Open vocabulary object detection has been greatly advanced by the recent development of vision-language pretrained model, which helps recognize novel objects with only semantic categories. The prior works mainly focus on knowledge transferring to the object proposal classification and employ class-agnostic box and mask prediction. In this work, we propose CondHead, a principled dynamic network design to better generalize the box regression and mask segmentation for open vocabulary setting. The core idea is to conditionally parameterize the network heads on semantic embedding and thus the model is guided with class-specific knowledge to better detect novel categories. Specifically, CondHead is composed of two streams of network heads, the dynamically aggregated head and the dynamically generated head. The former is instantiated with a set of static heads that are conditionally aggregated, these heads are optimized as experts and are expected to learn sophisticated prediction. The latter is instantiated with dynamically generated parameters and encodes general class-specific information. With such a conditional design, the detection model is bridged by the semantic embedding to offer strongly generalizable class-wise box and mask prediction. Our method brings significant improvement to the state-of-the-art open vocabulary object detection methods with very minor overhead, e.g., it surpasses a RegionClip model by 3.0 detection AP on novel categories, with only 1.1% more computation.
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This paper aims to design robust Edge Intelligence using semantic communication for time-critical IoT applications. We systematically analyze the effect of image DCT coefficients on inference accuracy and propose the channel-agnostic effectiveness encoding for offloading by transmitting the most meaningful task data first. This scheme can well utilize all available communication resource and strike a balance between transmission latency and inference accuracy. Then, we design an effectiveness decoding by implementing a novel image augmentation process for convolutional neural network (CNN) training, through which an original CNN model is transformed into a Robust CNN model. We use the proposed training method to generate Robust MobileNet-v2 and Robust ResNet-50. The proposed Edge Intelligence framework consists of the proposed effectiveness encoding and effectiveness decoding. The experimental results show that the effectiveness decoding using the Robust CNN models perform consistently better under various image distortions caused by channel errors or limited communication resource. The proposed Edge Intelligence framework using semantic communication significantly outperforms the conventional approach under latency and data rate constraints, in particular, under ultra stringent deadlines and low data rate.
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For time-critical IoT applications using deep learning, inference acceleration through distributed computing is a promising approach to meet a stringent deadline. In this paper, we implement a working prototype of a new distributed inference acceleration method HALP using three raspberry Pi 4. HALP accelerates inference by designing a seamless collaboration among edge devices (EDs) in Edge Computing. We maximize the parallelization between communication and computation among the collaborative EDs by optimizing the task partitioning ratio based on the segment-based partitioning. Experimental results show that the distributed inference HALP achieves 1.7x inference acceleration for VGG-16. Then, we combine distributed inference with conventional neural network model compression by setting up different shrinking hyperparameters for MobileNet-V1. In this way, we can further accelerate inference but at the cost of inference accuracy loss. To strike a balance between latency and accuracy, we propose dynamic model selection to select a model which provides the highest accuracy within the latency constraint. It is shown that the model selection with distributed inference HALP can significantly improve service reliability compared to the conventional stand-alone computation.
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Strong lensing in galaxy clusters probes properties of dense cores of dark matter halos in mass, studies the distant universe at flux levels and spatial resolutions otherwise unavailable, and constrains cosmological models independently. The next-generation large scale sky imaging surveys are expected to discover thousands of cluster-scale strong lenses, which would lead to unprecedented opportunities for applying cluster-scale strong lenses to solve astrophysical and cosmological problems. However, the large dataset challenges astronomers to identify and extract strong lensing signals, particularly strongly lensed arcs, because of their complexity and variety. Hence, we propose a framework to detect cluster-scale strongly lensed arcs, which contains a transformer-based detection algorithm and an image simulation algorithm. We embed prior information of strongly lensed arcs at cluster-scale into the training data through simulation and then train the detection algorithm with simulated images. We use the trained transformer to detect strongly lensed arcs from simulated and real data. Results show that our approach could achieve 99.63 % accuracy rate, 90.32 % recall rate, 85.37 % precision rate and 0.23 % false positive rate in detection of strongly lensed arcs from simulated images and could detect almost all strongly lensed arcs in real observation images. Besides, with an interpretation method, we have shown that our method could identify important information embedded in simulated data. Next step, to test the reliability and usability of our approach, we will apply it to available observations (e.g., DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys) and simulated data of upcoming large-scale sky surveys, such as the Euclid and the CSST.
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对比学习在视频表示学习中表现出了巨大的潜力。但是,现有方法无法充分利用短期运动动态,这对于各种下游视频理解任务至关重要。在本文中,我们提出了运动敏感的对比度学习(MSCL),该学习将光学流捕获的运动信息注入RGB帧中,以增强功能学习。为了实现这一目标,除了剪辑级全球对比度学习外,我们还开发了局部运动对比度学习(LMCL),具有两种模式的框架级对比目标。此外,我们引入流动旋转增强(FRA),以生成额外的运动除件负面样品和运动差分采样(MDS)以准确筛选训练样品。对标准基准测试的广泛实验验证了该方法的有效性。以常用的3D RESNET-18为骨干,我们在UCF101上获得了91.5 \%的前1个精度,而在视频分类中进行了一些v2的v2,以及65.6 \%的top-1 top-1召回ucf1011对于视频检索,特别是改善了最新的。
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尽管脑肿瘤分割的准确性最近取得了进步,但结果仍然遭受低可靠性和鲁棒性的影响。不确定性估计是解决此问题的有效解决方案,因为它提供了对分割结果的信心。当前的不确定性估计方法基于分位数回归,贝叶斯神经网络,集合和蒙特卡洛辍学者受其高计算成本和不一致的限制。为了克服这些挑战,在最近的工作中开发了证据深度学习(EDL),但主要用于自然图像分类。在本文中,我们提出了一个基于区域的EDL分割框架,该框架可以生成可靠的不确定性图和可靠的分割结果。我们使用证据理论将神经网络的输出解释为从输入特征收集的证据价值。遵循主观逻辑,将证据作为差异分布进行了参数化,预测的概率被视为主观意见。为了评估我们在分割和不确定性估计的模型的性能,我们在Brats 2020数据集上进行了定量和定性实验。结果证明了所提出的方法在量化分割不确定性和稳健分割肿瘤方面的最高性能。此外,我们提出的新框架保持了低计算成本和易于实施的优势,并显示了临床应用的潜力。
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