics, and biomedical text mining, we show how bioinformatics research could benefit from XAI methods and how they could help improve decision fairness.
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Dialogue models are able to generate coherent and fluent responses, but they can still be challenging to control and may produce non-engaging, unsafe results. This unpredictability diminishes user trust and can hinder the use of the models in the real world. To address this, we introduce DialGuide, a novel framework for controlling dialogue model behavior using natural language rules, or guidelines. These guidelines provide information about the context they are applicable to and what should be included in the response, allowing the models to generate responses that are more closely aligned with the developer's expectations and intent. We evaluate DialGuide on three tasks in open-domain dialogue response generation: guideline selection, response generation, and response entailment verification. Our dataset contains 10,737 positive and 15,467 negative dialogue context-response-guideline triplets across two domains - chit-chat and safety. We provide baseline models for the tasks and benchmark their performance. We also demonstrate that DialGuide is effective in the dialogue safety domain, producing safe and engaging responses that follow developer guidelines.
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Non-parametric tests can determine the better of two stochastic optimization algorithms when benchmarking results are ordinal, like the final fitness values of multiple trials. For many benchmarks, however, a trial can also terminate once it reaches a pre-specified target value. When only some trials reach the target value, two variables characterize a trial's outcome: the time it takes to reach the target value (or not) and its final fitness value. This paper describes a simple way to impose linear order on this two-variable trial data set so that traditional non-parametric methods can determine the better algorithm when neither dominates. We illustrate the method with the Mann-Whitney U-test. A simulation demonstrates that U-scores are much more effective than dominance when tasked with identifying the better of two algorithms. We test U-scores by having them determine the winners of the CEC 2022 Special Session and Competition on Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization.
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We extend best-subset selection to linear Multi-Task Learning (MTL), where a set of linear models are jointly trained on a collection of datasets (``tasks''). Allowing the regression coefficients of tasks to have different sparsity patterns (i.e., different supports), we propose a modeling framework for MTL that encourages models to share information across tasks, for a given covariate, through separately 1) shrinking the coefficient supports together, and/or 2) shrinking the coefficient values together. This allows models to borrow strength during variable selection even when the coefficient values differ markedly between tasks. We express our modeling framework as a Mixed-Integer Program, and propose efficient and scalable algorithms based on block coordinate descent and combinatorial local search. We show our estimator achieves statistically optimal prediction rates. Importantly, our theory characterizes how our estimator leverages the shared support information across tasks to achieve better variable selection performance. We evaluate the performance of our method in simulations and two biology applications. Our proposed approaches outperform other sparse MTL methods in variable selection and prediction accuracy. Interestingly, penalties that shrink the supports together often outperform penalties that shrink the coefficient values together. We will release an R package implementing our methods.
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Continual Learning, also known as Lifelong or Incremental Learning, has recently gained renewed interest among the Artificial Intelligence research community. Recent research efforts have quickly led to the design of novel algorithms able to reduce the impact of the catastrophic forgetting phenomenon in deep neural networks. Due to this surge of interest in the field, many competitions have been held in recent years, as they are an excellent opportunity to stimulate research in promising directions. This paper summarizes the ideas, design choices, rules, and results of the challenge held at the 3rd Continual Learning in Computer Vision (CLVision) Workshop at CVPR 2022. The focus of this competition is the complex continual object detection task, which is still underexplored in literature compared to classification tasks. The challenge is based on the challenge version of the novel EgoObjects dataset, a large-scale egocentric object dataset explicitly designed to benchmark continual learning algorithms for egocentric category-/instance-level object understanding, which covers more than 1k unique main objects and 250+ categories in around 100k video frames.
