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Efforts to improve the adversarial robustness of convolutional neural networks have primarily focused on developing more effective adversarial training methods. In contrast, little attention was devoted to analyzing the role of architectural elements (such as topology, depth, and width) on adversarial robustness. This paper seeks to bridge this gap and present a holistic study on the impact of architectural design on adversarial robustness. We focus on residual networks and consider architecture design at the block level, i.e., topology, kernel size, activation, and normalization, as well as at the network scaling level, i.e., depth and width of each block in the network. In both cases, we first derive insights through systematic ablative experiments. Then we design a robust residual block, dubbed RobustResBlock, and a compound scaling rule, dubbed RobustScaling, to distribute depth and width at the desired FLOP count. Finally, we combine RobustResBlock and RobustScaling and present a portfolio of adversarially robust residual networks, RobustResNets, spanning a broad spectrum of model capacities. Experimental validation across multiple datasets and adversarial attacks demonstrate that RobustResNets consistently outperform both the standard WRNs and other existing robust architectures, achieving state-of-the-art AutoAttack robust accuracy of 61.1% without additional data and 63.7% with 500K external data while being $2\times$ more compact in terms of parameters. Code is available at \url{ https://github.com/zhichao-lu/robust-residual-network}
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Despite the recent progress in language generation models, their outputs may not always meet user expectations. In this work, we study whether informational feedback in natural language can be leveraged to improve generation quality and user preference alignment. To this end, we consider factual consistency in summarization, the quality that the summary should only contain information supported by the input documents, for user preference alignment. We collect a high-quality dataset, DeFacto, containing human demonstrations and informational feedback in natural language consisting of corrective instructions, edited summaries, and explanations with respect to the factual consistency of the summary. Using our dataset, we study two natural language generation tasks: 1) editing a summary using the human feedback, and 2) generating human feedback from the original summary. Using the two tasks, we further evaluate if models can automatically correct factual inconsistencies in generated summaries. We show that the human-edited summaries we collected are more factually consistent, and pre-trained language models can leverage our dataset to improve the factual consistency of original system-generated summaries in our proposed generation tasks. We make the DeFacto dataset publicly available at https://github.com/microsoft/DeFacto.
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We discuss two kinds of semantics relevant to Computer Vision (CV) systems - Visual Semantics and Lexical Semantics. While visual semantics focus on how humans build concepts when using vision to perceive a target reality, lexical semantics focus on how humans build concepts of the same target reality through the use of language. The lack of coincidence between visual and lexical semantics, in turn, has a major impact on CV systems in the form of the Semantic Gap Problem (SGP). The paper, while extensively exemplifying the lack of coincidence as above, introduces a general, domain-agnostic methodology to enforce alignment between visual and lexical semantics.
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Multi-Task Learning (MTL) has shown its importance at user products for fast training, data efficiency, reduced overfitting etc. MTL achieves it by sharing the network parameters and training a network for multiple tasks simultaneously. However, MTL does not provide the solution, if each task needs training from a different dataset. In order to solve the stated problem, we have proposed an architecture named TreeDNN along with it's training methodology. TreeDNN helps in training the model with multiple datasets simultaneously, where each branch of the tree may need a different training dataset. We have shown in the results that TreeDNN provides competitive performance with the advantage of reduced ROM requirement for parameter storage and increased responsiveness of the system by loading only specific branch at inference time.
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Cartoons are an important part of our entertainment culture. Though drawing a cartoon is not for everyone, creating it using an arrangement of basic geometric primitives that approximates that character is a fairly frequent technique in art. The key motivation behind this technique is that human bodies - as well as cartoon figures - can be split down into various basic geometric primitives. Numerous tutorials are available that demonstrate how to draw figures using an appropriate arrangement of fundamental shapes, thus assisting us in creating cartoon characters. This technique is very beneficial for children in terms of teaching them how to draw cartoons. In this paper, we develop a tool - shape2toon - that aims to automate this approach by utilizing a generative adversarial network which combines geometric primitives (i.e. circles) and generate a cartoon figure (i.e. Mickey Mouse) depending on the given approximation. For this purpose, we created a dataset of geometrically represented cartoon characters. We apply an image-to-image translation technique on our dataset and report the results in this paper. The experimental results show that our system can generate cartoon characters from input layout of geometric shapes. In addition, we demonstrate a web-based tool as a practical implication of our work.
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经验丰富的用户通常在解决现实世界优化问题方面具有有用的知识和直觉。用户知识可以作为可变关系的配方,以帮助优化算法更快地找到良好的解决方案。此类间相互作用也可以自动从优化运行中的中间迭代中发现的高性能解决方案中自动学习 - 一种称为Innovization的过程。如果用户对这些关系进行审查,则可以在新生成的解决方案中执行,以将优化算法引导到搜索空间中实际上有希望的区域。对于大规模问题,这种可变关系的数量可能很高,就会出现挑战。本文提出了一个基于交互式知识的进化多目标优化(IK-EMO)框架,该框架将隐藏的可变关系提取为从不断发展的高性能解决方案中的知识,与用户共享它们以接收反馈,并将其应用于优化提高其有效性的过程。知识提取过程使用系统而优雅的图形分析方法,该方法与变量数量很好地缩放。在三个大规模的现实世界工程设计问题上证明了拟议的IK-EMO的工作。提出的知识提取过程和高性能解决方案的实现的简单性和优雅迅速表明了所提出的框架的力量。提出的结果应激发进一步的基于相互作用的优化研究,以实践其常规使用。
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领域本体论模型的发展虽然是一个以良好的方法为支持的成熟研究领域,但仍然存在两个关键的缺点。首先,有关本体论概念的语义持久性的问题及其在域中采用现有方法的灵活再利用。其次,由于难以理解和重复现有基础本体论中的顶级概念,因此关于域表示语义性质的混淆。本文为代表性多样性的上述缺点奠定了基础,并提出了一个三倍的解决方案 - (i)渲染概念的管道,(ii)对简约的基础知识模型的首次表征,名为基础目的论,将基础区别在语义上说明基础区别实施域表示的静态和动态性质,以及(iii)一种灵活的,重复使用的方法论,用于多样性感知的域开发利用解决方案(i)和(ii)。初步工作报告了溶液成分的潜力。
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