This paper revisits a fundamental problem in statistical inference from a non-asymptotic theoretical viewpoint $\unicode{x2013}$ the construction of confidence sets. We establish a finite-sample bound for the estimator, characterizing its asymptotic behavior in a non-asymptotic fashion. An important feature of our bound is that its dimension dependency is captured by the effective dimension $\unicode{x2013}$ the trace of the limiting sandwich covariance $\unicode{x2013}$ which can be much smaller than the parameter dimension in some regimes. We then illustrate how the bound can be used to obtain a confidence set whose shape is adapted to the optimization landscape induced by the loss function. Unlike previous works that rely heavily on the strong convexity of the loss function, we only assume the Hessian is lower bounded at optimum and allow it to gradually becomes degenerate. This property is formalized by the notion of generalized self-concordance which originated from convex optimization. Moreover, we demonstrate how the effective dimension can be estimated from data and characterize its estimation accuracy. We apply our results to maximum likelihood estimation with generalized linear models, score matching with exponential families, and hypothesis testing with Rao's score test.
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Generative AI has matured to a point where large-scale models can generate text that seems indistinguishable from human-written text and remarkably photorealistic images. Automatically measuring how close the distribution of generated data is to the target real data distribution is a key step in diagnosing existing models and developing better models. We present MAUVE, a family of comparison measures between pairs of distributions such as those encountered in the generative modeling of text or images. These scores are statistical summaries of divergence frontiers capturing two types of errors in generative modeling. We explore four approaches to statistically estimate these scores: vector quantization, non-parametric estimation, classifier-based estimation, and parametric Gaussian approximations. We provide statistical bounds for the vector quantization approach. Empirically, we find that the proposed scores paired with a range of $f$-divergences and statistical estimation methods can quantify the gaps between the distributions of human-written text and those of modern neural language models by correlating with human judgments and identifying known properties of the generated texts. We conclude the paper by demonstrating its applications to other AI domains and discussing practical recommendations.
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Spectral risk objectives - also called $L$-risks - allow for learning systems to interpolate between optimizing average-case performance (as in empirical risk minimization) and worst-case performance on a task. We develop stochastic algorithms to optimize these quantities by characterizing their subdifferential and addressing challenges such as biasedness of subgradient estimates and non-smoothness of the objective. We show theoretically and experimentally that out-of-the-box approaches such as stochastic subgradient and dual averaging are hindered by bias and that our approach outperforms them.
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Influence diagnostics such as influence functions and approximate maximum influence perturbations are popular in machine learning and in AI domain applications. Influence diagnostics are powerful statistical tools to identify influential datapoints or subsets of datapoints. We establish finite-sample statistical bounds, as well as computational complexity bounds, for influence functions and approximate maximum influence perturbations using efficient inverse-Hessian-vector product implementations. We illustrate our results with generalized linear models and large attention based models on synthetic and real data.
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标记医学图像取决于专业知识,因此很难在短时间内以高质量获取大量注释的医学图像。因此,在小型数据集中充分利用有限标记的样品来构建高性能模型是医疗图像分类问题的关键。在本文中,我们提出了一个深入监督的层选择性注意网络(LSANET),该网络全面使用功能级和预测级监督中的标签信息。对于特征级别的监督,为了更好地融合低级功能和高级功能,我们提出了一个新颖的视觉注意模块,层选择性注意(LSA),以专注于不同层的特征选择。 LSA引入了一种权重分配方案,该方案可以在整个训练过程中动态调整每个辅助分支的加权因子,以进一步增强深入监督的学习并确保其概括。对于预测级的监督,我们采用知识协同策略,通过成对知识匹配来促进所有监督分支之间的层次信息互动。使用公共数据集MedMnist,这是用于涵盖多种医学专业的生物医学图像分类的大规模基准,我们评估了LSANET在多个主流CNN体系结构和各种视觉注意模块上评估。实验结果表明,我们所提出的方法对其相应的对应物进行了实质性改进,这表明LSANET可以为医学图像分类领域的标签有效学习提供有希望的解决方案。
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在本文中,我们提出了用于滚动快门摄像机的概率连续时间视觉惯性频道(VIO)。连续的时轨迹公式自然促进异步高频IMU数据和运动延伸的滚动快门图像的融合。为了防止棘手的计算负载,提出的VIO是滑动窗口和基于密钥帧的。我们建议概率地将控制点边缘化,以保持滑动窗口中恒定的密钥帧数。此外,可以在我们的连续时间VIO中在线校准滚动快门相机的线曝光时间差(线延迟)。为了广泛检查我们的连续时间VIO的性能,对公共可用的WHU-RSVI,TUM-RSVI和Sensetime-RSVI Rolling快门数据集进行了实验。结果表明,提出的连续时间VIO显着优于现有的最新VIO方法。本文的代码库也将通过\ url {}开源。
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We propose Distribution Embedding Networks (DEN) for classification with small data. In the same spirit of meta-learning, DEN learns from a diverse set of training tasks with the goal to generalize to unseen target tasks. Unlike existing approaches which require the inputs of training and target tasks to have the same dimension with possibly similar distributions, DEN allows training and target tasks to live in heterogeneous input spaces. This is especially useful for tabular-data tasks where labeled data from related tasks are scarce. DEN uses a three-block architecture: a covariate transformation block followed by a distribution embedding block and then a classification block. We provide theoretical insights to show that this architecture allows the embedding and classification blocks to be fixed after pre-training on a diverse set of tasks; only the covariate transformation block with relatively few parameters needs to be fine-tuned for each new task. To facilitate training, we also propose an approach to synthesize binary classification tasks, and demonstrate that DEN outperforms existing methods in a number of synthetic and real tasks in numerical studies.
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