近年来,ML社区已经看到对普遍稳健的学习和隐式层次的兴趣飙升,但这两个领域之间的联系很少被探索。在这项工作中,我们将来自这些领域的创新结合起来解决N-K安全受限的最佳功率流量(SCOPF)的问题。 N-K SCOPF是用于电网操作的核心问题,并旨在以稳健的方式调度发电,以潜在的K同步设备中断。灵感来自对逆势稳健的培训中的方法,我们将n-k scopf框架作为最低限度优化问题 - 将发电设置视为可调节参数和设备中断作为(对抗性)攻击 - 并通过基于梯度的技术来解决这个问题。此Minimax问题的丢失函数涉及解析表示网格物理和操作决策的隐式方程,我们通过隐式功能定理来区分。我们展示了我们在解决N-3 SCOPF方面的框架的功效,传统上被认为是对解决问题规模的昂贵昂贵的昂贵,因为问题规模在组合上取决于潜在的中断的数量。
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Object movement identification is one of the most researched problems in the field of computer vision. In this task, we try to classify a pixel as foreground or background. Even though numerous traditional machine learning and deep learning methods already exist for this problem, the two major issues with most of them are the need for large amounts of ground truth data and their inferior performance on unseen videos. Since every pixel of every frame has to be labeled, acquiring large amounts of data for these techniques gets rather expensive. Recently, Zhao et al. [1] proposed one of a kind Arithmetic Distribution Neural Network (ADNN) for universal background subtraction which utilizes probability information from the histogram of temporal pixels and achieves promising results. Building onto this work, we developed an intelligent video surveillance system that uses ADNN architecture for motion detection, trims the video with parts only containing motion, and performs anomaly detection on the trimmed video.
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The machine translation mechanism translates texts automatically between different natural languages, and Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has gained attention for its rational context analysis and fluent translation accuracy. However, processing low-resource languages that lack relevant training attributes like supervised data is a current challenge for Natural Language Processing (NLP). We incorporated a technique known Active Learning with the NMT toolkit Joey NMT to reach sufficient accuracy and robust predictions of low-resource language translation. With active learning, a semi-supervised machine learning strategy, the training algorithm determines which unlabeled data would be the most beneficial for obtaining labels using selected query techniques. We implemented two model-driven acquisition functions for selecting the samples to be validated. This work uses transformer-based NMT systems; baseline model (BM), fully trained model (FTM) , active learning least confidence based model (ALLCM), and active learning margin sampling based model (ALMSM) when translating English to Hindi. The Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) metric has been used to evaluate system results. The BLEU scores of BM, FTM, ALLCM and ALMSM systems are 16.26, 22.56 , 24.54, and 24.20, respectively. The findings in this paper demonstrate that active learning techniques helps the model to converge early and improve the overall quality of the translation system.
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Neural operators, which emerge as implicit solution operators of hidden governing equations, have recently become popular tools for learning responses of complex real-world physical systems. Nevertheless, the majority of neural operator applications has thus far been data-driven, which neglects the intrinsic preservation of fundamental physical laws in data. In this paper, we introduce a novel integral neural operator architecture, to learn physical models with fundamental conservation laws automatically guaranteed. In particular, by replacing the frame-dependent position information with its invariant counterpart in the kernel space, the proposed neural operator is by design translation- and rotation-invariant, and consequently abides by the conservation laws of linear and angular momentums. As applications, we demonstrate the expressivity and efficacy of our model in learning complex material behaviors from both synthetic and experimental datasets, and show that, by automatically satisfying these essential physical laws, our learned neural operator is not only generalizable in handling translated and rotated datasets, but also achieves state-of-the-art accuracy and efficiency as compared to baseline neural operator models.
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Operations research deals with modeling and solving real-world problems as mathematical optimization problems. While solving mathematical systems is accomplished by analytical software, formulating a problem as a set of mathematical operations has been typically done manually by domain experts. However, recent machine learning models have shown promise in converting textual problem descriptions to corresponding mathematical formulations. In this paper, we present an approach that converts linear programming word problems into meaning representations that are structured and can be used by optimization solvers. Our approach uses the named entity-based enrichment to augment the input and achieves state-of-the-art accuracy, winning the second task of the NL4Opt competition (https://nl4opt.github.io).
