本文研究了在线性季节控制设置中权力下放程度与分布式控制器的性能之间的权衡。我们在图形和分布式控制器上研究一个互连代理系统,称为$ \ kappa $分布式控件,该系统使代理可以根据距离$ \ kappa $在基础图上的状态信息做出控制决策。该控制器可以使用参数$ \ kappa $调整其权力下放化程度,从而允许表征权力下放和绩效之间的关系。我们表明,在温和的假设下,包括可稳定性,可检测性和次数增长的图形条件,$ \ kappa $分布式控制和集中式最佳控制之间的性能差异在$ \ kappa $中呈指数级较小。该结果表明,分布式控制可以通过中等程度的权力下放实现近乎最佳的性能,因此它是用于大规模网络系统的有效控制器体系结构。
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Models of sensory processing and learning in the cortex need to efficiently assign credit to synapses in all areas. In deep learning, a known solution is error backpropagation, which however requires biologically implausible weight transport from feed-forward to feedback paths. We introduce Phaseless Alignment Learning (PAL), a bio-plausible method to learn efficient feedback weights in layered cortical hierarchies. This is achieved by exploiting the noise naturally found in biophysical systems as an additional carrier of information. In our dynamical system, all weights are learned simultaneously with always-on plasticity and using only information locally available to the synapses. Our method is completely phase-free (no forward and backward passes or phased learning) and allows for efficient error propagation across multi-layer cortical hierarchies, while maintaining biologically plausible signal transport and learning. Our method is applicable to a wide class of models and improves on previously known biologically plausible ways of credit assignment: compared to random synaptic feedback, it can solve complex tasks with less neurons and learn more useful latent representations. We demonstrate this on various classification tasks using a cortical microcircuit model with prospective coding.
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Autonomous driving is an exciting new industry, posing important research questions. Within the perception module, 3D human pose estimation is an emerging technology, which can enable the autonomous vehicle to perceive and understand the subtle and complex behaviors of pedestrians. While hardware systems and sensors have dramatically improved over the decades -- with cars potentially boasting complex LiDAR and vision systems and with a growing expansion of the available body of dedicated datasets for this newly available information -- not much work has been done to harness these novel signals for the core problem of 3D human pose estimation. Our method, which we coin HUM3DIL (HUMan 3D from Images and LiDAR), efficiently makes use of these complementary signals, in a semi-supervised fashion and outperforms existing methods with a large margin. It is a fast and compact model for onboard deployment. Specifically, we embed LiDAR points into pixel-aligned multi-modal features, which we pass through a sequence of Transformer refinement stages. Quantitative experiments on the Waymo Open Dataset support these claims, where we achieve state-of-the-art results on the task of 3D pose estimation.
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We present PhoMoH, a neural network methodology to construct generative models of photorealistic 3D geometry and appearance of human heads including hair, beards, clothing and accessories. In contrast to prior work, PhoMoH models the human head using neural fields, thus supporting complex topology. Instead of learning a head model from scratch, we propose to augment an existing expressive head model with new features. Concretely, we learn a highly detailed geometry network layered on top of a mid-resolution head model together with a detailed, local geometry-aware, and disentangled color field. Our proposed architecture allows us to learn photorealistic human head models from relatively little data. The learned generative geometry and appearance networks can be sampled individually and allow the creation of diverse and realistic human heads. Extensive experiments validate our method qualitatively and across different metrics.
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We introduce Structured 3D Features, a model based on a novel implicit 3D representation that pools pixel-aligned image features onto dense 3D points sampled from a parametric, statistical human mesh surface. The 3D points have associated semantics and can move freely in 3D space. This allows for optimal coverage of the person of interest, beyond just the body shape, which in turn, additionally helps modeling accessories, hair, and loose clothing. Owing to this, we present a complete 3D transformer-based attention framework which, given a single image of a person in an unconstrained pose, generates an animatable 3D reconstruction with albedo and illumination decomposition, as a result of a single end-to-end model, trained semi-supervised, and with no additional postprocessing. We show that our S3F model surpasses the previous state-of-the-art on various tasks, including monocular 3D reconstruction, as well as albedo and shading estimation. Moreover, we show that the proposed methodology allows novel view synthesis, relighting, and re-posing the reconstruction, and can naturally be extended to handle multiple input images (e.g. different views of a person, or the same view, in different poses, in video). Finally, we demonstrate the editing capabilities of our model for 3D virtual try-on applications.
