The existing methods for video anomaly detection mostly utilize videos containing identifiable facial and appearance-based features. The use of videos with identifiable faces raises privacy concerns, especially when used in a hospital or community-based setting. Appearance-based features can also be sensitive to pixel-based noise, straining the anomaly detection methods to model the changes in the background and making it difficult to focus on the actions of humans in the foreground. Structural information in the form of skeletons describing the human motion in the videos is privacy-protecting and can overcome some of the problems posed by appearance-based features. In this paper, we present a survey of privacy-protecting deep learning anomaly detection methods using skeletons extracted from videos. We present a novel taxonomy of algorithms based on the various learning approaches. We conclude that skeleton-based approaches for anomaly detection can be a plausible privacy-protecting alternative for video anomaly detection. Lastly, we identify major open research questions and provide guidelines to address them.
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People living with dementia often exhibit behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia that can put their and others' safety at risk. Existing video surveillance systems in long-term care facilities can be used to monitor such behaviours of risk to alert the staff to prevent potential injuries or death in some cases. However, these behaviours of risk events are heterogeneous and infrequent in comparison to normal events. Moreover, analyzing raw videos can also raise privacy concerns. In this paper, we present two novel privacy-protecting video-based anomaly detection approaches to detect behaviours of risks in people with dementia. We either extracted body pose information as skeletons and use semantic segmentation masks to replace multiple humans in the scene with their semantic boundaries. Our work differs from most existing approaches for video anomaly detection that focus on appearance-based features, which can put the privacy of a person at risk and is also susceptible to pixel-based noise, including illumination and viewing direction. We used anonymized videos of normal activities to train customized spatio-temporal convolutional autoencoders and identify behaviours of risk as anomalies. We show our results on a real-world study conducted in a dementia care unit with patients with dementia, containing approximately 21 hours of normal activities data for training and 9 hours of data containing normal and behaviours of risk events for testing. We compared our approaches with the original RGB videos and obtained an equivalent area under the receiver operating characteristic curve performance of 0.807 for the skeleton-based approach and 0.823 for the segmentation mask-based approach. This is one of the first studies to incorporate privacy for the detection of behaviours of risks in people with dementia.
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Real-world datasets exhibit imbalances of varying types and degrees. Several techniques based on re-weighting and margin adjustment of loss are often used to enhance the performance of neural networks, particularly on minority classes. In this work, we analyze the class-imbalanced learning problem by examining the loss landscape of neural networks trained with re-weighting and margin-based techniques. Specifically, we examine the spectral density of Hessian of class-wise loss, through which we observe that the network weights converge to a saddle point in the loss landscapes of minority classes. Following this observation, we also find that optimization methods designed to escape from saddle points can be effectively used to improve generalization on minority classes. We further theoretically and empirically demonstrate that Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM), a recent technique that encourages convergence to a flat minima, can be effectively used to escape saddle points for minority classes. Using SAM results in a 6.2\% increase in accuracy on the minority classes over the state-of-the-art Vector Scaling Loss, leading to an overall average increase of 4\% across imbalanced datasets. The code is available at:
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This paper aims to provide an unsupervised modelling approach that allows for a more flexible representation of text embeddings. It jointly encodes the words and the paragraphs as individual matrices of arbitrary column dimension with unit Frobenius norm. The representation is also linguistically motivated with the introduction of a novel similarity metric. The proposed modelling and the novel similarity metric exploits the matrix structure of embeddings. We then go on to show that the same matrices can be reshaped into vectors of unit norm and transform our problem into an optimization problem over the spherical manifold. We exploit manifold optimization to efficiently train the matrix embeddings. We also quantitatively verify the quality of our text embeddings by showing that they demonstrate improved results in document classification, document clustering, and semantic textual similarity benchmark tests.
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Damage to the inferior frontal gyrus (Broca's area) can cause agrammatic aphasia wherein patients, although able to comprehend, lack the ability to form complete sentences. This inability leads to communication gaps which cause difficulties in their daily lives. The usage of assistive devices can help in mitigating these issues and enable the patients to communicate effectively. However, due to lack of large scale studies of linguistic deficits in aphasia, research on such assistive technology is relatively limited. In this work, we present two contributions that aim to re-initiate research and development in this field. Firstly, we propose a model that uses linguistic features from small scale studies on aphasia patients and generates large scale datasets of synthetic aphasic utterances from grammatically correct datasets. We show that the mean length of utterance, the noun/verb ratio, and the simple/complex sentence ratio of our synthetic datasets correspond to the reported features of aphasic speech. Further, we demonstrate how the synthetic datasets may be utilized to develop assistive devices for aphasia patients. The pre-trained T5 transformer is fine-tuned using the generated dataset to suggest 5 corrected sentences given an aphasic utterance as input. We evaluate the efficacy of the T5 model using the BLEU and cosine semantic similarity scores. Affirming results with BLEU score of 0.827/1.00 and semantic similarity of 0.904/1.00 were obtained. These results provide a strong foundation for the concept that a synthetic dataset based on small scale studies on aphasia can be used to develop effective assistive technology.
