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The increasing complexity of gameplay mechanisms in modern video games is leading to the emergence of a wider range of ways to play games. The variety of possible play-styles needs to be anticipated by designers, through automated tests. Reinforcement Learning is a promising answer to the need of automating video game testing. To that effect one needs to train an agent to play the game, while ensuring this agent will generate the same play-styles as the players in order to give meaningful feedback to the designers. We present CARMI: a Configurable Agent with Relative Metrics as Input. An agent able to emulate the players play-styles, even on previously unseen levels. Unlike current methods it does not rely on having full trajectories, but only summary data. Moreover it only requires little human data, thus compatible with the constraints of modern video game production. This novel agent could be used to investigate behaviors and balancing during the production of a video game with a realistic amount of training time.
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Modern video games are becoming richer and more complex in terms of game mechanics. This complexity allows for the emergence of a wide variety of ways to play the game across the players. From the point of view of the game designer, this means that one needs to anticipate a lot of different ways the game could be played. Machine Learning (ML) could help address this issue. More precisely, Reinforcement Learning is a promising answer to the need of automating video game testing. In this paper we present a video game environment which lets us define multiple play-styles. We then introduce CARI: a Configurable Agent with Reward as Input. An agent able to simulate a wide continuum range of play-styles. It is not constrained to extreme archetypal behaviors like current methods using reward shaping. In addition it achieves this through a single training loop, instead of the usual one loop per play-style. We compare this novel training approach with the more classic reward shaping approach and conclude that CARI can also outperform the baseline on archetypes generation. This novel agent could be used to investigate behaviors and balancing during the production of a video game with a realistic amount of training time.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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数据增强是自然语言处理(NLP)模型的鲁棒性评估的重要组成部分,以及增强他们培训的数据的多样性。在本文中,我们呈现NL-Cogmenter,这是一种新的参与式Python的自然语言增强框架,它支持创建两个转换(对数据的修改)和过滤器(根据特定功能的数据拆分)。我们描述了框架和初始的117个变换和23个过滤器,用于各种自然语言任务。我们通过使用其几个转换来分析流行自然语言模型的鲁棒性来证明NL-Upmenter的功效。基础架构,Datacards和稳健性分析结果在NL-Augmenter存储库上公开可用(\ url {https://github.com/gem-benchmark/nl-augmenter})。
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张量模型在许多领域中起着越来越重要的作用,特别是在机器学习中。在几种应用中,例如社区检测,主题建模和高斯混合物学习,必须估算噪声张量的低级别信号。因此,了解该信号的估计器的基本限制不可避免地要求研究随机张量。最近,在大维限制中,该主题取得了实质性进展。然而,其中一些最重要的结果(尤其是对突然的相变(相对于信噪比)的精确表征),该表现控制着对称等级的最大可能性(ML)估计器的性能 - 具有高斯噪声的模型 - 基于平均场自旋玻璃理论得出,非专家不容易访问。在这项工作中,我们依靠标准但强大的工具开发出一种截然不同,更基本的方法,这是由随机矩阵理论的多年进步带来的。关键思想是研究由给定随机张量的收缩引起的随机矩阵的光谱。我们展示了如何访问随机张量本身的光谱属性。对于上述排名衡量模型,我们的技术产生了迄今未知的固定点方程,其解决方案与第三阶情况下的相变阈值高于相变阈值的ML估计器的渐近性能。数值验证提供了证据,表明订单4和5相同,导致我们猜想,对于任何顺序,我们的定点方程等于已知的ML估计性能的表征,这些表现通过依靠旋转玻璃而获得。此外,我们的方法阐明了ML问题景观的某些特性,可以扩展到其他模型,例如不对称和非高斯。
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我们考虑了一种有可能无限的武器的随机强盗问题。我们为最佳武器和$ \ delta $的比例写入$ p ^ * $,以获得最佳和次优臂之间的最小含义 - 均值差距。我们在累积遗憾设置中表征了最佳学习率,以及在问题参数$ t $(预算),$ p ^ * $和$ \ delta $的最佳臂识别环境中。为了最大限度地减少累积遗憾,我们提供了订单$ \ OMEGA(\ log(t)/(p ^ * \ delta))$的下限和UCB样式算法,其匹配上限为一个因子$ \ log(1 / \ delta)$。我们的算法需要$ p ^ * $来校准其参数,我们证明了这种知识是必要的,因为在这个设置中调整到$ p ^ * $以来,因此是不可能的。为了获得最佳武器识别,我们还提供了订单$ \ Omega(\ exp(-ct \ delta ^ 2 p ^))的较低限制,以上输出次优臂的概率,其中$ c> 0 $是一个绝对常数。我们还提供了一个消除算法,其上限匹配下限到指数中的订单$ \ log(t)$倍数,并且不需要$ p ^ * $或$ \ delta $ as参数。我们的结果直接适用于竞争$ j $ -th最佳手臂的三个相关问题,识别$ \ epsilon $良好的手臂,并找到一个平均值大于已知订单的大分的手臂。
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Advances in computer vision and machine learning techniques have led to significant development in 2D and 3D human pose estimation from RGB cameras, LiDAR, and radars. However, human pose estimation from images is adversely affected by occlusion and lighting, which are common in many scenarios of interest. Radar and LiDAR technologies, on the other hand, need specialized hardware that is expensive and power-intensive. Furthermore, placing these sensors in non-public areas raises significant privacy concerns. To address these limitations, recent research has explored the use of WiFi antennas (1D sensors) for body segmentation and key-point body detection. This paper further expands on the use of the WiFi signal in combination with deep learning architectures, commonly used in computer vision, to estimate dense human pose correspondence. We developed a deep neural network that maps the phase and amplitude of WiFi signals to UV coordinates within 24 human regions. The results of the study reveal that our model can estimate the dense pose of multiple subjects, with comparable performance to image-based approaches, by utilizing WiFi signals as the only input. This paves the way for low-cost, broadly accessible, and privacy-preserving algorithms for human sensing.
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Due to the environmental impacts caused by the construction industry, repurposing existing buildings and making them more energy-efficient has become a high-priority issue. However, a legitimate concern of land developers is associated with the buildings' state of conservation. For that reason, infrared thermography has been used as a powerful tool to characterize these buildings' state of conservation by detecting pathologies, such as cracks and humidity. Thermal cameras detect the radiation emitted by any material and translate it into temperature-color-coded images. Abnormal temperature changes may indicate the presence of pathologies, however, reading thermal images might not be quite simple. This research project aims to combine infrared thermography and machine learning (ML) to help stakeholders determine the viability of reusing existing buildings by identifying their pathologies and defects more efficiently and accurately. In this particular phase of this research project, we've used an image classification machine learning model of Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN) to differentiate three levels of cracks in one particular building. The model's accuracy was compared between the MSX and thermal images acquired from two distinct thermal cameras and fused images (formed through multisource information) to test the influence of the input data and network on the detection results.
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