尽管在治疗和结果之间存在未衡量的混杂因素,但前门标准可用于识别和计算因果关系。但是,关键假设 - (i)存在充分介导治疗对结果影响的变量(或一组变量)的存在,(ii)同时并不遭受类似的混淆问题的困扰 - outcome对 - 通常被认为是难以置信的。本文探讨了这些假设的可检验性。我们表明,在涉及辅助变量的轻度条件下,可以通过广义平等约束也可以测试前门模型中编码的假设(以及简单的扩展)。我们基于此观察结果提出了两个合适性测试,并评估我们对真实和合成数据的提议的疗效。我们还将理论和经验比较与仪器可变方法处理未衡量的混杂。
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In addition to its public health crisis, COVID-19 pandemic has led to the shutdown and closure of workplaces with an estimated total cost of more than $16 trillion. Given the long hours an average person spends in buildings and indoor environments, this research article proposes data-driven control strategies to design optimal indoor airflow to minimize the exposure of occupants to viral pathogens in built environments. A general control framework is put forward for designing an optimal velocity field and proximal policy optimization, a reinforcement learning algorithm is employed to solve the control problem in a data-driven fashion. The same framework is used for optimal placement of disinfectants to neutralize the viral pathogens as an alternative to the airflow design when the latter is practically infeasible or hard to implement. We show, via simulation experiments, that the control agent learns the optimal policy in both scenarios within a reasonable time. The proposed data-driven control framework in this study will have significant societal and economic benefits by setting the foundation for an improved methodology in designing case-specific infection control guidelines that can be realized by affordable ventilation devices and disinfectants.
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Understanding why a model makes certain predictions is crucial when adapting it for real world decision making. LIME is a popular model-agnostic feature attribution method for the tasks of classification and regression. However, the task of learning to rank in information retrieval is more complex in comparison with either classification or regression. In this work, we extend LIME to propose Rank-LIME, a model-agnostic, local, post-hoc linear feature attribution method for the task of learning to rank that generates explanations for ranked lists. We employ novel correlation-based perturbations, differentiable ranking loss functions and introduce new metrics to evaluate ranking based additive feature attribution models. We compare Rank-LIME with a variety of competing systems, with models trained on the MS MARCO datasets and observe that Rank-LIME outperforms existing explanation algorithms in terms of Model Fidelity and Explain-NDCG. With this we propose one of the first algorithms to generate additive feature attributions for explaining ranked lists.
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Despite significant advances, the performance of state-of-the-art continual learning approaches hinges on the unrealistic scenario of fully labeled data. In this paper, we tackle this challenge and propose an approach for continual semi-supervised learning -- a setting where not all the data samples are labeled. An underlying issue in this scenario is the model forgetting representations of unlabeled data and overfitting the labeled ones. We leverage the power of nearest-neighbor classifiers to non-linearly partition the feature space and learn a strong representation for the current task, as well as distill relevant information from previous tasks. We perform a thorough experimental evaluation and show that our method outperforms all the existing approaches by large margins, setting a strong state of the art on the continual semi-supervised learning paradigm. For example, on CIFAR100 we surpass several others even when using at least 30 times less supervision (0.8% vs. 25% of annotations).
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This paper presents miCSE, a mutual information-based Contrastive learning framework that significantly advances the state-of-the-art in few-shot sentence embedding. The proposed approach imposes alignment between the attention pattern of different views during contrastive learning. Learning sentence embeddings with miCSE entails enforcing the syntactic consistency across augmented views for every single sentence, making contrastive self-supervised learning more sample efficient. As a result, the proposed approach shows strong performance in the few-shot learning domain. While it achieves superior results compared to state-of-the-art methods on multiple benchmarks in few-shot learning, it is comparable in the full-shot scenario. The proposed approach is conceptually simple, easy to implement and optimize, yet empirically powerful. This study opens up avenues for efficient self-supervised learning methods that are more robust than current contrastive methods for sentence embedding.
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