作物疾病是对粮食安全的主要威胁,其快速识别对于防止产量损失很重要。由于缺乏必要的基础设施,因此很难迅速识别这些疾病。计算机视觉的最新进展和智能手机渗透的渗透为智能手机辅助疾病识别铺平了道路。大多数植物疾病在植物的叶面结构上留下了特定的文物。这项研究于2020年在巴基斯坦拉合尔工程技术大学计算机科学与工程系进行,以检查基于叶片的植物疾病识别。这项研究为叶面疾病鉴定提供了基于神经网络的深度解决方案,并纳入了图像质量评估,以选择执行识别所需质量的图像,并将其命名为农业病理学家(AGRO PATH)。新手摄影师的捕获图像可能包含噪音,缺乏结构和模糊,从而导致诊断失败或不准确。此外,Agropath模型具有99.42%的叶面疾病鉴定精度。拟议的添加对于在农业领域的叶面疾病鉴定的应用特别有用。
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在多机器人应用程序中,对大状态空间的推断通常可以分为较小的重叠子问题,然后可以在状态的“单独”子集上并行解决。为此,开发了因子图分散数据融合(FG-DDF)框架,以分析和利用异质贝叶斯分散融合问题的有条件独立性,其中机器人在不同的本地重叠随机状态上更新和融合PDF。这允许机器人有效地使用较小的概率模型和稀疏消息传递到较大的全局关节状态PDF的相关局部部分,同时考虑了机器人之间的数据依赖性。尽管先前的工作需要限制有关网络连接性和模型线性性的假设,但本文放宽了这些假设,以验证FG-DDF在更一般的环境中的适用性和鲁棒性。我们制定了一个新的异质融合规则,该规则将概括均匀的协方差相交算法,并在通信删除下使用非线性运动/观察模型在多机器人跟踪和本地化方案中测试它。仿真和线性硬件实验表明,实际上,FG-DDF在这些更实用的操作条件下继续提供一致的过滤估计,同时将计算和通信成本降低了95%以上,从而实现了可扩展现实世界中的多项式的设计 - 机器人系统。
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数字图像包含大量冗余,因此,应用了压缩以减少图像尺寸而不会损失合理的图像质量。在包含图像序列的视频的情况下,在包含图像序列和更高的压缩比中,在低吞吐量网络中实现了相同的突出。评估这种情况下的图像质量变得特别兴趣。大多数情景中的主观评估变得不可行,因此客观评估是首选。在三种客观质量措施中,全文和减少参考方法需要某种形式的原始图像来计算在广播或IP视频等情景中不可行的质量分数。因此,提出了一种非参考质量度量来评估计算亮度和多尺度梯度统计的数字图像的质量,以及平均减去对比度标准化产品作为具有缩放共轭梯度的前馈神经网络的特征。训练有素的网络提供了良好的回归和R2测量,并进一步测试实时图像质量评估数据库第2版已显示有前途的结果。 Pearson,Kendall和Spearman的相关性是计算预测和实际质量评分之间的相关性,结果与最先进的系统相当。此外,所提出的指标的计算方式比其对应物更快,并且可以用于图像序列的质量评估。
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信息检索方法的主要焦点是提供准确有效的结果,这也具有成本效益。 Lingo(标签感应分组算法)是一种聚类算法,旨在为质量集群的形式提供搜索结果,但也有一些限制。在本文中,我们的重点是基于实现更有意义和提高算法的整体性能的结果。灵戈在两个主要步骤上工作;使用潜在语义索引技术(LSI)和群集内容发现通过使用矢量空间模型(VSM)来群集标签诱导。由于Lingo使用群集内容发现中的VSM,我们的任务是用LSI替换VSM以进行群集内容发现,并分析使用LSI与OTHAPI BM25的可行性。下一个任务是将修改方法的结果与Lingo原始方法进行比较。该研究应用于五种不同的基于文本的数据集,以获得每个方法的更可靠的结果。研究结果表明,当使用LSI进行内容发现时,Lingo产生40-50%的结果。从使用OKAPI BM25的理论证据进行评分方法在LSI(LSI + OKAPI BM25)中用于群集内容发现而不是VSM,也导致更好的群集在缩放性和性能方面产生,当比较VSM和LSI的结果时。
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在协作人类机器人语义传感问题中,例如为了进行科学探索,机器人可能会通过人类伴侣提供过度质疑的信息,从而导致次优的状态估计和团队绩效差。当人类不能被视为牙齿时,机器人需要更新状态信念,以正确解释人类语义观察与导致这些观察的现实世界状态之间可能存在的差异。这项工作为在一般环境中针对语义可能性的概率语义数据关联(PSDA)概率进行了严格的在线计算制定了策略,这与以前的工作不同,这些工作开发了针对特定设置的天真或启发式近似。新的PSDA方法纳入了混合贝叶斯数据融合方案中,该方案将高斯混合先验用于对象状态和SoftMax函数用于语义人类传感器观察可能性,并在Monte Carlo模拟中证明了合作的多对象搜索任务的范围人类感测特征(例如错误的检测率)。结果表明,每当语义人类传感器数据包含重要的目标参考歧义性,用于自主对象搜索和本地化时,PSDA会导致在广泛条件下对观察关联概率的强大估计。
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The performance of the Deep Learning (DL) models depends on the quality of labels. In some areas, the involvement of human annotators may lead to noise in the data. When these corrupted labels are blindly regarded as the ground truth (GT), DL models suffer from performance deficiency. This paper presents a method that aims to learn a confident model in the presence of noisy labels. This is done in conjunction with estimating the uncertainty of multiple annotators. We robustly estimate the predictions given only the noisy labels by adding entropy or information-based regularizer to the classifier network. We conduct our experiments on a noisy version of MNIST, CIFAR-10, and FMNIST datasets. Our empirical results demonstrate the robustness of our method as it outperforms or performs comparably to other state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods. In addition, we evaluated the proposed method on the curated dataset, where the noise type and level of various annotators depend on the input image style. We show that our approach performs well and is adept at learning annotators' confusion. Moreover, we demonstrate how our model is more confident in predicting GT than other baselines. Finally, we assess our approach for segmentation problem and showcase its effectiveness with experiments.