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Weakly-supervised learning (WSL) has been proposed to alleviate the conflict between data annotation cost and model performance through employing sparsely-grained (i.e., point-, box-, scribble-wise) supervision and has shown promising performance, particularly in the image segmentation field. However, it is still a very challenging problem due to the limited supervision, especially when only a small number of labeled samples are available. Additionally, almost all existing WSL segmentation methods are designed for star-convex structures which are very different from curvilinear structures such as vessels and nerves. In this paper, we propose a novel sparsely annotated segmentation framework for curvilinear structures, named YoloCurvSeg, based on image synthesis. A background generator delivers image backgrounds that closely match real distributions through inpainting dilated skeletons. The extracted backgrounds are then combined with randomly emulated curves generated by a Space Colonization Algorithm-based foreground generator and through a multilayer patch-wise contrastive learning synthesizer. In this way, a synthetic dataset with both images and curve segmentation labels is obtained, at the cost of only one or a few noisy skeleton annotations. Finally, a segmenter is trained with the generated dataset and possibly an unlabeled dataset. The proposed YoloCurvSeg is evaluated on four publicly available datasets (OCTA500, CORN, DRIVE and CHASEDB1) and the results show that YoloCurvSeg outperforms state-of-the-art WSL segmentation methods by large margins. With only one noisy skeleton annotation (respectively 0.14%, 0.02%, 1.4%, and 0.65% of the full annotation), YoloCurvSeg achieves more than 97% of the fully-supervised performance on each dataset. Code and datasets will be released at https://github.com/llmir/YoloCurvSeg.
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To build general robotic agents that can operate in many environments, it is often imperative for the robot to collect experience in the real world. However, this is often not feasible due to safety, time, and hardware restrictions. We thus propose leveraging the next best thing as real-world experience: internet videos of humans using their hands. Visual priors, such as visual features, are often learned from videos, but we believe that more information from videos can be utilized as a stronger prior. We build a learning algorithm, VideoDex, that leverages visual, action, and physical priors from human video datasets to guide robot behavior. These actions and physical priors in the neural network dictate the typical human behavior for a particular robot task. We test our approach on a robot arm and dexterous hand-based system and show strong results on various manipulation tasks, outperforming various state-of-the-art methods. Videos at https://video-dex.github.io
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The deep learning revolution has greatly been accelerated by the 'hardware lottery': Recent advances in modern hardware accelerators and compilers paved the way for large-scale batch gradient optimization. Evolutionary optimization, on the other hand, has mainly relied on CPU-parallelism, e.g. using Dask scheduling and distributed multi-host infrastructure. Here we argue that also modern evolutionary computation can significantly benefit from the massive computational throughput provided by GPUs and TPUs. In order to better harness these resources and to enable the next generation of black-box optimization algorithms, we release evosax: A JAX-based library of evolution strategies which allows researchers to leverage powerful function transformations such as just-in-time compilation, automatic vectorization and hardware parallelization. evosax implements 30 evolutionary optimization algorithms including finite-difference-based, estimation-of-distribution evolution strategies and various genetic algorithms. Every single algorithm can directly be executed on hardware accelerators and automatically vectorized or parallelized across devices using a single line of code. It is designed in a modular fashion and allows for flexible usage via a simple ask-evaluate-tell API. We thereby hope to facilitate a new wave of scalable evolutionary optimization algorithms.
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We propose AstroSLAM, a standalone vision-based solution for autonomous online navigation around an unknown target small celestial body. AstroSLAM is predicated on the formulation of the SLAM problem as an incrementally growing factor graph, facilitated by the use of the GTSAM library and the iSAM2 engine. By combining sensor fusion with orbital motion priors, we achieve improved performance over a baseline SLAM solution. We incorporate orbital motion constraints into the factor graph by devising a novel relative dynamics factor, which links the relative pose of the spacecraft to the problem of predicting trajectories stemming from the motion of the spacecraft in the vicinity of the small body. We demonstrate the excellent performance of AstroSLAM using both real legacy mission imagery and trajectory data courtesy of NASA's Planetary Data System, as well as real in-lab imagery data generated on a 3 degree-of-freedom spacecraft simulator test-bed.
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