由于道路上越来越多的车辆,城市的交通管理已成为一个主要问题。智能交通系统(其)可以帮助城市交通管理者通过提供准确的流量预测来解决问题。为此,它需要一种可靠的业务预测算法,其可以基于过去和当前的业务数据在多个时间步骤中提供准确的流量预测。近年来,已经提出了许多不同的交通预测方法,这些方法已经证明了它们在准确性方面的有效性。然而,这些方法中的大多数都认为仅包括空间信息或时间信息并忽略了其他的效果。在本文中,为了解决上述问题,使用空间和时间依赖性开发了基于深度学习的方法。要考虑时空依赖项,基于交通相似度和距离等属性选择特定即时的附近的道路传感器。使用潜在空间映射的概念交叉连接两个预训练的深度自动编码器,并且使用从所选附近传感器的流量数据培训所得模型作为输入。使用从洛杉矶和湾区的不同高速公路上安装的Loop Detector传感器收集的现实世界交通数据培训了所提出的深度学习方法。来自加利福尼亚州运输绩效测量系统(PEMS)的网络门户网站自由提供交通数据。通过将其与许多机/深度学习方法进行比较来验证所提出的方法的有效性。已经发现,所提出的方法即使对于比其他技术最小的误差,即使超过60分钟的前方预测也提供了准确的流量预测结果。
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In this paper, we view a policy or plan as a transition system over a space of information states that reflect a robot's or other observer's perspective based on limited sensing, memory, computation, and actuation. Regardless of whether policies are obtained by learning algorithms, planning algorithms, or human insight, we want to know the limits of feasibility for given robot hardware and tasks. Toward the quest to find the best policies, we establish in a general setting that minimal information transition systems (ITSs) exist up to reasonable equivalence assumptions, and are unique under some general conditions. We then apply the theory to generate new insights into several problems, including optimal sensor fusion/filtering, solving basic planning tasks, and finding minimal representations for feasible policies.
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Recent increases in computing power have enabled the numerical simulation of many complex flow problems that are of practical and strategic interest for naval applications. A noticeable area of advancement is the computation of turbulent, two-phase flows resulting from wave breaking and other multiphase flow processes such as cavitation that can generate underwater sound and entrain bubbles in ship wakes, among other effects. Although advanced flow solvers are sophisticated and are capable of simulating high Reynolds number flows on large numbers of grid points, challenges in data analysis remain. Specifically, there is a critical need to transform highly resolved flow fields described on fine grids at discrete time steps into physically resolved features for which the flow dynamics can be understood and utilized in naval applications. This paper presents our recent efforts in this field. In previous works, we developed a novel algorithm to track bubbles in breaking wave simulations and to interpret their dynamical behavior over time (Gao et al., 2021a). We also discovered a new physical mechanism driving bubble production within breaking wave crests (Gao et al., 2021b) and developed a model to relate bubble behaviors to underwater sound generation (Gao et al., 2021c). In this work, we applied our bubble tracking algorithm to the breaking waves simulations and investigated the bubble trajectories, bubble creation mechanisms, and bubble acoustics based on our previous works.
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Skeleton-based Motion Capture (MoCap) systems have been widely used in the game and film industry for mimicking complex human actions for a long time. MoCap data has also proved its effectiveness in human activity recognition tasks. However, it is a quite challenging task for smaller datasets. The lack of such data for industrial activities further adds to the difficulties. In this work, we have proposed an ensemble-based machine learning methodology that is targeted to work better on MoCap datasets. The experiments have been performed on the MoCap data given in the Bento Packaging Activity Recognition Challenge 2021. Bento is a Japanese word that resembles lunch-box. Upon processing the raw MoCap data at first, we have achieved an astonishing accuracy of 98% on 10-fold Cross-Validation and 82% on Leave-One-Out-Cross-Validation by using the proposed ensemble model.
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The increasing reliance on online communities for healthcare information by patients and caregivers has led to the increase in the spread of misinformation, or subjective, anecdotal and inaccurate or non-specific recommendations, which, if acted on, could cause serious harm to the patients. Hence, there is an urgent need to connect users with accurate and tailored health information in a timely manner to prevent such harm. This paper proposes an innovative approach to suggesting reliable information to participants in online communities as they move through different stages in their disease or treatment. We hypothesize that patients with similar histories of disease progression or course of treatment would have similar information needs at comparable stages. Specifically, we pose the problem of predicting topic tags or keywords that describe the future information needs of users based on their profiles, traces of their online interactions within the community (past posts, replies) and the profiles and traces of online interactions of other users with similar profiles and similar traces of past interaction with the target users. The result is a variant of the collaborative information filtering or recommendation system tailored to the needs of users of online health communities. We report results of our experiments on an expert curated data set which demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach over the state of the art baselines with respect to accurate and timely prediction of topic tags (and hence information sources of interest).
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在本文中,我们介绍了基于差异驱动器快照机器人和模拟的用户研究的基于倾斜的控制的实现,目的是将相同的功能带入真正的远程介绍机器人。参与者使用平衡板来控制机器人,并通过头部安装的显示器查看了虚拟环境。使用平衡板作为控制装置的主要动机源于虚拟现实(VR)疾病;即使是您自己的身体与屏幕上看到的动作相匹配的小动作也降低了视力和前庭器官之间的感觉冲突,这是大多数关于VR疾病发作的理论的核心。为了检验平衡委员会作为控制方法的假设比使用操纵杆要少可恶意,我们设计了一个用户研究(n = 32,15名女性),参与者在虚拟环境中驾驶模拟差异驱动器机器人, Nintendo Wii平衡板或操纵杆。但是,我们的预注册的主要假设不得到支持。操纵杆并没有使参与者引起更多的VR疾病,而委员会在统计学上的主观和客观性上都更加难以使用。分析开放式问题表明这些结果可能是有联系的,这意味着使用的困难似乎会影响疾病。即使在测试之前的无限训练时间也没有像熟悉的操纵杆那样容易使用。因此,使董事会更易于使用是启用其潜力的关键。我们为这个目标提供了一些可能性。
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在本文中,考虑了与人共享环境的机器人,并且可以在$ \ text {rrt}^\ text {x} $中利用的成本函数,这是一种基于随机抽样的算法,可以保证,保证渐近性最佳性,渐近性最佳性,(提出了安全的运动。成本函数是根据使用线性随机模型进行的人类运动预测的危险指数加权的路径长度,假设持续的纵向速度和横向速度变化,以及基于GMM/GMR的模型,在实验数据集上计算出基于GMM/GMR的模型人类轨迹。使用在现实世界中收集的人类轨迹的数据集对所提出的方法进行了验证。
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