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Semiconductor lasers have been rapidly evolving to meet the demands of next-generation optical networks. This imposes much more stringent requirements on the laser reliability, which are dominated by degradation mechanisms (e.g., sudden degradation) limiting the semiconductor laser lifetime. Physics-based approaches are often used to characterize the degradation behavior analytically, yet explicit domain knowledge and accurate mathematical models are required. Building such models can be very challenging due to a lack of a full understanding of the complex physical processes inducing the degradation under various operating conditions. To overcome the aforementioned limitations, we propose a new data-driven approach, extracting useful insights from the operational monitored data to predict the degradation trend without requiring any specific knowledge or using any physical model. The proposed approach is based on an unsupervised technique, a conditional variational autoencoder, and validated using vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) and tunable edge emitting laser reliability data. The experimental results confirm that our model (i) achieves a good degradation prediction and generalization performance by yielding an F1 score of 95.3%, (ii) outperforms several baseline ML based anomaly detection techniques, and (iii) helps to shorten the aging tests by early predicting the failed devices before the end of the test and thereby saving costs
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Semiconductor lasers, one of the key components for optical communication systems, have been rapidly evolving to meet the requirements of next generation optical networks with respect to high speed, low power consumption, small form factor etc. However, these demands have brought severe challenges to the semiconductor laser reliability. Therefore, a great deal of attention has been devoted to improving it and thereby ensuring reliable transmission. In this paper, a predictive maintenance framework using machine learning techniques is proposed for real-time heath monitoring and prognosis of semiconductor laser and thus enhancing its reliability. The proposed approach is composed of three stages: i) real-time performance degradation prediction, ii) degradation detection, and iii) remaining useful life (RUL) prediction. First of all, an attention based gated recurrent unit (GRU) model is adopted for real-time prediction of performance degradation. Then, a convolutional autoencoder is used to detect the degradation or abnormal behavior of a laser, given the predicted degradation performance values. Once an abnormal state is detected, a RUL prediction model based on attention-based deep learning is utilized. Afterwards, the estimated RUL is input for decision making and maintenance planning. The proposed framework is validated using experimental data derived from accelerated aging tests conducted for semiconductor tunable lasers. The proposed approach achieves a very good degradation performance prediction capability with a small root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.01, a good anomaly detection accuracy of 94.24% and a better RUL estimation capability compared to the existing ML-based laser RUL prediction models.
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随着在线社交媒体提供的沟通自由,仇恨言论越来越多地产生。这导致网络冲突影响个人和国家一级的社会生活。结果,在发送到社交网络之前,仇恨的内容分类越来越需要过滤仇恨内容。本文着重于使用多个深层模型在社交媒体中对仇恨言论进行分类,这些模型通过整合了最近的基于变压器的语言模型,例如BERT和神经网络。为了改善分类性能,我们通过几种合奏技术进行了评估,包括软投票,最大价值,硬投票和堆叠。我们使用了三个公开可用的Twitter数据集(Davidson,Hateval2019,OLID)来识别进攻性语言。我们融合了所有这些数据集以生成单个数据集(DHO数据集),该数据集在不同的标签上更加平衡,以执行多标签分类。我们的实验已在Davidson数据集和Dho Corpora上举行。后来给出了最佳的总体结果,尤其是F1宏观分数,即使它需要更多的资源(时间执行和内存)。实验显示了良好的结果,尤其是整体模型,其中堆叠在Davidson数据集上的F1得分为97%,并且在DHO数据集上汇总合奏的77%。
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问答(QA)系统越来越多地部署在支持现实世界决策的应用程序中。但是,最新的模型依赖于深层神经网络,这些网络很难被人类解释。固有的可解释模型或事后解释性方法可以帮助用户理解模型如何达到其预测,并在成功的情况下增加对系统的信任。此外,研究人员可以利用这些见解来开发更准确和偏见的新方法。在本文中,我们介绍了Square V2(Square的新版本),以根据图形和基于图形的说明等方法进行比较模型提供解释性基础架构。尽管显着图对于检查每个输入令牌对模型预测的重要性很有用,但来自外部知识图的基于图的解释使用户能够验证模型预测背后的推理。此外,我们提供了多种对抗性攻击,以比较质量检查模型的鲁棒性。通过这些解释性方法和对抗性攻击,我们旨在简化对可信赖的质量检查模型的研究。 Square可在https://square.ukp-lab.de上找到。
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