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This paper describes the 5th edition of the Predicting Video Memorability Task as part of MediaEval2022. This year we have reorganised and simplified the task in order to lubricate a greater depth of inquiry. Similar to last year, two datasets are provided in order to facilitate generalisation, however, this year we have replaced the TRECVid2019 Video-to-Text dataset with the VideoMem dataset in order to remedy underlying data quality issues, and to prioritise short-term memorability prediction by elevating the Memento10k dataset as the primary dataset. Additionally, a fully fledged electroencephalography (EEG)-based prediction sub-task is introduced. In this paper, we outline the core facets of the task and its constituent sub-tasks; describing the datasets, evaluation metrics, and requirements for participant submissions.
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The Predicting Media Memorability task in the MediaEval evaluation campaign has been running annually since 2018 and several different tasks and data sets have been used in this time. This has allowed us to compare the performance of many memorability prediction techniques on the same data and in a reproducible way and to refine and improve on those techniques. The resources created to compute media memorability are now being used by researchers well beyond the actual evaluation campaign. In this paper we present a summary of the task, including the collective lessons we have learned for the research community.
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This paper revisits building machine learning algorithms that involve interactions between entities, such as those between financial assets in an actively managed portfolio, or interactions between users in a social network. Our goal is to forecast the future evolution of ensembles of multivariate time series in such applications (e.g., the future return of a financial asset or the future popularity of a Twitter account). Designing ML algorithms for such systems requires addressing the challenges of high-dimensional interactions and non-linearity. Existing approaches usually adopt an ad-hoc approach to integrating high-dimensional techniques into non-linear models and recent studies have shown these approaches have questionable efficacy in time-evolving interacting systems. To this end, we propose a novel framework, which we dub as the additive influence model. Under our modeling assumption, we show that it is possible to decouple the learning of high-dimensional interactions from the learning of non-linear feature interactions. To learn the high-dimensional interactions, we leverage kernel-based techniques, with provable guarantees, to embed the entities in a low-dimensional latent space. To learn the non-linear feature-response interactions, we generalize prominent machine learning techniques, including designing a new statistically sound non-parametric method and an ensemble learning algorithm optimized for vector regressions. Extensive experiments on two common applications demonstrate that our new algorithms deliver significantly stronger forecasting power compared to standard and recently proposed methods.
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Determining the author of a text is a difficult task. Here we compare multiple AI techniques for classifying literary texts written by multiple authors by taking into account a limited number of speech parts (prepositions, adverbs, and conjunctions). We also introduce a new dataset composed of texts written in the Romanian language on which we have run the algorithms. The compared methods are Artificial Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Multi Expression Programming, Decision Trees with C5.0, and k-Nearest Neighbour. Numerical experiments show, first of all, that the problem is difficult, but some algorithms are able to generate decent errors on the test set.
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特征形式的图像补丁的独特表示是许多计算机视觉和机器人任务的关键组成部分,例如图像匹配,图像检索和视觉定位。最先进的描述符,来自手工制作的描述符,例如SIFT到诸如HardNet之类的学习者,通常是高维的; 128个维度甚至更多。维度越高,使用此类描述符的方法的内存消耗和计算时间越大。在本文中,我们研究了多层感知器(MLP),以提取低维但高质量的描述符。我们在无监督,自我监督和监督的设置中彻底分析了我们的方法,并评估了四个代表性描述符的降维结果。我们考虑不同的应用程序,包括视觉定位,补丁验证,图像匹配和检索。实验表明,我们的轻量级MLP比PCA获得了更好的尺寸降低。我们的方法生成的较低维描述符在下游任务中的原始高维描述符,尤其是对于手工制作的任务。该代码将在https://github.com/prbonn/descriptor-dr上找到。
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