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正常的胎儿脂肪组织(AT)发育对于围产期健康至关重要。在或简单地脂肪以脂质形式存储能量。营养不良可能导致过度或耗尽的肥胖。尽管以前的研究表明,AT和围产期结局的量之间存在相关性,但缺乏定量方法,对AT的产前评估受到限制。使用磁共振成像(MRI),可以从两个点Dixon图像中获得整个胎儿的3D脂肪和纯水图像,以在脂质定量时启用。本文是第一个提出一种基于Dixon MRI的胎儿脂肪分割的深度学习方法的方法。它优化了放射科医生的手动胎儿脂肪描述时间,以生成带注释的培训数据集。它由两个步骤组成:1)基于模型的半自动胎儿脂肪分割,由放射科医生进行了审查和纠正; 2)使用在所得的注释数据集中训练的DL网络的自动胎儿脂肪分割。培训了三个DL网络。与手动分割相比,我们显示出分割时间(3:38小时至<1小时)和观察者变异性(0.738至0.906)的显着改善。用3D残差U-NET,NN-UNET和SWIN-UNETR TRONSERTER网络对24个测试用例进行自动分割,平均骰子得分分别为0.863、0.787和0.856。这些结果比手动观察者的变异性更好,并且与自动成人和小儿脂肪分割相当。一名放射科医生审查并纠正了六个新的独立案例,并使用最佳性能网络进行了细分,导致骰子得分为0.961,校正时间显着减少了15:20分钟。使用这些新颖的分割方法和短暂的MRI获取时间,可以在临床和大型果园研究中量化全身皮下脂质的单个胎儿。
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Extracting complex structures from grid-based data is a common key step in automated medical image analysis. The conventional solution to recovering tree-structured geometries typically involves computing the minimal cost path through intermediate representations derived from segmentation masks. However, this methodology has significant limitations in the context of projective imaging of tree-structured 3D anatomical data such as coronary arteries, since there are often overlapping branches in the 2D projection. In this work, we propose a novel approach to predicting tree connectivity structure which reformulates the task as an optimization problem over individual steps of a recursive process. We design and train a two-stage model which leverages the UNet and Transformer architectures and introduces an image-based prompting technique. Our proposed method achieves compelling results on a pair of synthetic datasets, and outperforms a shortest-path baseline.
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Regularising the parameter matrices of neural networks is ubiquitous in training deep models. Typical regularisation approaches suggest initialising weights using small random values, and to penalise weights to promote sparsity. However, these widely used techniques may be less effective in certain scenarios. Here, we study the Koopman autoencoder model which includes an encoder, a Koopman operator layer, and a decoder. These models have been designed and dedicated to tackle physics-related problems with interpretable dynamics and an ability to incorporate physics-related constraints. However, the majority of existing work employs standard regularisation practices. In our work, we take a step toward augmenting Koopman autoencoders with initialisation and penalty schemes tailored for physics-related settings. Specifically, we propose the "eigeninit" initialisation scheme that samples initial Koopman operators from specific eigenvalue distributions. In addition, we suggest the "eigenloss" penalty scheme that penalises the eigenvalues of the Koopman operator during training. We demonstrate the utility of these schemes on two synthetic data sets: a driven pendulum and flow past a cylinder; and two real-world problems: ocean surface temperatures and cyclone wind fields. We find on these datasets that eigenloss and eigeninit improves the convergence rate by up to a factor of 5, and that they reduce the cumulative long-term prediction error by up to a factor of 3. Such a finding points to the utility of incorporating similar schemes as an inductive bias in other physics-related deep learning approaches.
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Curriculum learning and self-paced learning are the training strategies that gradually feed the samples from easy to more complex. They have captivated increasing attention due to their excellent performance in robotic vision. Most recent works focus on designing curricula based on difficulty levels in input samples or smoothing the feature maps. However, smoothing labels to control the learning utility in a curriculum manner is still unexplored. In this work, we design a paced curriculum by label smoothing (P-CBLS) using paced learning with uniform label smoothing (ULS) for classification tasks and fuse uniform and spatially varying label smoothing (SVLS) for semantic segmentation tasks in a curriculum manner. In ULS and SVLS, a bigger smoothing factor value enforces a heavy smoothing penalty in the true label and limits learning less information. Therefore, we design the curriculum by label smoothing (CBLS). We set a bigger smoothing value at the beginning of training and gradually decreased it to zero to control the model learning utility from lower to higher. We also designed a confidence-aware pacing function and combined it with our CBLS to investigate the benefits of various curricula. The proposed techniques are validated on four robotic surgery datasets of multi-class, multi-label classification, captioning, and segmentation tasks. We also investigate the robustness of our method by corrupting validation data into different severity levels. Our extensive analysis shows that the proposed method improves prediction accuracy and robustness.
