After just a few hundred training updates, a standard probabilistic model for language generation has likely not yet learnt many semantic or syntactic rules of natural language, which inherently makes it difficult to estimate the right probability distribution over next tokens. Yet around this point, these models have identified a simple, loss-minimising behaviour: to output the unigram distribution of the target training corpus. The use of such a crude heuristic raises the question: Rather than wasting precious compute resources and model capacity for learning this strategy at early training stages, can we initialise our models with this behaviour? Here, we show that we can effectively endow our model with a separate module that reflects unigram frequency statistics as prior knowledge. Standard neural language generation architectures offer a natural opportunity for implementing this idea: by initialising the bias term in a model's final linear layer with the log-unigram distribution. Experiments in neural machine translation demonstrate that this simple technique: (i) improves learning efficiency; (ii) achieves better overall performance; and (iii) appears to disentangle strong frequency effects, encouraging the model to specialise in non-frequency-related aspects of language.
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While mislabeled or ambiguously-labeled samples in the training set could negatively affect the performance of deep models, diagnosing the dataset and identifying mislabeled samples helps to improve the generalization power. Training dynamics, i.e., the traces left by iterations of optimization algorithms, have recently been proved to be effective to localize mislabeled samples with hand-crafted features. In this paper, beyond manually designed features, we introduce a novel learning-based solution, leveraging a noise detector, instanced by an LSTM network, which learns to predict whether a sample was mislabeled using the raw training dynamics as input. Specifically, the proposed method trains the noise detector in a supervised manner using the dataset with synthesized label noises and can adapt to various datasets (either naturally or synthesized label-noised) without retraining. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the proposed method. We train the noise detector based on the synthesized label-noised CIFAR dataset and test such noise detector on Tiny ImageNet, CUB-200, Caltech-256, WebVision and Clothing1M. Results show that the proposed method precisely detects mislabeled samples on various datasets without further adaptation, and outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Besides, more experiments demonstrate that the mislabel identification can guide a label correction, namely data debugging, providing orthogonal improvements of algorithm-centric state-of-the-art techniques from the data aspect.
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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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We propose a sparse end-to-end multi-person pose regression framework, termed QueryPose, which can directly predict multi-person keypoint sequences from the input image. The existing end-to-end methods rely on dense representations to preserve the spatial detail and structure for precise keypoint localization. However, the dense paradigm introduces complex and redundant post-processes during inference. In our framework, each human instance is encoded by several learnable spatial-aware part-level queries associated with an instance-level query. First, we propose the Spatial Part Embedding Generation Module (SPEGM) that considers the local spatial attention mechanism to generate several spatial-sensitive part embeddings, which contain spatial details and structural information for enhancing the part-level queries. Second, we introduce the Selective Iteration Module (SIM) to adaptively update the sparse part-level queries via the generated spatial-sensitive part embeddings stage-by-stage. Based on the two proposed modules, the part-level queries are able to fully encode the spatial details and structural information for precise keypoint regression. With the bipartite matching, QueryPose avoids the hand-designed post-processes and surpasses the existing dense end-to-end methods with 73.6 AP on MS COCO mini-val set and 72.7 AP on CrowdPose test set. Code is available at
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Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) suffer from domain shift when the test dataset follows a distribution different from the training dataset. Domain generalization aims to tackle this issue by learning a model that can generalize to unseen domains. In this paper, we propose a new approach that aims to explicitly remove domain-specific features for domain generalization. Following this approach, we propose a novel framework called Learning and Removing Domain-specific features for Generalization (LRDG) that learns a domain-invariant model by tactically removing domain-specific features from the input images. Specifically, we design a classifier to effectively learn the domain-specific features for each source domain, respectively. We then develop an encoder-decoder network to map each input image into a new image space where the learned domain-specific features are removed. With the images output by the encoder-decoder network, another classifier is designed to learn the domain-invariant features to conduct image classification. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our framework achieves superior performance compared with state-of-the-art methods.