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Smart Sensing提供了一种更轻松,方便的数据驱动机制,用于在建筑环境中监视和控制。建筑环境中生成的数据对隐私敏感且有限。 Federated Learning是一个新兴的范式,可在多个参与者之间提供隐私的合作,以进行模型培训,而无需共享私人和有限的数据。参与者数据集中的嘈杂标签降低了表现,并增加了联合学习收敛的通信巡回赛数量。如此大的沟通回合需要更多的时间和精力来训练模型。在本文中,我们提出了一种联合学习方法,以抑制每个参与者数据集中嘈杂标签的不平等分布。该方法首先估计每个参与者数据集的噪声比,并使用服务器数据集将噪声比归一化。所提出的方法可以处理服务器数据集中的偏差,并最大程度地减少其对参与者数据集的影响。接下来,我们使用每个参与者的归一化噪声比和影响来计算参与者的最佳加权贡献。我们进一步得出表达式,以估计提出方法收敛所需的通信回合数。最后,实验结果证明了拟议方法对现有技术的有效性,从交流回合和在建筑环境中实现了性能。
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基于决策树(DT)的分类和回归思想,最近提议在总体分类和回归任务中提供更高的性能。以更高的计算复杂性为代价,达到了其性能的改进。在这项工作中,我们研究了两种加速SLM的方法。首先,我们采用粒子群优化(PSO)算法来加快对当前尺寸的线性组合表示的判别尺寸的搜索。线性组合中最佳权重的搜索在计算上很重。它是通过原始SLM中的概率搜索来完成的。 PSO的SLM加速需要减少10-20倍的迭代。其次,我们利用SLM实施中的并行处理。实验结果表明,加速的SLM方法在训练时间中达到577的速度系数,同时保持原始SLM的可比分类/回归性能。
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在本文中,我们通过推断在歧管上的迭代来提出一种简单的加速度方案,用于利曼梯度方法。我们显示何时从Riemannian梯度下降法生成迭代元素,加速方案是渐近地达到最佳收敛速率,并且比最近提出的Riemannian Nesterov加速梯度方法在计算上更有利。我们的实验验证了新型加速策略的实际好处。
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当真实数据有限,收集昂贵或由于隐私问题而无法使用时,合成表格数据生成至关重要。但是,生成高质量的合成数据具有挑战性。已经提出了几种基于概率,统计和生成的对抗网络(GAN)方法,用于合成表格数据生成。一旦生成,评估合成数据的质量就非常具有挑战性。文献中已经使用了一些传统指标,但缺乏共同,健壮和单一指标。这使得很难正确比较不同合成表格数据生成方法的有效性。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的通用度量,tabsyndex,以对合成数据进行强有力的评估。 TABSYNDEX通过不同的组件分数评估合成数据与实际数据的相似性,这些分量分数评估了“高质量”合成数据所需的特征。作为单个评分度量,TABSYNDEX也可以用来观察和评估基于神经网络的方法的训练。这将有助于获得更早的见解。此外,我们提出了几种基线模型,用于与现有生成模型对拟议评估度量的比较分析。
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自动言论(POS)标记是许多自然语言处理(NLP)任务的预处理步骤,例如名称实体识别(NER),语音处理,信息提取,单词sense sisse disampigation和Machine Translation。它已经在英语和欧洲语言方面取得了令人鼓舞的结果,但是使用印度语言,尤其是在Odia语言中,由于缺乏支持工具,资源和语言形态丰富性,因此尚未得到很好的探索。不幸的是,我们无法为ODIA找到一个开源POS标记,并且仅尝试为ODIA语言开发POS标记器的尝试。这项研究工作的主要贡献是介绍有条件的随机场(CRF)和基于深度学习的方法(CNN和双向长期短期记忆)来开发ODIA的语音部分。我们使用了一个公开访问的语料库,并用印度标准局(BIS)标签设定了数据集。但是,全球的大多数语言都使用了带有通用依赖项(UD)标签集注释的数据集。因此,要保持统一性,odia数据集应使用相同的标签集。因此,我们已经构建了一个从BIS标签集到UD标签集的简单映射。我们对CRF模型进行了各种特征集输入,观察到构造特征集的影响。基于深度学习的模型包括BI-LSTM网络,CNN网络,CRF层,角色序列信息和预训练的单词向量。通过使用卷积神经网络(CNN)和BI-LSTM网络提取角色序列信息。实施了神经序列标记模型的六种不同组合,并研究了其性能指标。已经观察到具有字符序列特征和预训练的单词矢量的BI-LSTM模型取得了显着的最新结果。
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