Geologic cores are rock samples that are extracted from deep under the ground during the well drilling process. They are used for petroleum reservoirs' performance characterization. Traditionally, physical studies of cores are carried out by the means of manual time-consuming experiments. With the development of deep learning, scientists actively started working on developing machine-learning-based approaches to identify physical properties without any manual experiments. Several previous works used machine learning to determine the porosity and permeability of the rocks, but either method was inaccurate or computationally expensive. We are proposing to use self-supervised pretraining of the very small CNN-transformer-based model to predict the physical properties of the rocks with high accuracy in a time-efficient manner. We show that this technique prevents overfitting even for extremely small datasets. Github:
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我们解决了现实世界用户生成的离散事件序列上的自我监督学习问题。自我监督的学习将来自原始数据的复杂信息包含在低维固定长度矢量表示中,这些信息可以轻松地应用于各种下游机器学习任务中。在本文中,我们提出了一种新方法“ COLES”,该方法将以前用于音频和计算机视觉域的对比度学习适应自我监督的设置中的离散事件序列域。我们根据大型欧洲金融服务公司的交易序列部署了COLES嵌入。 COLES嵌入的用法显着提高了预先存在的模型在下游任务上的性能,并产生了巨大的财务收益,每年以数亿美元的价格衡量。我们还在几个公共事件序列数据集上评估了COLES,并表明COLES表示在不同的下游任务上始终超过其他方法。
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