Blockchain has empowered computer systems to be more secure using a distributed network. However, the current blockchain design suffers from fairness issues in transaction ordering. Miners are able to reorder transactions to generate profits, the so-called miner extractable value (MEV). Existing research recognizes MEV as a severe security issue and proposes potential solutions, including prominent Flashbots. However, previous studies have mostly analyzed blockchain data, which might not capture the impacts of MEV in a much broader AI society. Thus, in this research, we applied natural language processing (NLP) methods to comprehensively analyze topics in tweets on MEV. We collected more than 20000 tweets with \#MEV and \#Flashbots hashtags and analyzed their topics. Our results show that the tweets discussed profound topics of ethical concern, including security, equity, emotional sentiments, and the desire for solutions to MEV. We also identify the co-movements of MEV activities on blockchain and social media platforms. Our study contributes to the literature at the interface of blockchain security, MEV solutions, and AI ethics.
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少数群体一直在使用社交媒体来组织社会运动,从而产生深远的社会影响。黑人生活问题(BLM)和停止亚洲仇恨(SAH)是两个成功的社会运动,在Twitter上蔓延开来,促进了抗议活动和活动,反对种族主义,并提高公众对少数群体面临的其他社会挑战的认识。但是,以前的研究主要对与用户的推文或访谈进行了定性分析,这些推文或访谈可能无法全面和有效地代表所有推文。很少有研究以严格,量化和以数据为中心的方法探讨了BLM和SAH对话中的Twitter主题。因此,在这项研究中,我们采用了一种混合方法来全面分析BLM和SAH Twitter主题。我们实施了(1)潜在的DIRICHLET分配模型,以了解顶级高级单词和主题以及(2)开放编码分析,以确定整个推文中的特定主题。我们通过#BlackLivesMatter和#Stopasianhate主题标签收集了超过一百万条推文,并比较了它们的主题。我们的发现表明,这些推文在深度上讨论了各种有影响力的话题,社会正义,社会运动和情感情感都是两种运动的共同主题,尽管每个运动都有独特的子主题。我们的研究尤其是社交媒体平台上的社会运动的主题分析,以及有关AI,伦理和社会相互作用的文献。
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Currently, there are no convincing proxies for the fundamentals of cryptocurrency assets. We propose a new market-to-fundamental ratio, the price-to-utility (PU) ratio, utilizing unique blockchain accounting methods. We then proxy various fundamental-to-market ratios by Bitcoin historical data and find they have little predictive power for short-term bitcoin returns. However, PU ratio effectively predicts long-term bitcoin returns. We verify PU ratio valuation by unsupervised and supervised machine learning. The valuation method informs investment returns and predicts bull markets effectively. Finally, we present an automated trading strategy advised by the PU ratio that outperforms the conventional buy-and-hold and market-timing strategies. We distribute the trading algorithms as open-source software via Python Package Index for future research.
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In this paper, we propose a novel primal-dual proximal splitting algorithm (PD-PSA), named BALPA, for the composite optimization problem with equality constraints, where the loss function consists of a smooth term and a nonsmooth term composed with a linear mapping. In BALPA, the dual update is designed as a proximal point for a time-varying quadratic function, which balances the implementation of primal and dual update and retains the proximity-induced feature of classic PD-PSAs. In addition, by this balance, BALPA eliminates the inefficiency of classic PD-PSAs for composite optimization problems in which the Euclidean norm of the linear mapping or the equality constraint mapping is large. Therefore, BALPA not only inherits the advantages of simple structure and easy implementation of classic PD-PSAs but also ensures a fast convergence when these norms are large. Moreover, we propose a stochastic version of BALPA (S-BALPA) and apply the developed BALPA to distributed optimization to devise a new distributed optimization algorithm. Furthermore, a comprehensive convergence analysis for BALPA and S-BALPA is conducted, respectively. Finally, numerical experiments demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms.
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The data used to train deep neural network (DNN) models in applications such as healthcare and finance typically contain sensitive information. A DNN model may suffer from overfitting. Overfitted models have been shown to be susceptible to query-based attacks such as membership inference attacks (MIAs). MIAs aim to determine whether a sample belongs to the dataset used to train a classifier (members) or not (nonmembers). Recently, a new class of label based MIAs (LAB MIAs) was proposed, where an adversary was only required to have knowledge of predicted labels of samples. Developing a defense against an adversary carrying out a LAB MIA on DNN models that cannot be retrained remains an open problem. We present LDL, a light weight defense against LAB MIAs. LDL works by constructing a high-dimensional sphere around queried samples such that the model decision is unchanged for (noisy) variants of the sample within the sphere. This sphere of label-invariance creates ambiguity and prevents a querying adversary from correctly determining whether a sample is a member or a nonmember. We analytically characterize the success rate of an adversary carrying out a LAB MIA when LDL is deployed, and show that the formulation is consistent with experimental observations. We evaluate LDL on seven datasets -- CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, GTSRB, Face, Purchase, Location, and Texas -- with varying sizes of training data. All of these datasets have been used by SOTA LAB MIAs. Our experiments demonstrate that LDL reduces the success rate of an adversary carrying out a LAB MIA in each case. We empirically compare LDL with defenses against LAB MIAs that require retraining of DNN models, and show that LDL performs favorably despite not needing to retrain the DNNs.
