Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are commonly thought to recognise objects by learning increasingly complex representations of object shapes. Some recent studies suggest a more important role of image textures. We here put these conflicting hypotheses to a quantitative test by evaluating CNNs and human observers on images with a texture-shape cue conflict. We show that ImageNettrained CNNs are strongly biased towards recognising textures rather than shapes, which is in stark contrast to human behavioural evidence and reveals fundamentally different classification strategies. We then demonstrate that the same standard architecture (ResNet-50) that learns a texture-based representation on ImageNet is able to learn a shape-based representation instead when trained on 'Stylized-ImageNet', a stylized version of ImageNet. This provides a much better fit for human behavioural performance in our well-controlled psychophysical lab setting (nine experiments totalling 48,560 psychophysical trials across 97 observers) and comes with a number of unexpected emergent benefits such as improved object detection performance and previously unseen robustness towards a wide range of image distortions, highlighting advantages of a shape-based representation.
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Increasingly taking place in online spaces, modern political conversations are typically perceived to be unproductively affirming -- siloed in so called ``echo chambers'' of exclusively like-minded discussants. Yet, to date we lack sufficient means to measure viewpoint diversity in conversations. To this end, in this paper, we operationalize two viewpoint metrics proposed for recommender systems and adapt them to the context of social media conversations. This is the first study to apply these two metrics (Representation and Fragmentation) to real world data and to consider the implications for online conversations specifically. We apply these measures to two topics -- daylight savings time (DST), which serves as a control, and the more politically polarized topic of immigration. We find that the diversity scores for both Fragmentation and Representation are lower for immigration than for DST. Further, we find that while pro-immigrant views receive consistent pushback on the platform, anti-immigrant views largely operate within echo chambers. We observe less severe yet similar patterns for DST. Taken together, Representation and Fragmentation paint a meaningful and important new picture of viewpoint diversity.
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In this work, we propose a dissipativity-based method for Lipschitz constant estimation of 1D convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In particular, we analyze the dissipativity properties of convolutional, pooling, and fully connected layers making use of incremental quadratic constraints for nonlinear activation functions and pooling operations. The Lipschitz constant of the concatenation of these mappings is then estimated by solving a semidefinite program which we derive from dissipativity theory. To make our method as efficient as possible, we take the structure of convolutional layers into account realizing these finite impulse response filters as causal dynamical systems in state space and carrying out the dissipativity analysis for the state space realizations. The examples we provide show that our Lipschitz bounds are advantageous in terms of accuracy and scalability.
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Data Centers are huge power consumers, both because of the energy required for computation and the cooling needed to keep servers below thermal redlining. The most common technique to minimize cooling costs is increasing data room temperature. However, to avoid reliability issues, and to enhance energy efficiency, there is a need to predict the temperature attained by servers under variable cooling setups. Due to the complex thermal dynamics of data rooms, accurate runtime data center temperature prediction has remained as an important challenge. By using Gramatical Evolution techniques, this paper presents a methodology for the generation of temperature models for data centers and the runtime prediction of CPU and inlet temperature under variable cooling setups. As opposed to time costly Computational Fluid Dynamics techniques, our models do not need specific knowledge about the problem, can be used in arbitrary data centers, re-trained if conditions change and have negligible overhead during runtime prediction. Our models have been trained and tested by using traces from real Data Center scenarios. Our results show how we can fully predict the temperature of the servers in a data rooms, with prediction errors below 2 C and 0.5 C in CPU and server inlet temperature respectively.
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在同时定位和映射(SLAM)中,环路闭合检测(LCD)对于在识别先前访问的地方时最小化漂移至关重要。视觉袋(VBOW)一直是许多最先进的大满贯系统的LCD算法。它使用一组视觉功能来提供健壮的位置识别,但无法感知特征点之间的语义或空间关系。先前的工作主要集中在解决这些问题上,通过将VBOW与现场对象的语义和空间信息相结合。但是,他们无法利用局部视觉特征的空间信息,并且缺乏统一语义对象和视觉特征的结构,因此限制了两个组件之间的共生。本文提出了SymbiolCD2,该symbiolcd2创建了一个统一的图形结构,以在共生的方式集成语义对象和视觉特征。我们的新型基于图的LCD系统通过应用具有时间限制的Weisfeiler-Lehman图内核来利用统一的图结构,以稳健地预测循环闭合候选者。对所提出的系统的评估表明,具有结合语义对象和视觉特征的统一图结构提高了LCD预测精度,这说明了所提出的图形结构在这两个互补组件之间提供了强烈的共生。它还优于其他机器学习算法 - 例如SVM,决策树,随机森林,神经网络和基于GNN的图形匹配网络。此外,它在比最先进的SLAM系统的早期检测循环闭合候选方面表现出良好的性能,这表明统一图结构的扩展语义和空间意识会显着影响LCD的性能。
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多跳问题回答(QA)需要对多个文档进行推理,以回答一个复杂的问题并提供可解释的支持证据。但是,提供支持证据不足以证明模型已经执行了所需的推理来达到正确的答案。大多数现有的多跳质量检查方法也无法回答大部分子问题,即使他们的父母问题得到了正确的回答。在本文中,我们为多跳QA提出了基于及时的保护学习(PCL)框架,该框架从多跳QA任务中获取了新知识,同时保留了在单跳QA任务上学习的旧知识,从而减轻了遗忘。具体来说,我们首先在现有的单跳质量检查任务上训练模型,然后冻结该模型,并通过为多跳质量检查任务分配其他子网络来扩展它。此外,为了调整预训练的语言模型以刺激特定多跳问题所需的推理类型,我们学习了新型子网络的软提示,以执行特定于类型的推理。 HOTPOTQA基准测试的实验结果表明,PCL具有多跳质量质量质量检查的竞争力,并且在相应的单跳子问题上保留了良好的性能,这表明PCL通过忘记通过忘记来减轻知识丧失的功效。
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由于模糊图像本身缺乏时间和纹理信息,因此非均匀的图像脱毛是一项具有挑战性的任务。来自辅助传感器的互补信息正在探索这些事件传感器以解决这些限制。后者可以异步记录对数强度的变化,称为事件,具有高时间分辨率和高动态范围。当前的基于事件的脱蓝晶方法将模糊图像与事件结合在一起,以共同估计每个像素运动和DeBlur操作员。在本文中,我们认为一种分裂和争议的方法更适合此任务。为此,我们建议使用调制可变形的卷积,其内核偏移和调制掩模是从事件中动态估算的,以编码场景中的运动,而从模糊图像和相应事件的组合中学习了deblur操作员。此外,我们采用了一种粗到十的多尺度重建方法来应对低对比度区域中事件的固有稀疏性。重要的是,我们介绍了第一个数据集,其中包含对曝光时间内的真实RGB模糊图像和相关事件的对。我们的结果在使用事件时显示出更好的总体鲁棒性,在合成数据上,PSNR的改进最多可提高1.57db,而对真实事件数据的改进则提高了1.08 dB。
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