自动语音识别(ASR)是新服务的关键元素,可帮助用户与自动化系统进行交互。深度学习方法使得用单词错误率低于5%的英语ASR部署系统成为可能。但是,这些方法的使用仅适用于具有数百或数千小时音频及其相应转录的语言。为了使所谓的低资源语言加快可以改善其ASR系统性能的资源的可用性,正在研究基于现有的资源来创建新资源的方法。在本文中,我们描述了我们的数据增强方法,以改善低资源和凝集性语言的ASR模型的结果。我们使用Wav2letter ++模型进行了为Quechua开发ASR的实验。通过我们的基本模型方法,我们将WER降低了8.73%。由此产生的ASR模型获得了22.75%的WER,并接受了99小时的原始资源和99小时的合成数据的培训,并结合了文本增强和合成语音发电
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Human perception, memory and decision-making are impacted by tens of cognitive biases and heuristics that influence our actions and decisions. Despite the pervasiveness of such biases, they are generally not leveraged by today's Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems that model human behavior and interact with humans. In this theoretical paper, we claim that the future of human-machine collaboration will entail the development of AI systems that model, understand and possibly replicate human cognitive biases. We propose the need for a research agenda on the interplay between human cognitive biases and Artificial Intelligence. We categorize existing cognitive biases from the perspective of AI systems, identify three broad areas of interest and outline research directions for the design of AI systems that have a better understanding of our own biases.
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Federated learning (FL) has been proposed as a privacy-preserving approach in distributed machine learning. A federated learning architecture consists of a central server and a number of clients that have access to private, potentially sensitive data. Clients are able to keep their data in their local machines and only share their locally trained model's parameters with a central server that manages the collaborative learning process. FL has delivered promising results in real-life scenarios, such as healthcare, energy, and finance. However, when the number of participating clients is large, the overhead of managing the clients slows down the learning. Thus, client selection has been introduced as a strategy to limit the number of communicating parties at every step of the process. Since the early na\"{i}ve random selection of clients, several client selection methods have been proposed in the literature. Unfortunately, given that this is an emergent field, there is a lack of a taxonomy of client selection methods, making it hard to compare approaches. In this paper, we propose a taxonomy of client selection in Federated Learning that enables us to shed light on current progress in the field and identify potential areas of future research in this promising area of machine learning.
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图形神经网络(GNN)已被证明可以实现竞争结果,以解决与图形相关的任务,例如节点和图形分类,链接预测和节点以及各种域中的图形群集。大多数GNN使用消息传递框架,因此称为MPNN。尽管有很有希望的结果,但据报道,MPNN会遭受过度平滑,过度阵型和不足的影响。文献中已经提出了图形重新布线和图形池作为解决这些局限性的解决方案。但是,大多数最先进的图形重新布线方法无法保留该图的全局拓扑,因此没有可区分(电感),并且需要调整超参数。在本文中,我们提出了Diffwire,这是一个在MPNN中进行图形重新布线的新型框架,它通过利用LOV \'ASZ绑定来原理,完全可区分且无参数。我们的方法通过提出两个新的,mpnns中的新的互补层来提供统一的图形重新布线:首先,ctlayer,一个学习通勤时间并将其用作边缘重新加权的相关函数;其次,Gaplayer是优化光谱差距的图层,具体取决于网络的性质和手头的任务。我们从经验上验证了我们提出的方法的价值,并使用基准数据集分别验证了这些层的每个层以进行图形分类。 Diffwire将通勤时间的可学习性汇集到相关的曲率定义,为发展更具表现力的MPNN的发展打开了大门。
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The occurrence of vacuum arcs or radio frequency (rf) breakdowns is one of the most prevalent factors limiting the high-gradient performance of normal conducting rf cavities in particle accelerators. In this paper, we search for the existence of previously unrecognized features related to the incidence of rf breakdowns by applying a machine learning strategy to high-gradient cavity data from CERN's test stand for the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). By interpreting the parameters of the learned models with explainable artificial intelligence (AI), we reverse-engineer physical properties for deriving fast, reliable, and simple rule-based models. Based on 6 months of historical data and dedicated experiments, our models show fractions of data with a high influence on the occurrence of breakdowns. Specifically, it is shown that the field emitted current following an initial breakdown is closely related to the probability of another breakdown occurring shortly thereafter. Results also indicate that the cavity pressure should be monitored with increased temporal resolution in future experiments, to further explore the vacuum activity associated with breakdowns.
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分布式机器学习的传统方法是将学习算法调整到网络中,例如减少更新以遏制开销。相反,基于智能边缘的网络使得可以遵循相反的方法,即定义围绕要执行的学习任务的逻辑网络拓扑,以达到所需的学习表现。在本文中,我们提出了一个系统模型,该模型在监督机器学习的背景下捕获了此类方面,考虑了学习节点(执行计算)和信息节点(提供数据)。然后,我们制定了选择(i)的问题,哪些学习和信息节点应配合以完成学习任务,以及(ii)执行的迭代次数,以最大程度地减少学习成本,同时满足目标预测错误和执行时间。在证明了上述问题的重要属性之后,我们设计了一种名为DoubleClemb的算法,该算法可以找到1+1/| i | -competive解决方案(具有i是一组信息节点),具有分立最差的复杂性。我们的绩效评估,利用现实世界的网络拓扑并考虑分类和回归任务,还表明,双重攀登与最佳,优于最先进的替代方案非常匹配。
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