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We consider a long-term average profit maximizing admission control problem in an M/M/1 queuing system with a known arrival rate but an unknown service rate. With a fixed reward collected upon service completion and a cost per unit of time enforced on customers waiting in the queue, a dispatcher decides upon arrivals whether to admit the arriving customer or not based on the full history of observations of the queue-length of the system. \cite[Econometrica]{Naor} showed that if all the parameters of the model are known, then it is optimal to use a static threshold policy - admit if the queue-length is less than a predetermined threshold and otherwise not. We propose a learning-based dispatching algorithm and characterize its regret with respect to optimal dispatch policies for the full information model of \cite{Naor}. We show that the algorithm achieves an $O(1)$ regret when all optimal thresholds with full information are non-zero, and achieves an $O(\ln^{3+\epsilon}(N))$ regret in the case that an optimal threshold with full information is $0$ (i.e., an optimal policy is to reject all arrivals), where $N$ is the number of arrivals and $\epsilon>0$.
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Large pre-trained models, such as Bert, GPT, and Wav2Vec, have demonstrated great potential for learning representations that are transferable to a wide variety of downstream tasks . It is difficult to obtain a large quantity of supervised data due to the limited availability of resources and time. In light of this, a significant amount of research has been conducted in the area of adopting large pre-trained datasets for diverse downstream tasks via fine tuning, linear probing, or prompt tuning in low resource settings. Normalization techniques are essential for accelerating training and improving the generalization of deep neural networks and have been successfully used in a wide variety of applications. A lot of normalization techniques have been proposed but the success of normalization in low resource downstream NLP and speech tasks is limited. One of the reasons is the inability to capture expressiveness by rescaling parameters of normalization. We propose KullbackLeibler(KL) Regularized normalization (KL-Norm) which make the normalized data well behaved and helps in better generalization as it reduces over-fitting, generalises well on out of domain distributions and removes irrelevant biases and features with negligible increase in model parameters and memory overheads. Detailed experimental evaluation on multiple low resource NLP and speech tasks, demonstrates the superior performance of KL-Norm as compared to other popular normalization and regularization techniques.
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Neural Networks (GNNs) have revolutionized the molecular discovery to understand patterns and identify unknown features that can aid in predicting biophysical properties and protein-ligand interactions. However, current models typically rely on 2-dimensional molecular representations as input, and while utilization of 2\3- dimensional structural data has gained deserved traction in recent years as many of these models are still limited to static graph representations. We propose a novel approach based on the transformer model utilizing GNNs for characterizing dynamic features of protein-ligand interactions. Our message passing transformer pre-trains on a set of molecular dynamic data based off of physics-based simulations to learn coordinate construction and make binding probability and affinity predictions as a downstream task. Through extensive testing we compare our results with the existing models, our MDA-PLI model was able to outperform the molecular interaction prediction models with an RMSE of 1.2958. The geometric encodings enabled by our transformer architecture and the addition of time series data add a new dimensionality to this form of research.
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Active target sensing is the task of discovering and classifying an unknown number of targets in an environment and is critical in search-and-rescue missions. This paper develops a deep reinforcement learning approach to plan informative trajectories that increase the likelihood for an uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) to discover missing targets. Our approach efficiently (1) explores the environment to discover new targets, (2) exploits its current belief of the target states and incorporates inaccurate sensor models for high-fidelity classification, and (3) generates dynamically feasible trajectories for an agile UAV by employing a motion primitive library. Extensive simulations on randomly generated environments show that our approach is more efficient in discovering and classifying targets than several other baselines. A unique characteristic of our approach, in contrast to heuristic informative path planning approaches, is that it is robust to varying amounts of deviations of the prior belief from the true target distribution, thereby alleviating the challenge of designing heuristics specific to the application conditions.
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Microprocessor architects are increasingly resorting to domain-specific customization in the quest for high-performance and energy-efficiency. As the systems grow in complexity, fine-tuning architectural parameters across multiple sub-systems (e.g., datapath, memory blocks in different hierarchies, interconnects, compiler optimization, etc.) quickly results in a combinatorial explosion of design space. This makes domain-specific customization an extremely challenging task. Prior work explores using reinforcement learning (RL) and other optimization methods to automatically explore the large design space. However, these methods have traditionally relied on single-agent RL/ML formulations. It is unclear how scalable single-agent formulations are as we increase the complexity of the design space (e.g., full stack System-on-Chip design). Therefore, we propose an alternative formulation that leverages Multi-Agent RL (MARL) to tackle this problem. The key idea behind using MARL is an observation that parameters across different sub-systems are more or less independent, thus allowing a decentralized role assigned to each agent. We test this hypothesis by designing domain-specific DRAM memory controller for several workload traces. Our evaluation shows that the MARL formulation consistently outperforms single-agent RL baselines such as Proximal Policy Optimization and Soft Actor-Critic over different target objectives such as low power and latency. To this end, this work opens the pathway for new and promising research in MARL solutions for hardware architecture search.
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