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Attribute-controlled text rewriting, also known as text style-transfer, has a crucial role in regulating attributes and biases of textual training data and a machine generated text. In this work we present SimpleStyle, a minimalist yet effective approach for style-transfer composed of two simple ingredients: controlled denoising and output filtering. Despite the simplicity of our approach, which can be succinctly described with a few lines of code, it is competitive with previous state-of-the-art methods both in automatic and in human evaluation. To demonstrate the adaptability and practical value of our system beyond academic data, we apply SimpleStyle to transfer a wide range of text attributes appearing in real-world textual data from social networks. Additionally, we introduce a novel "soft noising" technique that further improves the performance of our system. We also show that teaching a student model to generate the output of SimpleStyle can result in a system that performs style transfer of equivalent quality with only a single greedy-decoded sample. Finally, we suggest our method as a remedy for the fundamental incompatible baseline issue that holds progress in the field. We offer our protocol as a simple yet strong baseline for works that wish to make incremental advancements in the field of attribute controlled text rewriting.
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Temporal reasoning is the task of predicting temporal relations of event pairs with corresponding contexts. While some temporal reasoning models perform reasonably well on in-domain benchmarks, we have little idea of the systems' generalizability due to existing datasets' limitations. In this work, we introduce a novel task named TODAY that bridges this gap with temporal differential analysis, which as the name suggests, evaluates if systems can correctly understand the effect of incremental changes. Specifically, TODAY makes slight context changes for given event pairs, and systems need to tell how this subtle contextual change will affect temporal relation distributions. To facilitate learning, TODAY also annotates human explanations. We show that existing models, including GPT-3, drop to random guessing on TODAY, suggesting that they heavily rely on spurious information rather than proper reasoning for temporal predictions. On the other hand, we show that TODAY's supervision style and explanation annotations can be used in joint learning and encourage models to use more appropriate signals during training and outperform across several benchmarks. TODAY can also be used to train models to solicit incidental supervision from noisy sources such as GPT-3 and moves farther towards generic temporal reasoning systems.
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State-of-the-art 3D semantic segmentation models are trained on the off-the-shelf public benchmarks, but they often face the major challenge when these well-trained models are deployed to a new domain. In this paper, we propose an Active-and-Adaptive Segmentation (ADAS) baseline to enhance the weak cross-domain generalization ability of a well-trained 3D segmentation model, and bridge the point distribution gap between domains. Specifically, before the cross-domain adaptation stage begins, ADAS performs an active sampling operation to select a maximally-informative subset from both source and target domains for effective adaptation, reducing the adaptation difficulty under 3D scenarios. Benefiting from the rise of multi-modal 2D-3D datasets, ADAS utilizes a cross-modal attention-based feature fusion module that can extract a representative pair of image features and point features to achieve a bi-directional image-point feature interaction for better safe adaptation. Experimentally, ADAS is verified to be effective in many cross-domain settings including: 1) Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA), which means that all samples from target domain are unlabeled; 2) Unsupervised Few-shot Domain Adaptation (UFDA) which means that only a few unlabeled samples are available in the unlabeled target domain; 3) Active Domain Adaptation (ADA) which means that the selected target samples by ADAS are manually annotated. Their results demonstrate that ADAS achieves a significant accuracy gain by easily coupling ADAS with self-training methods or off-the-shelf UDA works.
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Dual encoders are now the dominant architecture for dense retrieval. Yet, we have little understanding of how they represent text, and why this leads to good performance. In this work, we shed light on this question via distributions over the vocabulary. We propose to interpret the vector representations produced by dual encoders by projecting them into the model's vocabulary space. We show that the resulting distributions over vocabulary tokens are intuitive and contain rich semantic information. We find that this view can explain some of the failure cases of dense retrievers. For example, the inability of models to handle tail entities can be explained via a tendency of the token distributions to forget some of the tokens of those entities. We leverage this insight and propose a simple way to enrich query and passage representations with lexical information at inference time, and show that this significantly improves performance compared to the original model in out-of-domain settings.
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