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Recent advances in upper limb prostheses have led to significant improvements in the number of movements provided by the robotic limb. However, the method for controlling multiple degrees of freedom via user-generated signals remains challenging. To address this issue, various machine learning controllers have been developed to better predict movement intent. As these controllers become more intelligent and take on more autonomy in the system, the traditional approach of representing the human-machine interface as a human controlling a tool becomes limiting. One possible approach to improve the understanding of these interfaces is to model them as collaborative, multi-agent systems through the lens of joint action. The field of joint action has been commonly applied to two human partners who are trying to work jointly together to achieve a task, such as singing or moving a table together, by effecting coordinated change in their shared environment. In this work, we compare different prosthesis controllers (proportional electromyography with sequential switching, pattern recognition, and adaptive switching) in terms of how they present the hallmarks of joint action. The results of the comparison lead to a new perspective for understanding how existing myoelectric systems relate to each other, along with recommendations for how to improve these systems by increasing the collaborative communication between each partner.
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Nowadays, the current neural network models of dialogue generation(chatbots) show great promise for generating answers for chatty agents. But they are short-sighted in that they predict utterances one at a time while disregarding their impact on future outcomes. Modelling a dialogue's future direction is critical for generating coherent, interesting dialogues, a need that has led traditional NLP dialogue models that rely on reinforcement learning. In this article, we explain how to combine these objectives by using deep reinforcement learning to predict future rewards in chatbot dialogue. The model simulates conversations between two virtual agents, with policy gradient methods used to reward sequences that exhibit three useful conversational characteristics: the flow of informality, coherence, and simplicity of response (related to forward-looking function). We assess our model based on its diversity, length, and complexity with regard to humans. In dialogue simulation, evaluations demonstrated that the proposed model generates more interactive responses and encourages a more sustained successful conversation. This work commemorates a preliminary step toward developing a neural conversational model based on the long-term success of dialogues.
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