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生物医学中的多模式数据遍布,例如放射学图像和报告。大规模解释这些数据对于改善临床护理和加速临床研究至关重要。与一般领域相比,具有复杂语义的生物医学文本在视觉建模中提出了其他挑战,并且先前的工作使用了缺乏特定领域语言理解的适应性模型不足。在本文中,我们表明,有原则的文本语义建模可以大大改善自我监督的视力 - 语言处理中的对比度学习。我们发布了一种实现最先进的语言模型,从而通过改进的词汇和新颖的语言预测客观的客观利用语义和话语特征在放射学报告中获得了自然语言推断。此外,我们提出了一种自我监督的联合视觉 - 语言方法,重点是更好的文本建模。它在广泛的公开基准上建立了新的最新结果,部分是通过利用我们新的特定领域的语言模型。我们释放了一个新的数据集,该数据集具有放射科医生的局部对齐短语接地注释,以促进生物医学视觉处理中复杂语义建模的研究。广泛的评估,包括在此新数据集中,表明我们的对比学习方法在文本语义建模的帮助下,尽管仅使用了全球对准目标,但在细分任务中的表现都优于细分任务中的先验方法。
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Efficient use of the space in an elevator is very necessary for a service robot, due to the need for reducing the amount of time caused by waiting for the next elevator. To provide a solution for this, we propose a hybrid approach that combines reinforcement learning (RL) with voice interaction for robot navigation in the scene of entering the elevator. RL provides robots with a high exploration ability to find a new clear path to enter the elevator compared to traditional navigation methods such as Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance (ORCA). The proposed method allows the robot to take an active clear path action towards the elevator whilst a crowd of people stands at the entrance of the elevator wherein there are still lots of space. This is done by embedding a clear path action (voice prompt) into the RL framework, and the proposed navigation policy helps the robot to finish tasks efficiently and safely. Our model approach provides a great improvement in the success rate and reward of entering the elevator compared to state-of-the-art navigation policies without active clear path operation.
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