Manually analyzing spermatozoa is a tremendous task for biologists due to the many fast-moving spermatozoa, causing inconsistencies in the quality of the assessments. Therefore, computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) has become a popular solution. Despite this, more data is needed to train supervised machine learning approaches in order to improve accuracy and reliability. In this regard, we provide a dataset called VISEM-Tracking with 20 video recordings of 30s of spermatozoa with manually annotated bounding-box coordinates and a set of sperm characteristics analyzed by experts in the domain. VISEM-Tracking is an extension of the previously published VISEM dataset. In addition to the annotated data, we provide unlabeled video clips for easy-to-use access and analysis of the data. As part of this paper, we present baseline sperm detection performances using the YOLOv5 deep learning model trained on the VISEM-Tracking dataset. As a result, the dataset can be used to train complex deep-learning models to analyze spermatozoa. The dataset is publicly available at
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Head and neck cancers are the fifth most common cancer worldwide, and recently, analysis of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Computed Tomography (CT) images has been proposed to identify patients with a prognosis. Even though the results look promising, more research is needed to further validate and improve the results. This paper presents the work done by team MLC for the 2022 version of the HECKTOR grand challenge held at MICCAI 2022. For Task 1, the automatic segmentation task, our approach was, in contrast to earlier solutions using 3D segmentation, to keep it as simple as possible using a 2D model, analyzing every slice as a standalone image. In addition, we were interested in understanding how different modalities influence the results. We proposed two approaches; one using only the CT scans to make predictions and another using a combination of the CT and PET scans. For Task 2, the prediction of recurrence-free survival, we first proposed two approaches, one where we only use patient data and one where we combined the patient data with segmentations from the image model. For the prediction of the first two approaches, we used Random Forest. In our third approach, we combined patient data and image data using XGBoost. Low kidney function might worsen cancer prognosis. In this approach, we therefore estimated the kidney function of the patients and included it as a feature. Overall, we conclude that our simple methods were not able to compete with the highest-ranking submissions, but we still obtained reasonably good scores. We also got interesting insights into how the combination of different modalities can influence the segmentation and predictions.
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自动生物医学图像分析的领域至关重要地取决于算法验证的可靠和有意义的性能指标。但是,当前的度量使用通常是不明智的,并且不能反映基本的域名。在这里,我们提出了一个全面的框架,该框架指导研究人员以问题意识的方式选择绩效指标。具体而言,我们专注于生物医学图像分析问题,这些问题可以解释为图像,对象或像素级别的分类任务。该框架首先编译域兴趣 - 目标结构 - ,数据集和算法与输出问题相关的属性的属性与问题指纹相关,同时还将其映射到适当的问题类别,即图像级分类,语义分段,实例,实例细分或对象检测。然后,它指导用户选择和应用一组适当的验证指标的过程,同时使他们意识到与个人选择相关的潜在陷阱。在本文中,我们描述了指标重新加载推荐框架的当前状态,目的是从图像分析社区获得建设性的反馈。当前版本是在由60多个图像分析专家的国际联盟中开发的,将在社区驱动的优化之后公开作为用户友好的工具包提供。
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医学图像分割可以为临床分析提供详细信息,这对于发现的详细位置很重要的情况可能是有用的。了解疾病的位置可以在治疗和决策中发挥重要作用。基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的编码器 - 解码器技术具有自动化医学图像分割系统的性能。几种基于CNN的方法利用了诸如空间和渠道的技术来提高性能。近年来引起关注的另一种技术是残留致密块(RDB)。密集连接块中的连续卷积层能够用不同的接收领域提取各种特征,从而提高性能。然而,连续堆积的卷积运营商可能不一定生成有助于识别目标结构的功能。在本文中,我们提出了一种逐步的交替注意网络(PAANET)。我们开发逐步交替注意密度(Paad)块,其在密集块中的每个卷积层中使用来自所有尺度的特征构建指导注意力图(GAM)。 GAM允许密集块中的以下层集中在与目标区域相关的空间位置。每个备用Paad块都反转GAM以生成反向注意地图,指导后面的图层,以提取边界和边缘相关信息,精炼分割过程。我们对三种不同的生物医学图像分割数据集的实验表明,与其他最先进的方法相比,我们的Paanet达到了有利的性能。
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We present a dynamic path planning algorithm to navigate an amphibious rotor craft through a concave time-invariant obstacle field while attempting to minimize energy usage. We create a nonlinear quaternion state model that represents the rotor craft dynamics above and below the water. The 6 degree of freedom dynamics used within a layered architecture to generate motion paths for the vehicle to follow and the required control inputs. The rotor craft has a 3 dimensional map of its surroundings that is updated via limited range onboard sensor readings within the current medium (air or water). Path planning is done via PRM and D* Lite.
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Logic Mill is a scalable and openly accessible software system that identifies semantically similar documents within either one domain-specific corpus or multi-domain corpora. It uses advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to generate numerical representations of documents. Currently it leverages a large pre-trained language model to generate these document representations. The system focuses on scientific publications and patent documents and contains more than 200 million documents. It is easily accessible via a simple Application Programming Interface (API) or via a web interface. Moreover, it is continuously being updated and can be extended to text corpora from other domains. We see this system as a general-purpose tool for future research applications in the social sciences and other domains.
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