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本文提出了一种针对分布式凸复合优化问题的新型双重不精确拆分算法(DISA),其中本地损耗函数由$ L $ -SMOOTH的项组成,可能是由线性操作员组成的非平滑项。我们证明,当原始和双重尺寸$ \ tau $,$ \ beta $满足$ 0 <\ tau <{2}/{l} $和$ 0 <\ tau \ beta <1 $时,我们证明了DISA是收敛的。与现有的原始双侧近端分裂算法(PD-PSA)相比,DISA克服了收敛步骤范围对线性操作员欧几里得范围的依赖性。这意味着当欧几里得规范大时,DISA允许更大的步骤尺寸,从而确保其快速收敛。此外,我们分别在一般凸度和度量次级性下分别建立了disa的均值和线性收敛速率。此外,还提供了DISA的近似迭代版本,并证明了该近似版本的全局收敛性和sublinear收敛速率。最后,数值实验不仅证实了理论分析,而且还表明,与现有的PD-PSA相比,DISA达到了显着的加速度。
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野外的机器学习模型已被证明在训练过程中容易受到特洛伊木马攻击的影响。尽管已经提出了许多检测机制,但已证明强大的适应性攻击者对他们有效。在本文中,我们旨在回答考虑一个聪明和适应性对手的问题:(i)强大的攻击者将木马所需的最小实例数量是多少? (ii)这样的攻击者是否有可能绕过强大的检测机制?我们提供了这种模型中发生的对抗和检测机制之间的对抗能力和战略相互作用的分析表征。我们根据输入数据集的分数来表征对手的能力,该输入数据集的分数可以嵌入特洛伊木马触发器。我们表明,损耗函数具有一个集中结构,该结构导致设计有效的算法,以确定这一部分,并在最优性方面可证明的界限。我们提出了一种子模型特洛伊算法,以确定样品的最小分数,以注入特洛伊木马触发器。为了逃避对木马模型的检测,我们将对手和特洛伊木马检测机制之间的战略相互作用建模为两人游戏。我们表明,对手以概率赢得了游戏,从而绕开了检测。我们通过证明特洛伊木马模型和干净模型的输出概率分布在遵循Min-Max(MM)Trojan算法时相同。我们对MNIST,CIFAR-10和EUROSAT数据集进行了广泛的评估。结果表明,(i)使用subsodular trojan算法,对手需要将特洛伊木马扳机嵌入很少的样品中,以在Trojan和干净的样品上获得高精度,以及(ii)MM Trojan算法会产生训练有素的经训练的Trojan以概率1逃避检测的模型。
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在核成像中,有限的分辨率会导致影响图像清晰度和定量准确性的部分体积效应(PVE)。已证明来自CT或MRI的高分辨率解剖信息的部分体积校正(PVC)已被证明是有效的。但是,这种解剖学引导的方法通常需要乏味的图像注册和分割步骤。由于缺乏具有高端CT和相关运动伪像的混合体SPECT/CT扫描仪,因此很难获得准确的分段器官模板,尤其是在心脏SPECT成像中。轻微的错误注册/错误分段将导致PVC后的图像质量严重降解。在这项工作中,我们开发了一种基于深度学习的方法,用于快速心脏SPECT PVC,而无需解剖信息和相关的器官分割。所提出的网络涉及密集连接的多维动态机制,即使网络经过充分训练,也可以根据输入图像对卷积内核进行调整。引入了心脏内血容量(IMBV)作为网络优化的附加临床损失函数。提出的网络表明,使用Technetium-99M标记的红细胞在GE发现NM/CT 570C专用心脏SPECT扫描仪上获得的28个犬类研究表现有希望的表现。这项工作表明,与没有这种机制的同一网络相比,具有密集连接的动态机制的提议网络产生了较高的结果。结果还表明,没有解剖信息的提出的网络可以与解剖学引导的PVC方法产生的图像产生具有统计上可比的IMBV测量的图像,这可能有助于临床翻译。
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在2019年的大流行病(Covid-19)感染SARS-COV-2的小型冠状病病(Covid-19)中,很快就迅速进行了大量的预防和治疗药物研究,但迄今为止,这些努力取得了不成功。我们的目标是利用药物重新淘点的管道优先考虑可重复的药物,系统地整合多个SARS-COV-2和药物相互作用,深图神经网络和基于体外/人口的验证。我们首先通过CTDBase收集涉及Covid-19患者治疗的所有可用药物(n = 3,635)。我们基于病毒诱饵,宿主基因,途径,药物和表型之间的相互作用构建了SARS-COV-2知识图。基于生物相互作用,使用深图神经网络方法来得出候选表示。我们利用临床试验验证药物优先考虑候选药物,然后用它们的遗传谱,体外实验疗效和电子健康记录验证。我们突出了前22名药物,包括阿奇霉素,阿托伐他汀,阿司匹林,对乙酰氨基酚和阿巴替代醇。我们进一步确定了可能协同靶向Covid-19的药物组合。总之,我们证明了广泛的相互作用,深度神经网络和严格验证的整合可以促进Covid-19治疗的候选药物的快速鉴定。这是一个post-poser-review,在科学报告中发布的文章的Pre-Copyedit版本最终经过身份验证版本可在线获取:
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