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How can we extend a pre-trained model to many language understanding tasks, without labeled or additional unlabeled data? Pre-trained language models (PLMs) have been effective for a wide range of NLP tasks. However, existing approaches either require fine-tuning on downstream labeled datasets or manually constructing proper prompts. In this paper, we propose nonparametric prompting PLM (NPPrompt) for fully zero-shot language understanding. Unlike previous methods, NPPrompt uses only pre-trained language models and does not require any labeled data or additional raw corpus for further fine-tuning, nor does it rely on humans to construct a comprehensive set of prompt label words. We evaluate NPPrompt against previous major few-shot and zero-shot learning methods on diverse NLP tasks: including text classification, text entailment, similar text retrieval, and paraphrasing. Experimental results demonstrate that our NPPrompt outperforms the previous best fully zero-shot method by big margins, with absolute gains of 12.8% in accuracy on text classification and 18.9% on the GLUE benchmark.
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Traffic forecasting is an important application of spatiotemporal series prediction. Among different methods, graph neural networks have achieved so far the most promising results, learning relations between graph nodes then becomes a crucial task. However, improvement space is very limited when these relations are learned in a node-to-node manner. The challenge stems from (1) obscure temporal dependencies between different stations, (2) difficulties in defining variables beyond the node level, and (3) no ready-made method to validate the learned relations. To confront these challenges, we define legitimate traffic causal variables to discover the causal relation inside the traffic network, which is carefully checked with statistic tools and case analysis. We then present a novel model named Graph Spatial-Temporal Network Based on Causal Insight (GT-CausIn), where prior learned causal information is integrated with graph diffusion layers and temporal convolutional network (TCN) layers. Experiments are carried out on two real-world traffic datasets: PEMS-BAY and METR-LA, which show that GT-CausIn significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art models on mid-term and long-term prediction.
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Face recognition technology has been widely used in daily interactive applications such as checking-in and mobile payment due to its convenience and high accuracy. However, its vulnerability to presentation attacks (PAs) limits its reliable use in ultra-secure applicational scenarios. A presentation attack is first defined in ISO standard as: a presentation to the biometric data capture subsystem with the goal of interfering with the operation of the biometric system. Specifically, PAs range from simple 2D print, replay and more sophisticated 3D masks and partial masks. To defend the face recognition systems against PAs, both academia and industry have paid extensive attention to developing face presentation attack detection (PAD) technology (or namely `face anti-spoofing (FAS)').
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Although synthetic aperture imaging (SAI) can achieve the seeing-through effect by blurring out off-focus foreground occlusions while recovering in-focus occluded scenes from multi-view images, its performance is often deteriorated by dense occlusions and extreme lighting conditions. To address the problem, this paper presents an Event-based SAI (E-SAI) method by relying on the asynchronous events with extremely low latency and high dynamic range acquired by an event camera. Specifically, the collected events are first refocused by a Refocus-Net module to align in-focus events while scattering out off-focus ones. Following that, a hybrid network composed of spiking neural networks (SNNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is proposed to encode the spatio-temporal information from the refocused events and reconstruct a visual image of the occluded targets. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed E-SAI method can achieve remarkable performance in dealing with very dense occlusions and extreme lighting conditions and produce high-quality images from pure events. Codes and datasets are available at
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In contrast to fully supervised methods using pixel-wise mask labels, box-supervised instance segmentation takes advantage of simple box annotations, which has recently attracted increasing research attention. This paper presents a novel single-shot instance segmentation approach, namely Box2Mask, which integrates the classical level-set evolution model into deep neural network learning to achieve accurate mask prediction with only bounding box supervision. Specifically, both the input image and its deep features are employed to evolve the level-set curves implicitly, and a local consistency module based on a pixel affinity kernel is used to mine the local context and spatial relations. Two types of single-stage frameworks, i.e., CNN-based and transformer-based frameworks, are developed to empower the level-set evolution for box-supervised instance segmentation, and each framework consists of three essential components: instance-aware decoder, box-level matching assignment and level-set evolution. By minimizing the level-set energy function, the mask map of each instance can be iteratively optimized within its bounding box annotation. The experimental results on five challenging testbeds, covering general scenes, remote sensing, medical and scene text images, demonstrate the outstanding performance of our proposed Box2Mask approach for box-supervised instance segmentation. In particular, with the Swin-Transformer large backbone, our Box2Mask obtains 42.4% mask AP on COCO, which is on par with the recently developed fully mask-supervised methods. The code is available at:
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